Bishop Williamson on the Neo-Pagans
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Beacon of Truth
Devout Apostle of Our Lady and Her Rosary
True Son of Archbishop Lefebvre.
Devout Apostle of Our Lady and Her Rosary
True Son of Archbishop Lefebvre.
Пераслаў з:Bishop Williamson Archive

Bishop Williamson photo of his graduation in Cambridge university.
Many thanks to @mcspx_resistance (Instagram) for the photo!
Many thanks to @mcspx_resistance (Instagram) for the photo!
A very scandalous publication was released by the Superior General of the SSPX reflecting upon Bp. Williamson’s passing, amounting to a hit piece on a recently departed good Catholic.
The clear lack of charity amongst the leadership of the neo-SSPX (compared to the charity thankfully exhibited by many of its priests) is stark and disturbing.
They disprove the old Latin adage:
“De mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est“
"Of the dead nothing but good is to be spoken”
The clear lack of charity amongst the leadership of the neo-SSPX (compared to the charity thankfully exhibited by many of its priests) is stark and disturbing.
They disprove the old Latin adage:
“De mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est“
"Of the dead nothing but good is to be spoken”

“Confession is the gateway to heaven” - Bishop Williamson
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Bishop Richard Williamson died tonight at 11.23pm GMT. His final agony was only a matter of minutes.
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The Bishop continues to deteriorate slowly. One of the faithful with him, a Catholic nurse, has said that in all her time in such circumstances she has never seen anyone so peaceful and is convinced that this is down to all the prayers being offered up by so many all over the world, so please keep them up.
This is all true. I watched the sign of the cross attempt happen once: we finished the rosary and started saying the sign of the cross, and at that moment Bishop Williamson’s hand rose (it had never done this before) and so someone helped guide his hand to make the sign of the cross and his hand shortly came to rest
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There will be no more Eleison Comments or sermons posted.
The Bishop is completely unconscious after suffering a haemorrhage in his brain It's just a matter of time before he goes to his eternal reward.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for him.
The Bishop is completely unconscious after suffering a haemorrhage in his brain It's just a matter of time before he goes to his eternal reward.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for him.

Rest in peace Bishop Richard Nelson Williamson: you changed my life, helped bring me to the faith all those years ago, and continued to deepen it until your last breath. May God, to Whom you had consecrated your life, grant you His beatific vision.
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The Bishop's breathing has changed overnight and so he is now actively dying. It may just be a few hours left. It is in the hands of the Good Lord.
Report from the Facebook page:
Bishop Williamson has been rushed to the hospital. Please pray for him.
Bishop Williamson has been rushed to the hospital. Please pray for him.

While we pray for the repose of the soul of Bp Williamson, and celebrate a powerful new Intercessor for us in heaven, it must sadly be said that we should look to how others have responded to his death.
The silence from some is deafening. But even worse, from EMJ:
E Michael Jones used Bp Williamson to grow his brand while he was still alive, partaking in interviews with him. Now that the Bishop has passed, EMJ says he is damned.
What a two faced criminal.
The silence from some is deafening. But even worse, from EMJ:
E Michael Jones used Bp Williamson to grow his brand while he was still alive, partaking in interviews with him. Now that the Bishop has passed, EMJ says he is damned.
What a two faced criminal.
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The Bishop is still hanging on so please keep up all your prayers.
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The Bishop is still peaceful and his decline continues. He is not short of prayers around his bed as another priest has just arrived.
I had the honour of visiting Bishop Williamson today in the QEQM hospital today. The doctors estimate he is most likely to die within the next 24 hours, and even if he recovered, he would be in a vegetative state. We prayed the rosary around him, he again received extreme unction and mass was said in his room, both of which I had the privilege of participating in. Bishop Richard Nelson Williamson would and does want us to pray the rosary for him, so please do.
God bless you all
God bless you all

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