Hi [redacted], this one's for you.
"God promised to not flood the earth again. He didn't promise he wouldn't flood your room."
-form the leadership chat.
-form the leadership chat.

No, it's not "nothing ever happens"
"Nothing ever happens TO ME"
"Nothing ever happens TO ME"

This is why I said 12k/862k abortion cases was a conservative estimate.

Another Valentine's Day card that will certainly help you get a date this year
Every public education department is like this.
If I ever run into a certain couple of teachers from my past, I might wind up having to attend VLP livestreams from an actual prison.
If I ever run into a certain couple of teachers from my past, I might wind up having to attend VLP livestreams from an actual prison.
"You wouldn't download a car!" I WOULD IF I COULD
(Also for the record a lot of danger that comes with pregnancies result from unhealthy lifestyles pre-pregnancy and are not fixed by butchering your child in a sacrifice to m*loch: They are solved by fixing your lifestyle.)
Recolonize India NOW
That's because America's the only place things are happening right now
So, someone else in the world is having what seems to largely be a massive skill issue?
I mean
Yeah that's bad to be fair
I mean
Yeah that's bad to be fair
"Pepsi Throwback" and "Mexican Coca-Cola" shouldn't exist. It should simply be Pepsi and Coca-Cola.
Yes, this is about corn syrup.
Yes, this is about corn syrup.
If your people shit in the street, you don't deserve to be independent.
Hopefully that's not the case and I can maintain some sense of levelheadedness when it happens
If I said jews were behind abortion, lots of people in the Trump administration would want me deported. But vicki polin? Nah, she gets to stay.
I hope she gets deported anyway though 😌
I hope she gets deported anyway though 😌
And yes, take some care of yourself.
The actual problem with the "BUT WHAT IF THE HECKIN MOTHERARINO DIES DUE TO NOT BUTCHERING HER BABY IN THE WOMB" argument, is that it's based on fiction.
These cases where this is SUPPOSEDLY supposed to happen are absurdly rare, and akin to the absurdly rare exceptions troons will try to use to justify imposing t*lmudic gibberish laws on all of society.
If she dies, she dies.
These cases where this is SUPPOSEDLY supposed to happen are absurdly rare, and akin to the absurdly rare exceptions troons will try to use to justify imposing t*lmudic gibberish laws on all of society.
If she dies, she dies.
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