the wandering wonderer dara o flaherty galway
the wandering wonderer
galway's gaelic norman representative.
political correspondent.
engineer, welder, mechanic.
galway's gaelic norman representative.
political correspondent.
engineer, welder, mechanic.
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Апошнія публікацыі ў групе "the wandering wonderer dara o flaherty galway"
another district court judge dead last month this is the third judge to die since the government took me to court for standing up the them gaslighting us about the fastest vaccine in history being not expeirment
they governemnt is lying
the fastest vaccine ever is an expeirment and
that expeirment is going really bad
may God rest marie's soul and may perpetual light shine upon her and all the faitfully departed
im not taking this
the natural order must be restored
they governemnt is lying
the fastest vaccine ever is an expeirment and
that expeirment is going really bad
may God rest marie's soul and may perpetual light shine upon her and all the faitfully departed
im not taking this
the natural order must be restored
globalists are using migrants as proxy soldiers and thats racist,
we need to keep our shit together and not get gaslit in discussion because thats a really difficult point to land
fuck getting into these narritives with them
if we land just that point over at every oppourtunity and over again until it is the accepted truth
it doesnt just work with the lies they get to repeat o er and over inside their narratives
it doesnt just work with lies
if you repeat the truth over and over again its the truth
if we climb into their narritives we give them the oppoutuntity to repeat lies over and over, if we sum their narritive up at the beginning with a slightly deeper fact, they pause and get gaslit and then just start talking over them like they do to us, when we go on the back foot
when we get in their narritives, we are on the back foot, we dont know the rules we dont even wanna know the rules so attacks can come from anywhere inside their narratives
slam their narritives shut and talk about our narritives
globaists are using migrants as proxy soldiers, thats racist
what are you going to do about it
yer not able to do anything about it because you're weak,
globalist are using migrants as proxy soldiers to attack our nation and you have no other ideas than cutting childrens mickeys off
ya fool ya
fuck off a way from before slap ya in the mouth ya snivelling little traitor shite
tell another child to cut his mickey off and knock yer fuckin teeth down yer throat and take my chances with the judge
its natural law and it was always every man for himself commie
talk like this to them instead of indulging in their childish dangerous narritives
be awkward
ya cant puck a tranny in the mouth
theyre mentally ill
there are reason you can puck a tranny advocate in the mouth, hes not a tranny thats not a hate crime
you would be suprised how understanding judges can be about pucks in the mouth
they see it all the time
there are no ideological crimes yet in ireland, so its comon assault or you were dead fucking right, sorry about the inconvenience, i appreciate you making yourself available to the court as it is so much more time consuming and uncooth when you have to dragged here, thank you good national you keep upholding the law let me worry about the acts of law
why not that?
cause theres no one in the court making the fucking point over and over again and the only evidence to the contrary is supplied by ngo's
their is price that has to paid and justifys imposing cost
if its not costing its still in the ideas phase
we need to keep our shit together and not get gaslit in discussion because thats a really difficult point to land
fuck getting into these narritives with them
if we land just that point over at every oppourtunity and over again until it is the accepted truth
it doesnt just work with the lies they get to repeat o er and over inside their narratives
it doesnt just work with lies
if you repeat the truth over and over again its the truth
if we climb into their narritives we give them the oppoutuntity to repeat lies over and over, if we sum their narritive up at the beginning with a slightly deeper fact, they pause and get gaslit and then just start talking over them like they do to us, when we go on the back foot
when we get in their narritives, we are on the back foot, we dont know the rules we dont even wanna know the rules so attacks can come from anywhere inside their narratives
slam their narritives shut and talk about our narritives
globaists are using migrants as proxy soldiers, thats racist
what are you going to do about it
yer not able to do anything about it because you're weak,
globalist are using migrants as proxy soldiers to attack our nation and you have no other ideas than cutting childrens mickeys off
ya fool ya
fuck off a way from before slap ya in the mouth ya snivelling little traitor shite
tell another child to cut his mickey off and knock yer fuckin teeth down yer throat and take my chances with the judge
its natural law and it was always every man for himself commie
talk like this to them instead of indulging in their childish dangerous narritives
be awkward
ya cant puck a tranny in the mouth
theyre mentally ill
there are reason you can puck a tranny advocate in the mouth, hes not a tranny thats not a hate crime
you would be suprised how understanding judges can be about pucks in the mouth
they see it all the time
there are no ideological crimes yet in ireland, so its comon assault or you were dead fucking right, sorry about the inconvenience, i appreciate you making yourself available to the court as it is so much more time consuming and uncooth when you have to dragged here, thank you good national you keep upholding the law let me worry about the acts of law
why not that?
