في هذه الليالي، ليس البرد شديدًا جدًّا فحسب، بل قاتل. فقد ارتقى ثلاثة أطفال الليلة بسببه، وهناك حالات أخرى في وضع خطير.
فهل يعد مؤمنًا من بات دافئًا وجاره إلى جنبه بردان وهو يعلم؟! وفي الحديث: "ما آمن بي من بات شبعانَ و جارُه جائعٌ إلى جنبِه و هو يعلم به" (أخرجه الطبراني).
In these nights, the cold is not just very severe, but deadly. Three children have passed away tonight due to it, and there are other cases in critical condition.
Is he considered a believer who sleeps warm while his neighbor next to him is cold, knowing about it?! And in the Hadith: 'He is not a believer who sleeps full while his neighbor next to him is hungry and he knows about it.' (Narrated by Al-Tabarani).