💥So I think I FINALLY figured out the WHY behind FEB 13th as the KEY DATE for Bobby Kennedy Jr being sworn in as HHS Secretary😁😁‼️
💥Remember, his 'hearing' before the Senate was on JAN 29 (1 29) which of course is the Assassination timestamp (EST) of President Kennedy🎯🎯
💥Also, the Sub-Committee vote was on the FEB 4th or 24👉X in simple Commz👉President Kennedy's Limo 'nickname' 👉 X 100 or 124😁😁 Back to one of the 'COVERS' for JFK JR😂😂😂
💥Remember, Q Drop 124 is the 3...2...1 'plus signs'💯🙌 JFK JR's 'death' certificate number🔥🔥 According to TAV's handle: NOT 124 i.e. NOT DEAD‼️‼️
💥So, back to FEB 13th‼️ I went 'hunting' to see if President Kennedy had done anything on FEB 13th that was 'newsworthy' 👉 Couldn't find anything but I KNEW their was some sort of KENNEDY tie-in🤪🤪
💥When I went to the DAY OF THE YEAR for FEB 13th 👉 It hit me😂😂🙌 321 DAYS LEFT IN THE YEAR💯 JFK JR tie-in‼️