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Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
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they are spraying us like roaches in florida

i am sure other places too but the parasites are hammering florida again for whatever reasons


VOC - volatile organic compounds
- human volatolome

Skin VOCs are of great importance in numerous scientific, environmental, and medicinal fields. The human skin volatolome has been applied in search and rescue operations and human trafficking scenarios that rely on the detection of common VOCs, such as ketones and alcohols to identify individuals.

A  total of 822 unique VOCs associated with human skin were identified from the included studies.
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We Are The Tech
Objects that possess a similar handedness are said to be chiral (literally, "handed").

Those that do not are said to be achiral.

Gloves are chiral. (It is difficult, if not impossible, to place a right-hand glove on your left hand or a left-hand glove on your right hand.)

Mittens, however, are often achiral. (Either mitten can fit on either hand.)

Feet and shoes are both chiral, but socks are not.

Compounds that are optically active contain molecules that are chiral

Chirality is a property of a molecule that results from its structure.

Optical activity is a macroscopic property of a collection of these molecules that arises from the way they interact with light.

exact same. as soon as they started telling me in school about junk dna and no cures i was like nah.
that happened while the terrain vs germ theory cults battled it out for no reason.
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8000 Lies Channel avatar
8000 Lies Channel
This video is a masterpiece and documents people who have been complicit in crimes against humanity. All these journalists, scientists and politicians undeniably belong in the dock, as their behavior has caused immense harm to millions of people.

-olfactory fingerprint
-olfactory memory process

"Q. And does evil have a scent?

A. [Smiles]. Disease has a scent. And this is interesting, because many experiments are being conducted around this. The volatilome, for example: the molecules that you release through your breath. Each of us has a unique smell. This is called the olfactory fingerprint — our volatilome.

Q. And could this be used in criminology? If you don’t leave fingerprints, maybe you leave odors…

A. They’re studying whether they can detect the scent footprint of a person who has been in a certain place, yes. And there could be an olfactory fingerprint: another biomarker, like the iris of our eye. Because despite all the perfumes we carry on us, or the food we eat (because food changes the smell that you have, altering your own metabolism), you have a base smell that will never change, just like your fingerprint. This, of course, has many ethical problems."
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