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Foreman of the Germanic volunteers SS-Standartenführer Henk Feldmeijer and Knight’s Cross Bearer SS-Sturmmann Gerardus Mooyman, Netherlands March 28, 1943


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Sipo police (Sicherheitspolizei) non-commissioned officers discover a weapons cache.

Poland, Warsaw, November 1939

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ϟϟ soldiers taking the oath of allegiance in front of the Feldherrnhalle in Munich.

Munich, Germany, 9 November 1934

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On this day, the 23 year old Sturmführer SA Horst Wessel fell at the hands of the communist. He was not the first victim of street skirmishes with red terrorists, but was not the last. But it was he who was destined to become a symbol and personification of sacrifice in the name of the idea of ​​the National of Socialism and Fidelity to his ideals.
Sieg Heil ! ᛉᛣ

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"The Leibstandarte SS A/H Battalion parades past Adolf Hitler on his forty-ninth birthday.

Berlin, Germany, 20 april 1938.

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The Military Orchestra of the Führer Personal Protection Regiment “Leibstandart ϟϟ Adolf Hitler” performs a march in the garden of the old Reich Chancellery at the celebration of the birthday of Adolf Hitler.

Berlin, Germany, date unknown

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Heinrich Himmler lays a wreath in the Feldherrnhalle on the eleventh anniversary of the Munich Putsch. In the background is the Blood Banner held by Jakob Grimminger. A "Mahnmal" or martyrs' monument was erected on this spot, and every passerby who passed by was obliged to raise their hand as a sign of respect and remembrance. Two SS guards guarded the monument in perpetuity.

Munich, Germany, 9 november 1934

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Spanish Interior Minister Serrano Suñer and Heinrich Himmler during a visit to the Waffen SS "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler" at their barracks in Berlin-Lichterfelde.

Berlin, Germany, date unknown

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SS men prepare to set fire to a collection of posters and flags confiscated from Berlin communists.

Germany, Berlin, march 1933.

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👨Aryan power

Heinrich Himmler inspects Norwegian volunteers for the SS-Standart Nordland, February 9, 1941.

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Adolf Hitler and the Italian leader Benito Mussolini accept the greeting of the Honorary Guitstandart ϟϟ Adolf Hitler guard in front of Berghof.

Residence Berghof, Austria, date unknown

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🚩 Martin Bormann 🚩
The SS-VT Standarte "Deutschland" battalion marches past Adolf Hitler.

location unknown, 1937

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SS-man's in the official first variation of the SS uniform stand guard over their comrade Fritz Schulz, who died in street fighting in Berlin.

Germany, Berlin, August 1932.

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Christian Frederik von Schalburg, Danish officer, 2nd commander of the SS Volunteer Corps "Danmark" during training maneuvers in the Tresckow camp, May 1942.

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Amid a crowd, Adolf Hitler congratulates Karl Litzmann on his birthday.

Bio. Karl Litzmann

Germany, 1934
Original File

Adolf Hitler greets soldiers of the motorized infantry regiment "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler" somewhere between the Bzura and Vistula rivers, west of Warsaw, Poland.

Suburb of Warsaw, Poland, 1939

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The swearing-in of Danish SS volunteers of the Frikorps Danmark in Langenhorn, Hamburg, 1941.

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Soldiers of the SS Division Nord burn propaganda leaflets dropped by Soviet aircraft during the offensive on Kiestinki.

Russia, village Kiestinki, 8 Аugust 1941.

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