Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"
Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Vinnie Sullivan avatar
Vinnie Sullivan
Vinnie Sullivan avatar
Vinnie Sullivan
Tottenham Hale
Say it while you still can.

👨🏻‍🎨 Casket Market by Cleveland Goodwin
Class has far less to do with wealth than it does to do with honour.
The ‘Prospect of Whitby’ - A Home For Pirates, Scoundrels and Scallywags #Wapping #London, #E1W 🏴‍☠️

Pub Related History #Tours with @VinnieSullivan

(This is a historical tour with a few pub stops. NOT a pub crawl.) 🍻⏳️

The first date will be posted in the comments of this post & have its own dedicated post. Thank you all for your support. If you know anyone who may he interested, please pass this information on and all shares help. I hope to see you soon. 🤝
It's entirely possible to miss a time in which you hadn't lived.

#ShadThames, South #London
Labrador Syndrome:

The inability to be disloyal, or replace a place or person no matter how badly they treat you.
If not for each other,
One need not forsee.
For here we are, where we are,
As lonely as can be.
It's never that they're too busy, but that they're too busy for you.
So strongly ingrained is the existence of politeness within British culture that you can be scolded, insulted, or even attacked just for being impolite.
If the public really had any democratic rights, then there would be no banning of any party of any kind as it would come down to what the majority wants. Be it things labelled as "extreme" or the most liberal outfit on earth, absolutely nothing would be banned unless the so-called "democratic process" wasn't, in fact democratic at all. One man's right is another man's left, yet we're told who and what we're allowed to vote for. It's all a sham.
One of the reasons that most people do not produce work related to culture is because they're excusingly waiting for the perfect time, which they'll never realise, has always been the here and now.
How can I believe in Heaven if only humans are allowed?

🧑‍🎨 A Dog Mourning Its Little Master by James Archer, 1866
Men today are so confused as to what masculinity is that they feel gay admitting that they enjoy being held by a woman.
The reason I detest most personal trainers is because they deliberately feed off and, in most cases, increase the insecurity of their customers. I respect anyone who faces their fears and insecurities, but not those who see such bravery as a chance to capitalise. The quicker you teach a client what they need to know, the quicker they'll stop paying you. Thus, insincere characters will deliberately waste their clients' time for years simply to cash in. By a year or two, the client genuinely believes they're genetically inferior and end up quitting. Thus, the person's health and happiness were but someone else's sneaky opportunity for finance. Most personal trainers treat the business as a corporate scheme, not a chance to improve someone's life. The client mopes back into depression having wasted their time and money. But, most damaging of all, they'll believe that they tried their best because a so-called "professional" had told them they'd done so. It breaks my heart to see this so often. The rare times I see a real personal trainer, I tend to congratulate them for their skill and honesty. I also see people who qualify to train others who quite clearly haven't been through the pain or achieved the results required to do so. I see them as modern school teachers. All circumulum and dishonesty as opposed to sincerity and talent.
Paradoxically, despite the greatest treasure of all being absolutely free, some consider it far too expensive to offer.
Original Poster: ChelseaDan5

"Out with @VinnieSullivan in Wapping E1 just bumped into Black Cabbie/Bricklayet and top fella @walshswalls from the Isle of Dogs E14,Always good to see you Mick I'll be over for a Beer soon"🍻🍻🍻

"Don't worry, Ron, all of our hard work, suffering and loss means our decendents will be able to afford their own houses, preserve our culture, and, most importantly, feel safe within their own home."
When talk among each other,
Is but truth upon its head.
Then be it foe or brother,
We can not trust what's said.

🎨 Hieronymus Bosch
Less Is More:

The less people you have in any one place, the more of a community, the more housing, the more security, the more of a culture, and most importantly, the more happiness that you and your loved one's will have.

It really is that simple.
In reality, we never needed the old gods, but for them to be remembered as our true history, they severely need us.
My first tour will be on Saturday, 29th March, and will be in the vicinity of #Smithfield meat market. The tour will last between 2-1/2 to 3 hours. We will end in a pub so we can have a less formal chat. This will also allow you to decide whether you wish to return to any of the sites we'd visited. We will be meeting at Farringdon Station at 11 AM

£20 per ticket (for over 18s),
16-18: £10
Under 16s: Free
There are ants, and there are Anteaters. I know which I am.
There are few things more fulfilling or symbolic to a man than when his woman asks, "What are we doing today?". It isn't just that she's submissively sacrificing her time whilst simultaneously offering her trust, but, most importantly, you are now the everything she once wanted.
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