I’ve always tried my best to follow God’s will for my life. I pray daily for His guidance, asking Him to lead me in all my ways and help me share His truth with others. I’ve sacrificed countless hours away from my family to be here on Telegram, sharing what I believe is truth with all of you. In doing so, my family’s name has been dragged through the mud more times than I can count. I’ve been called every name under the sun, had my child attacked online for her looks, and my wife has been called cruel and inappropriate names. And for what? So people can turn on me the second I disagree with someone else’s behavior?
I’ve dedicated countless hours to researching various topics, including God’s Word, politics, Flat Earth, Freemasonry, Satanism, human trafficking, artificial intelligence, and so much more. I spend hours of my life watching every Trump speech, breaking down clips, and sharing them with you all here. I don’t get paid for any of this and I have never asked for a penny.
I do it because I love America and want a better future for my children and their children to come. I want a better future for all of you and your children.
And I say all of this not to boast, but to give context to the sacrifices I have made in the pursuit of sharing TRUTH.
To wrap up my point, after seeing the behavior yesterday on my channel, I spent a lot of time in prayer, asking God to show me what I was supposed to learn from it all. And I came to the realization that it is all just vanity.
Maybe it’s time for me to step away from Telegram for a while. It’s been a difficult decision, but one that I feel God is leading me to make.
Telegram has become a toxic platform, filled with much deception, including a large number of bots, shills, and AI accounts.
In no way am I saying I will stop sharing the truth and spreading the Word of God with others, but for now, that will no longer happen on Telegram. I will continue to share God’s message and the TRUTH on Truth Social, as I am still 100% in support of President Trump and his mission to restore America.
Although I feel that my feelings were completely disregarded in this situation, nor was I even granted the courtesy of a phone call beforehand, I still forgive Lin. And I forgive all of you.
God has protected me my whole life, and I know He always will. He has blessed me with more than I could have ever asked for. I know I don’t deserve any of it, but He gives it freely. We serve an incredible, merciful God, and for that, I will never quit on my mission of sharing the TRUTH.
I will continue to do my imperfect best every day to speak the TRUTH loudly and proudly. All Praise, Honor, and Glory goes to Almighty God.
As of now, I will be closing my chat channel but will leave the main channel up so that you’ll always have access to the research I’ve shared over the past several years.
I will continue praying for each one of you. I will continue praying for peace, protection, and love. We must learn to forgive others with love, just as Jesus forgave all of us when He died on the Cross for our sins.
God bless you all.
Please stay in touch.
I’ll still be around, but my focus will now shift to speaking the TRUTH on other platforms.