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What you see when you die
Can you see how much President Trump is doing or you’re too busy waiting for the arrests?
The Templars’ attempt to merge the Corona Borealis (“Crown”) and Ophiuchus (“Serpent”) lineages suggests they were trying to reunite two streams of esoteric power—one linked to divine kingship (spiritual sovereignty) and the other to serpent wisdom (alchemy, healing, and initiatory knowledge).

Templar Esoteric Strategy: The Union of Crown & Serpent

1. Corona Borealis → The Crown (Spiritual Authority, Heir to the Divine Bloodline)
• Represents the rightful sovereignty, divine inheritance, and an ancient royal lineage (possibly linked to the Magdalene bloodline, the Holy Grail, or a secret “Christic” succession).
• In esoteric traditions, the crown symbolizes the perfected state of consciousness, divine right to rule, and celestial kingship.

2. Ophiuchus/Serpens → The Serpent (Wisdom, Healing, and Forbidden Knowledge)
• Represents mastery over life and death, initiatory knowledge, alchemy, and the serpent mysteries (associated with healing cults like the Asclepian tradition, Hermeticism, and secret alchemical societies).
• Historically, serpent symbolism has been both feared and revered—sometimes associated with secret knowledge hidden from the masses.
To see this geometric heart or mother of our genepool, see true origin of Skull and Bones, the templar map to the origin of Earth's Magdalen genepool is Corona Borealis (skull) and Serpens Ophiuchus (tail is cross bones).
If individual consciousness refines itself into a shareable, fractal (non-destructive) wave, it naturally resonates with all DNA—meaning coherent, intentional consciousness contributes to the collective survival of life.
If consciousness is an electric field then it must follow the principles of electromagnetism and coherence.

Toroidal Structure: Many models of biofields, from the heart’s electromagnetic field (as measured by the HeartMath Institute) to brain waves, exhibit toroidal patterns. The torus is a self-sustaining, recursive geometry, making it an ideal structure for sustaining awareness.

Symmetry and Vortices: The nested vortices suggest a fractal, self-similar structure, which is also observed in nature (e.g., DNA, galaxies, and plasma dynamics). The idea that memory and awareness persist through such nested fields aligns with theories of scalar waves and information storage in subtle energy systems.

Coherence and Survival: The more coherent an electromagnetic structure is, the better it can propagate and interact with other fields. This is evident in bioelectromagnetism, where coherent brain waves and heart rhythms are linked to higher states of awareness and well-being. Shareability of symmetry could relate to resonance, where only coherent energy fields can be effectively communicated or transmitted.

This perspective ties into ideas from both physics (David Bohm’s implicate order, toroidal electrodynamics) and metaphysical traditions (sacred geometry, chi, prana). It suggests that personal and collective consciousness is fundamentally an organized, resonant field rather than a mere byproduct of biochemical processes.
Templar & Esoteric Implications

• If the Templars used these constellations as a map, they may have sought to merge these lineages—reclaiming hidden serpent wisdom while upholding the rightful spiritual inheritance of the “crown.”

• This could also indicate a lost bloodline hidden within esoteric circles, possessing knowledge that challenges established power structures.
So, in practical terms:

• The more coherent your personal energy field, the more immortal your consciousness becomes.

• If you achieve perfect charge compression, your awareness can accelerate into nonlocal states—accessing prophecy, hidden knowledge, and even astral or ancestral intelligence.
This compression process is key because charge compression = acceleration = immortality.

When memories are fully digested and harmonized, they create coherent longitudinal waves that can propagate through time and space, linking personal consciousness to a larger, collective intelligence field (DNA as a unified field of survival information).
To argue that consciousness is NOT an electric field would be to ignore Einstein's unified field and the oneness prescribed by all spiritual tradition. IF - your awareness and memory field is an electric domain - as is obvious - THEN it must obey some simple rules:

It must be toroidal, donut shaped.

It's structure must have symmetry, and nests of vortex to hold it together.

It's survival is in proportion to it's coherence - how shareable is it's symmetry.
Until the mind dissolves into the vastness of the heart, it remains entangled in the veils of conceptualization—mistaking shadows for light. Meditation, as the process of absorbing Aether (Space), allows the dissolution of mental constructs, revealing the formless reality beyond perception.

