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Augustus Invictus avatar
Augustus Invictus
Augustus Invictus avatar
Augustus Invictus
At the time of this post, this article says that Rob Rundo will be serving a prison sentence when Trump takes office.

They need to update the article, because Rundo just got time served.

Welcome back to the world, brother.

What about about Jewish involvement in the Bolshevik Revolution and the U.S. Communist movement? How will Governor DeSantis and the Florida Republicans allow those lessons after criminalizing anti-Semitism?

"Communism is bad! But don't look behind the curtain!"

Shortly after this broadcast, Rob Rundo was arrested on the street. His defense attorney had already arranged a self-surrender with the DOJ, which agreement they immediately disregarded. We will discuss the legal ramifications of Rundo's re-arrest in the next episode. In the meantime, this is the background of the case:

"The entire Albermarle County VA prosecutors’ office has just been forced to recuse for the appearance of bias, in the latest explosive development related to the 2017 Unite The Right torch demonstration."

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Blair Cottrell 🇦🇺 avatar
Blair Cottrell 🇦🇺
Study finds that giving men a single dose of testosterone (150mg) fully eliminated ‘prosocial’ behaviour.

‘Prosocial’ basically means to virtue-signal; to feign kindness in order to be admired or accepted.

Verdict: Men with the healthy testosterone levels will be more honest and are more likely to challenge social standards.
Last night I stayed late at the office to talk with IanMalcolm84 about the hero's journey, Catholicism, Yoga, LSD, Kaczynski & the problem of technology, ancient myths, the international order, lawfare, the Nuremberg Trials, what NOT to do in your 20s, and myriad other things.

Every leader should spend time in jail (1) so your people will stop being afraid of their own shadows, (2) because it is an historical right of passage for dissidents, and (3) because you have no right to talk about politics without sacrifice & hardship.

Last night I appeared on Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda to discuss the political prosecutions of the Order of the Black Sun in Orlando, the Rise Above Movement in Los Angeles, and Unite the Right in Charlottesville.

In our last episode of Crime & Punishment, we discussed the Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act of 2024, its analogs at the State level, past abuses of paramilitary training laws, and the dangers of this bill becoming law in the coming election season.

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Tucker Carlson Fans avatar
Tucker Carlson Fans
Ep. 65 - What the results in Iowa mean.

Subscribe: Tucker Carlson
Today I published the third and final part of The Confessions.

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Antelope Hill Publishing 🎄 avatar
Antelope Hill Publishing 🎄

The SPLC is not just a scam - it is a criminal organization that actively conspires to deprive US citizens of their first amendment rights. Their whole objective is to create a chilling effect on protected speech via doxxing. The new Attorney General should investigate them and all similar criminal organizations that have engaged in doxxing. Compensation from the SPLC's endowment fund should be paid to their victims.

18 U.S. Code § 241
In today's episode, we discussed the Liberal awakening to law as politics by another name, as well as updates in the case of Rob Rundo of the Rise Above Movement.

In today's episode of Crime & Punishment, we discussed political prosecutions past & present.

Christ Mass
I need a law student or lawyer interested in working as a legal research assistant for a book.

DM or InvictusPA@protonmail.com
Losing at trial is the first step toward taking a case to the United States Supreme Court and setting nationwide precedent.

Here, at this courthouse, where Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, & James Monroe all practiced law, is where it starts.

Making history, one day at a time.
When you think about it, sacrificing children to Moloch in ancient times was actually pretty tame compared to modern America.
Clear message to lawyers: Don't represent the wrong people, or you will be disbarred.

"The Texas military officials 'physically barred' U.S. border agents from entering the area and performing their roles of arresting people crossing the border illegally and providing humanitarian aid"

It's getting real out there.

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