cause theres no one in the court making the fucking point over and over again and the only evidence to the contrary is supplied by ngo's
their is price that has to paid and justifys imposing cost
if its not costing its still in the ideas phase
thats the scumbag free mason cop who was taking photographs of children outside the front of the dail to provoke their parents a couple years ago,
phillip should ask for disclosure of the garda's notes from their previous engagement, i bet the garda used phillips name to kiss arse with his superiors in the previous incident and thereby phillip can prove the garda already knew who he was and had allways intended to missuse the public order act to unlawfully interrupt phillips lawful business and then unlawfully imprison phillip,
thats called kidnapping garda and it carries a minimum 6 year sentence
phillip should also request the bail pack
corrupt cops often use the bail pack to tell lies about a defendant without the defendant ever knowing
thats perjury if the garda lied in the bail pack and its easy to prosecute these days
phillip should ask for disclosure of the garda's notes from their previous engagement, i bet the garda used phillips name to kiss arse with his superiors in the previous incident and thereby phillip can prove the garda already knew who he was and had allways intended to missuse the public order act to unlawfully interrupt phillips lawful business and then unlawfully imprison phillip,
thats called kidnapping garda and it carries a minimum 6 year sentence
phillip should also request the bail pack
corrupt cops often use the bail pack to tell lies about a defendant without the defendant ever knowing
thats perjury if the garda lied in the bail pack and its easy to prosecute these days
under section 8 the garda was required to issue a lawful instruction twice. he was required to issue the lawful instruction then explain the consequences of failing to comply with the lawful instruction allow phillip to process that information and then issue the lawful instruction again before he could be considered to approach the evidence to sustain an obstruction charge under secrion 8 of the public order act, the judge knew this and unlawfully jailed phillip
pursue a charge of unlwaful detention against the judge like wayne nash and the lads did a few years ago, they got big compensation 30 grand
the garda falsely used an incorrectly applied failure to comply with an instruction charge to issue a demand for phillips name, he needed a criminal cause to ask philip for his name and he did not have it because he failed to issue a lawfull instrction twice and the judge knew this too
dont take the suspended sentence phil go to jail you will be out before you know it and with a gigantic case against a judge
pursue a charge of unlwaful detention against the judge like wayne nash and the lads did a few years ago, they got big compensation 30 grand
the garda falsely used an incorrectly applied failure to comply with an instruction charge to issue a demand for phillips name, he needed a criminal cause to ask philip for his name and he did not have it because he failed to issue a lawfull instrction twice and the judge knew this too
dont take the suspended sentence phil go to jail you will be out before you know it and with a gigantic case against a judge
back on x give me a follow
certain judges in the usa give the appearance as though instruments of fraud
i cant see how any republican can impugn their vote by approving an instrument of fraud
they wont make djt an instrument of fraud,
they could try and maliciously charge him later on
fraud is a lethal charge
fraud vitiates everything
everthing is a big fucking word
and no body knows that better than a judge
they accept shutting down the governement over the deficit that funded the fraud
but the office of the president cant shut them down anyway for the fraud
its not taxes that fund the fraud its deficit
the taxes pay the bonds that made the deficits
if the product of any body's work is fraud they have to shut it down because we know they are going to say they didnt know it was happening and then thats why they were shut down because they didnt know the fraud that was going on this logical circle starts somewhere
what would you do to save a blind man walking off a cliff
those one or two judges are breaking a maxim of law and thats why the vast majority of judges run a million miles in the other direction when they see it, its fraud, toxic maculinity,
no ,
fraud thats fucking toxic
its nice how our ancestors kept the nation out of the fraud even if their taxes are wasted in criminal activity
i like that, thanks ancestors
thank God
i cant see how any republican can impugn their vote by approving an instrument of fraud
they wont make djt an instrument of fraud,
they could try and maliciously charge him later on
fraud is a lethal charge
fraud vitiates everything
everthing is a big fucking word
and no body knows that better than a judge
they accept shutting down the governement over the deficit that funded the fraud
but the office of the president cant shut them down anyway for the fraud
its not taxes that fund the fraud its deficit
the taxes pay the bonds that made the deficits
if the product of any body's work is fraud they have to shut it down because we know they are going to say they didnt know it was happening and then thats why they were shut down because they didnt know the fraud that was going on this logical circle starts somewhere
what would you do to save a blind man walking off a cliff
those one or two judges are breaking a maxim of law and thats why the vast majority of judges run a million miles in the other direction when they see it, its fraud, toxic maculinity,
no ,
fraud thats fucking toxic
its nice how our ancestors kept the nation out of the fraud even if their taxes are wasted in criminal activity
i like that, thanks ancestors
thank God
isn't it amazing how our governement were able to make a pandemic out of the flu but missed these safety signals completely and are still ignoring them.
well its either amazing or a criminal conspiracy by a bunch of murdering fucking criminals trying to cover up what they have done while they continue to slaughter the gullible
i suggest irish politicans start to carry the evidence of the pandemic and the evidence of the safety and effectivness of the vaccine that the used to lien on my inalienable rights around with them at all times,
if i approach you on the canvass for the exchange of that information and you act like a criminal and you dont have that evidence on you them i will act as though the evidence does not exist and i have a murderous criminal monster infront of me
have you fuckin got it
ya fuckin better
i've tried reporting these crimes over and over again to gardai i have the videos and they are refusing to provide the service they are employed by our nation for therefore our nation has no options but to ensure the law is respected and followed ourselves.
now detective kerrigan detectibe mc nulty are you going to explain why all these people are dying or am i
well its either amazing or a criminal conspiracy by a bunch of murdering fucking criminals trying to cover up what they have done while they continue to slaughter the gullible
i suggest irish politicans start to carry the evidence of the pandemic and the evidence of the safety and effectivness of the vaccine that the used to lien on my inalienable rights around with them at all times,
if i approach you on the canvass for the exchange of that information and you act like a criminal and you dont have that evidence on you them i will act as though the evidence does not exist and i have a murderous criminal monster infront of me
have you fuckin got it
ya fuckin better
i've tried reporting these crimes over and over again to gardai i have the videos and they are refusing to provide the service they are employed by our nation for therefore our nation has no options but to ensure the law is respected and followed ourselves.
now detective kerrigan detectibe mc nulty are you going to explain why all these people are dying or am i
i broke my taret of 4000 flyers today about 4300 done so far sould be able to break 5500 before tomorrow is done
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