ALCON: Interestingly, i just received notification from one of my contract firms about "5051", mass organized protests at 50 State Capitols, in One Day tomorrow. We are being advised to watch for violence if we plan to attend one, etc....
Who is organizing these protests? What are they protesting? Who will attend? I know I don't need to tell you guys.
I started laughing my ass off. These useless, pathetic people.
I have I told you here that this was coming. Inevitable. Your own [usg] is terrified. They're busted. It's over, and they know it.
As we know, they need this to happen, and they don't give a rats ass who gets hurt or even killed, because our [cia/mossad] and [fbi] soybois will have their agitators there in force, to ensure these "protests" get violent.
NG and others are deployed. Stay away from these events, but if you have to be out, keep your heads on swivels. Maybe we get a two days early event.