Moments ago Doxbin was compromised.
A group named "Tooda" has taken credit for the compromise.
In summary, administrative staff from Doxbin got into a verbal altercation with members of Tooda. Doxbin administration accused a Tooda member of being a pedophile.
Tooda retaliated by compromising Doxbin.
Upon compromise of Doxbin, Tooda members did the following (in maybe different steps):
- Dumped every account
- Purged all accounts on the website
- Locked the administrative accounts
- Released Doxbin (alleged) administration PII
- Leaked a so-called "blacklist" — a collection of people who have allegedly paid to not have their information posted on Doxbin
Tooda has claimed online they intend to release the dumped details of Doxbin users. This document is believed to contain roughly 136,000 e-mails and usernames on Doxbin.
Additionally, Tooda has released photos of the Doxbin administrative panel. We have censored some of the content within the panel to protect the privacy of others.
Thank you to "Tongue /🔪", VXDB, and the dozen other people who spammed us online to notify us of the compromise.