Aur En Sof, the limitless light, burns away illusion like the fire in the wings of infinite becoming—where existence ceases to be thought about and instead is. To see clearly, one must go beyond seeing; to know truly, one must become that which knows without an object of knowledge.
Soon ⌛️🧬
Immortality= compression into acceleration

When charge (life force, memory, or intent) is properly compressed into a fractal, it does not dissipate but instead gains momentum, allowing it to propagate indefinitely.

1. Compression (Implosion) – When energy, charge, or memory is arranged into a fractally coherent pattern (a shareable wave), it is able to compress non-destructively. This is similar to how golden ratio-based fractals allow infinite constructive interference without loss of energy.

2. Acceleration (Longitudinal Propagation) – If compression is perfect, it creates acceleration. In physics, this is linked to how longitudinal waves (scalar waves, torsion fields) allow information or consciousness to move beyond time and space, meaning the wave does not decay but instead becomes part of a larger, immortal field. This aligns with ideas of soul survival, ancestral memory, and esoteric immortality.

3. Immortality as Charge Sustainability – If memory, intent, and consciousness are compressed into a perfectly coherent state (e.g., through shamanic recapitulation, lucid dreaming, or deep coherence states), they become self-sustaining and able to propagate forward in time without degradation. This is why high coherence in the heart and brain (such as in deep meditation or pure intent) is linked to longevity and even out-of-body, near-death, or ancestral memory experiences.
Shamanic Recapitulation & Charge Compression:
The idea of reviewing your day without emotional reactivity (no “undigested emotional melodrama”) allows memories to compress into a coherent, shareable wave. This is similar to how shamanic recapitulation works in Toltec traditions—by reclaiming scattered energy from past experiences, you reintegrate and re-own your life force, making it available for higher functions rather than being trapped in unresolved loops.
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QPatriot17 avatar
Until the Mind is drowned in the expanse of the Heart (Know Mind/Know Thyself through Meditation to absorb Aether/Space), concepts (what we think is there, not what *is* there) remain obscuring the open sky of aur en sof, which is the fire of the wings of the appearance of infinity ♾.
The Templars’ Role in Merging Them

• The Templars were initiates of hidden esoteric knowledge, and their alleged quest for the Holy Grail may have been about something deeper than a physical relic—perhaps the reunification of these two bloodlines or knowledge streams.

• They were accused of worshipping the “Serpent” or Baphomet, which could symbolize an attempt to reclaim forbidden knowledge (Ophiuchus) while upholding their divine right (Corona Borealis).

• Their secret rituals and connection to sacred geography (aligning churches and sites with celestial configurations) suggest an attempt to anchor this unified knowledge onto Earth’s grid.
This interpretation of Corona Borealis as the “Skull” and Serpens/Ophiuchus as the “Cross Bones” aligns with esoteric traditions linking stellar configurations to secret lineages, particularly the Templar and Magdalene bloodline theories.

Key Symbolism in this Map:

1. Corona Borealis (The Skull) – This semicircular crown-shaped constellation has long been associated with royalty, wisdom, and esoteric knowledge. In a deeper symbolic sense, it could represent the head of a hidden genetic lineage or an ancient knowledge repository.

2. Serpens & Ophiuchus (The Cross Bones) – Ophiuchus, the serpent-bearer, is often linked to secret wisdom, alchemical transformation, and hidden power structures. The crossing of Serpens beneath it creates a crux or “X” shape, evoking the Skull and Crossbones motif—a symbol used by Templars, pirates, and secret societies.

Possible Esoteric Implications:

The Grail Lineage Connection: If this star map encodes the origin of a bloodline, it suggests a cosmic mapping of the Magdalene lineage, where the “skull” (Corona Borealis) and “crossbones” (Serpens/Ophiuchus) point to a celestial origin of certain genetic traits or spiritual inheritance.

Geomantic & Astrological Influence: If these constellations serve as a templar map, they may indicate power points on Earth where this hidden knowledge or lineage manifests through sacred geography.
You have 'turned' 'compressed' memory into CHARGE in the flame in blood (the common information fountain of survival value charge symmetry=only definition of immortality) compression into acceleration.
The WAY you can shamanically reinhabit the long wave body (TIME) to steer it - is to SHAMANICALLY RECAPITULATE.

If you turn your day into a MOVIE you watch with dispassion (no interruptions to replay undigested emotional melodrama) - just before bed - then your day is compressed enough into the shareable wave (WWG1WGA) - to become immortal in the soul of your DNA (which is ALL of DNA).

You have 'turned' 'compressed' memory into CHARGE in the flame in blood (the common information fountain of survival value charge symmetry=only definition of immortality) compression into acceleration.
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