Welcome to the official Tribal Active Club Arizona (TAC-AZ) channel! We welcome all agnostic and traditionalist Christian & Pagan men of all faiths. Building Tribe & Securing XlV Since 2022! Join or connect now! tac_arizona@proton.me
This weekend, the majority of the fellas attended the annual Polish Festival to support the culture and heritage of our Folk, along with members of the Tribal Arya Society.
Those who did not attend were sent to the gym for missing our Tribal outing.
Find yourself at home bored and without a friend circle, or looking to expand your network? Connect with us now!
See You There...
* REMEMBER to check our pinned messages for a general 101 of who and what we are!
@PatriotFrontUpdates » Activists held a protest in front of Herriman City Hall in Utah. The city has recently been affected by the cartel violence pouring over the southern border, and witness to a lackluster and tepid response from local officials.
🇺🇸 The protest carried the message of deporting all invaders to secure America's sovereignty, and affirming the historical truths of race and nationality as outlined by our forefathers. The entire action was peaceful and orderly, without substantial interactions with law enforcement.
🏹 See news coverage of the protest here, and here.
"Our models would understand that it is a mans actions and lifestyle that truly make him radical not how vulgar he can be on a podcast or the t shirt he wears. Our model does not perform actions for petty ego and heart emojis but for the greater good of his people and of the cause. His desire is not to always be at the center of attention but to be working part in the nationalist movement." -Will2Rise
With less than half the crew and a bit of blood spilled, the boys met up to get the heart rate up and throw gloves - further honing our sparring skills.
No gym or Tribe to train with? Want to learn practical self-defense skills? Join now to see if you have what it takes.
See You There...
* REMEMBER to check our pinned messages for a general 101 of who and what we are!
Exactly 82 years ago today, One of the bloodiest battles of the eastern front took place in Krasny Bor, St Petersburg. Spanish anti communist volunteers from División Azul (Blue Division) heavily outnumbered held the defensive lines and withheld the Soviet offensive from the siege of Leningrad
It’s reported around 5,000 Spanish and German troops held out against a Soviet offensive of 30,000+
As part of being traditionalists in this modern age, we must train our daughters to become little warriors as the average male will likely not come to her rescue should she be attacked.
Exactly 82 years ago today, One of the bloodiest battles of the eastern front took place in Krasny Bor, St Petersburg. Spanish anti communist volunteers from División Azul (Blue Division) heavily outnumbered held the defensive lines and withheld the Soviet offensive from the siege of Leningrad
It’s reported around 5,000 Spanish and German troops held out against a Soviet offensive of 30,000+
Welcome in the Spring with the spiritually rejuvenating and beautiful location of the 2nd annual Hyperboreafest!
The Tribal Arya Society welcomes all whom walk our path to commune with Folk, share stories, network, and participate in family-friendly activities such as hikes, exploration, and more!
If you are currently active and wish to participate in this much anticipated exclusive annual event, contact us now for more details!
*Don't hesitate! The deadline to RSVP is the 1st of March.
This week, some of the fellas met for some light PT; 1- mile run, pushups, and pull-ups. The rest of the evening was spent sparring and conducting striking techniques.
Aftercare found the fellas at a local establishment for much earned nourishment, followed by a few hours of talgaiting with drinks and lively conversation.
Have you found your purpose yet?
See You There...
* REMEMBER to check our pinned messages for a general 101 of who and what we are!
This weekend, the majority of the fellas attended the annual Polish Festival to support the culture and heritage of our Folk, along with members of the Tribal Arya Society.
Those who did not attend were sent to the gym for missing our Tribal outing.
Find yourself at home bored and without a friend circle, or looking to expand your network? Connect with us now!
See You There...
* REMEMBER to check our pinned messages for a general 101 of who and what we are!
@PatriotFrontUpdates » Activists held a protest in front of Herriman City Hall in Utah. The city has recently been affected by the cartel violence pouring over the southern border, and witness to a lackluster and tepid response from local officials.
🇺🇸 The protest carried the message of deporting all invaders to secure America's sovereignty, and affirming the historical truths of race and nationality as outlined by our forefathers. The entire action was peaceful and orderly, without substantial interactions with law enforcement.
🏹 See news coverage of the protest here, and here.
"Our models would understand that it is a mans actions and lifestyle that truly make him radical not how vulgar he can be on a podcast or the t shirt he wears. Our model does not perform actions for petty ego and heart emojis but for the greater good of his people and of the cause. His desire is not to always be at the center of attention but to be working part in the nationalist movement." -Will2Rise
Will2Rise is looking to expand our messaging. For years, even whispering our name could get you banished to the digital void, blacklisted and forgotten. Even now, mentioning Will2Rise in a private DM on Instagram is a one-way ticket to censorship. This isn’t just a glitch; it’s a testament to our values—a rare gem gleaming in a wasteland of nihilism, doomerism, and self-serving provocateurs.
We’re not here to stir the pot for some clickbait article. Our mission is to sculpt an irresistible counterculture, one that invites winners and dreamers to forge a better future for our people—not just a cacophony of rage and empty posts. We call on those who’ve been sparked by our message to help us break free from Telegram’s confines and reach the hearts and minds of our community.
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Націсніце «Пацвердзіць»
Комплексны аналіз тэлеграм-сеткіКомплексны аналіз тэлеграм-сеткі ў адным месцы для стратэгічнага планавання і развіцця.
Значок вертыфікацыіКаналы з ботам у спісе адміністратараў атрымліваюць значок вертыфікацыі на TGlist, павышаючы ўзровень даверу і прэстыжу сярод іншых каналаў.
Момантавыя абнаўленні і пашыраная аналітыкаМомантавыя абнаўленні інфармацыі пра канал і пашыраная аналітыка, якая дапамагае прымаць абгрунтаваныя бізнес-рашэнні.
Глыбокі аналіз аўдыторыіГлыбокі аналіз аўдыторыі для выяўлення ключавых інсайтаў і аптымізацыі кантэнту.
Зручнае кіраванне каналамЗручнае кіраванне каналам для эфектыўнага кантролю і маніторынгу актыўнасці.
Комплексны аналіз тэлеграм-сеткіКомплексны аналіз тэлеграм-сеткі ў адным месцы для стратэгічнага планавання і развіцця.
Значок вертыфікацыіКаналы з ботам у спісе адміністратараў атрымліваюць значок вертыфікацыі на TGlist, павышаючы ўзровень даверу і прэстыжу сярод іншых каналаў.
Момантавыя абнаўленні і пашыраная аналітыкаМомантавыя абнаўленні інфармацыі пра канал і пашыраная аналітыка, якая дапамагае прымаць абгрунтаваныя бізнес-рашэнні.
Глыбокі аналіз аўдыторыіГлыбокі аналіз аўдыторыі для выяўлення ключавых інсайтаў і аптымізацыі кантэнту.
Зручнае кіраванне каналамЗручнае кіраванне каналам для эфектыўнага кантролю і маніторынгу актыўнасці.
Комплексны аналіз тэлеграм-сеткіКомплексны аналіз тэлеграм-сеткі ў адным месцы для стратэгічнага планавання і развіцця.
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