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Occult of Personality

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Папулярныя публікацыі Occult of Personality

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The primary goal of alchemy is to bring all things, especially humanity, to their preordained state of perfection. To that end, alchemical theory states that eternal wisdom remains dormant in humanity so long as a mundane state of ignorance and superficiality exists. The objective of alchemy is the uncovering of this inner wisdom, and the removal of veils and obstacles between the mind and its intrinsically pure divine source.

Israel Regardie, The Philosopher’s Stone: Spiritual Alchemy, Psychology, and Ritual Magic
"It is written that the wise man understands the order of the stars and the laws of creation, while the ignorant remain blind to these truths. Through careful study and meditation, one may reach the higher spheres of knowledge and uncover the hidden principles that govern all things. This knowledge, however, must be used with great care, for those who seek power without wisdom will bring ruin upon themselves.

The great sages of old, from whom we have inherited these teachings, knew well the dangers of misuse. They warned that only those pure in heart and mind should attempt to grasp these mysteries. Therefore, we must approach this study with humility and a desire for truth, not out of selfish ambition.

The power that governs the universe is beyond human comprehension, yet glimpses of its workings can be seen by those who seek with an open heart. The wise understand that true knowledge is not found in external riches or fleeting pleasures, but in the harmony of the soul with the divine order. This is the path to enlightenment, and only those who walk it with sincerity will find the truth they seek."

~ ZOROASTER der Jüden und Raby CLAVIS ARTIS, c. 1761
"I begin to understand that silence does not come because I seek to become silent. It comes when the mind sees the process of thought and its conditioning by the known. For this it must observe as one watches a beloved child, without comparing or condemning. One observes in order to understand. It is only when I know this conditioning that silence and tranquility are sought not for security but for the freedom to receive the unknown, the truth. Then the mind becomes very quiet. This opens the door to a state that is reality, with immense possibilities. The mind is no longer an observer of the unknown. It is the unknown itself."

~ Jeanne de Salzmann, The Reality of Being
Hammers of Nisargardatta Maharaj
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Magical work involves change and creation. And the subject of the magician’s work is the self. The magician is the focus of his or her own alchemical processes. By adapting one’s personal vision to reflect the macrocosm, we can change ourselves to better reflect those divine ideas. We may alter our body, appearance, the chemical composition of our blood, and the configuration of our nervous system. We may tame the feral beasts that dwell within our organic structure. By changing ourselves to resonate with the divine, we may transmute every portion of ourselves and become as purified vessels for the eternal spirit.

Israel Regardie, The Middle Pillar
"Love is not an exclusive relationship with another person; love is the quality that arises when we are in contact with our inner being, with our authentic self, with the meditative quality within, with the inner silence and emptiness.

"This inner emptiness is experienced by others and is expressed on the outside as love.

"This love is not addressed to a specific person; it is a presence and quality that surrounds a person like a fragrance."

~ Swami Dhyan Giten
"For silence is not God, nor speaking;
fasting is not God, nor eating;
solitude is not God, nor company;
nor any other pair of opposites.
He is hidden between them,
and cannot be found by anything your soul does,
but only by the love of your heart.
He cannot be known by reason,
he cannot be thought, caught,
or sought by understanding."

~ The Cloud of unknowing


"The Cloud of Unknowing (Middle English: The Cloude of Unknowyng) is an anonymous work of Christian mysticismwritten in Middle English in the latter half of the 14th century. The text is a spiritual guide on contemplative prayer. The underlying message of this work suggests that the way to know God is to abandon consideration of God's particular activities and attributes, and be courageous enough to surrender one's mind and ego to the realm of "unknowing", at which point one may begin to glimpse the nature of God."


Image: The first page of the manuscript..
"The human body is an alchemical athanor for those who have become familiar with the occult truth, like a pot in which the earthly aspirations by which an ordinary mortal lives are digested and boiled. In the human body, which contains analogues of everything that is present in nature in all its fourfoldness, there is an instrument for the highest purification of the four elements themselves, so that you can gradually achieve a higher state."

~ Giuliano Kremmerz, Corpus philosophorum totius magiae
“I wish the result of my weakness to become my own strength.”

~ G. I. Gurdjieff


"In connection with Sunday's exercise, I wonder if it isn't a question of sex which prevents me from doing it well?"


"Don't philosophize. For you especially, I give an exercise.
Each time you feel the beginning of weakness, relax and then think seriously:

“I wish the result of my weakness to become my own strength.”

"This will accumulate in you for your future work. Each man knows which weakness he has in him. Each time this weakness appears in you, stop yourself and do this exercise. It is a very necessary exercise for you. You will talk about it sincerely one day with Mme de Salzmann."
“And the essential tool to Know Thyself is simple self-observation. Buddha calls it watching. Krishna calls it meditation. Jesus calls it witnessing. Mr. Gurdjieff calls it self-observation. It is a form of prayer without words. It is meditation in action. Unless and until I come to know myself, I am driven by habits which I do not see and over which I have no control; I am a machine, an automaton, a robot moving in circles, constantly repeating myself.”

~ Red Hawk, Self Observation
"In all books, both understanding and acting are required. Authority alone is not sufficient unless the mind of the reader is enlightened. Thus, the wise are distinguished from the foolish, not only by their words but also by their deeds. Those who merely possess knowledge without applying it are like trees bearing leaves but no fruit.

