We're completing a 4,500km (2,800 mile) journey around the south-eastern coast of Australia, covering large-scale regenerative farmers, zero-point energy inventors, and groups of people that we call "Seeds of Change" - which is also the title of the documentary I'm making about all of this!
We're driving a car given to us by someone we only met a month ago (who said "God told me to give you this car), and fuel money given to us by supporters like You!
Though I'm presently blocked from accessing Telegram, Scott Ring (our partner since 2017) is able to get these messages out to you.
The attached image is an event near Ballina, NSW where a "transitional technology" called a "thunderstorm generator" was shared publicly, and members of the local community had built their own (since the inventor open-sourced it all), and inventors from the surrounding communities came together and were tinkering with the device until well after midnight - WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!