"Many have written before us, and we should heed their wisdom, yet not blindly follow without reason. True understanding comes not only from hearing but from deep contemplation and experience. Those who seek wisdom must approach with humility, for knowledge without virtue leads to arrogance.

"Thus, let the reader take heed: wisdom is not given to those who seek it for pride, but to those who seek it with a sincere heart.

"The work of wisdom is best demonstrated through examples. The great laws and the sacred ark are not merely historical relics but symbols of the divine path. The way is not closed to those who seek it with pure intent. Gregory the Great says: "God bestows knowledge upon those who strive for it."

"The ark represents the house of wisdom, the sacred temple where divine truth is revealed. The entire scripture speaks in parables, and those who have understanding will discern the deeper meanings. The work of the Son of God is not hidden, but it is granted only to those who seek with an open heart.

"Just as a farmer prepares the soil before planting, so must a seeker of wisdom cultivate the mind. The wise do not store knowledge for themselves alone but share it like a harvest meant to nourish many.

"A stone is placed as a foundation, firm and unshakable, and upon it, all wisdom is built. But those who build without understanding construct only fragile houses. See how many wander without direction, living in ignorance, thinking themselves wise while rejecting true knowledge.

"Observe carefully and discern the hidden wisdom, for it is not revealed to those who are careless in their search. The mysteries are made known to those who reflect and contemplate deeply. Some speak without knowledge, others pretend to understand but deceive themselves. True wisdom is not in empty words but in actions aligned with divine truth.

"Some speak eloquently but lack wisdom; others, though simple in words, reveal profound truth. Judge not by appearance alone but by the spirit in which words are spoken. For some speak in the manner of pagans, while others, though unpolished, speak with the wisdom of the prophets.

Thus concludes this passage."

~ MS. Rh. 172, Aurora consurgens, fifteenth century
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Dharma - The Way Things Are avatar
Dharma - The Way Things Are
Meditation is an instrument of Spiritual Practice. It is not done to achieve states or experiences such as seeing light. All these experiences are only pillars on the Path.

All Spiritual Practice, as a whole, is done for liberation from karma, from the darkened workings of the mind.

The result of correct Spiritual Practice is a DIRECT KNOWLEDGE of what everything is. It is a direct vision of all 12 stages of the Law of Conditioned Emergence. It is a direct understanding and seeing of the 4 Noble Truths. All of this is accompanied by a DIRECT KNOWLEDGE of how CONSCIENCE works, how the Universe arises, how Worlds are created, and how the False Self is created.

All this does not arise in one moment but is revealed gradually.

At certain high stages, no questions arise. Because the answers come instantly. It is necessary to study the Teachings and conduct correct Spiritual practice. Then, consciousness will start to purify, and understanding will gradually begin to come.
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Tradition Publishing Co. avatar
Tradition Publishing Co.
The Theology of Arithmetic

Attributed to the neo-Pythagorean philosopher Iamblichus, this important sourcework discusses the mystical, mathematical and cosmological symbolism of the first ten numbers. The most complete work on number symbolism to survive from the ancient world, it remains indispensable for any student of Pythagorean thought, Neoplatonism, or numerology. This careful translation contains helpful footnotes, an extensive glossary, and bibliography, making it highly accessible to the modern reader.
"In its substance, its inner essence, everything is one: the One, Infinite Godhead. No single thing is independent; each exists only inasmuch as it is a phenomenon of the Eternal and Infinite Divine Power. But this Substance does not appear as a fixed Being, excluding all movement and multiplicity. It is the eternal creative activity, the acting force of nature, the cause of all things. The Godhead is the acting Cause - Natura Naturans - of all things; It relates to singular things as the power of thinking to singular concepts, but Its thinking is at the same time the creation of all reality.

"The aim of this creative activity is nothing less than the perfection of the universe itself, as the realisation of all the infinity of forms and images, the possibility of which is contained in the Divine Substance. Therefore the Divine Substance appears at one and the same time as the World Cause and the World Purpose; She is the Creative Spirit Whose thoughts are nature and reality. But only Spirit can create and build; it acts in things as an intrinsic Artist, as Idea and Creative Power at the same time. All nature breathes in this Divine Life, this inner animation. In the Infinite Substance, therefore, all separateness disappears, since It is everything, and cannot be anything in particular.

"Therefore, for us, whose concepts are formed on singular things, She is incomprehensible and inexplicable. But, at the same time, as the Whole remains unchanged in Its Essence, the life of singular things is a ceaseless change; thus nature is always in being, yet it is always ready and complete; the universe is perfect at every moment and can never be anything other than the infinite revelation of the Divine Prime Power. Singular things, on the contrary, are subject to a process of budding, growth, and withering; they originate in the most imperfect form, develop to the full bloom of their inner essence, and die again to a new imperfection in order to serve as the germ of new life for other things."

~ Giordano Bruno
“Become conscious of being conscious. Say or think “I am,” and add nothing to it. Be aware of the stillness that follows the “I am.” Sense your presence, the naked unveiled, unclothed beingness. It is untouched by young or old, rich or poor, good or bad, or any other attributes. It is the spacious womb of all creation, all form.”

~ Ramana Maharshi
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