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Leah Hoopes The Delco Patriot avatar
Leah Hoopes The Delco Patriot
Leah Hoopes The Delco Patriot avatar
Leah Hoopes The Delco Patriot

Please share!!! Collaborative efforts have made National impact.
I am the proud daughter of liberty.
I am the beneficiary of the fathers and mothers who gave me a Republic.
I am the descendant of immigrants who assimilated ,and made America great.
The blood that runs through my veins is the same blood of back to back World War champions.
I am tasked and honored to fight for my Country.
My son will know that his mother stood in the defiance of tyranny and won.

"On January 23, 2025, the Supreme Court granted the government’s motion to stay a nationwide injunction issued by a federal judge in Texas (Texas Top Cop Shop, Inc. v. McHenry—formerly, Texas Top Cop Shop v. Garland). As a separate nationwide order issued by a different federal judge in Texas (Smith v. U.S. Department of the Treasury) still remains in place, reporting companies are not currently required to file beneficial ownership information with FinCEN despite the Supreme Court’s action in Texas Top Cop Shop. Reporting companies also are not subject to liability if they fail to file this information while the Smith order remains in force. However, reporting companies may continue to voluntarily submit beneficial ownership information reports."
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David Clements avatar
David Clements
We are doing everything we can to help Tina Peters.

I can’t say this enough. Tina was convicted of a state crime.

Trump does NOT have power to pardon a state conviction.

She has appealed the trial court decision, but was denied bond.

Pending a decision from the court of appeals, we are left with: (1) a pressure campaign against Governor Polis to pardon, (2) the Trump administration can and should investigate the Polis/Griswold regime for election crimes, and discuss removing federal funding for Colorado law enforcement given their complicit corruption to assist a pressure campaign, (3) the new DOJ could sue the state of Colorado for violation of the Supremacy Clause in light of Tina following federal law to preserve election records.

All of the above should be pursued.
Sustainability projects..Your Counties are the biggest welfare recipients for federal grant dollars . Create ponzi scheme long term permanent projects with temporary money from grants..
Duane Morris, a law firm, had a total revenue of $648,804,000 in 2023. The firm's profit per equity partner was $1,181,000.

Their partner J Manly Parks and his associate Nicholas Centrella are contracted with Delaware County PA. They filed a frivolous lawsuit against Greg Stenström and I ,for listen to this malicious prosecution. We represent ourselves in court and are going up against an International lawfirm. Who has since blocked me from tagging them on social media platforms after I sent a cease and desist email ,and FBI complaint.

More to come...

You can support our fight at
Oh look I haven't changed my stance on anything..
Stolen elections
Bigger government
More surveillance
Hydrogen Hubs
Walkways/sidewalks to create a huge city
All powered by Uniparty

THEY are combining Philadelphia, Montgomery, Delaware and Chester County through Communist tactics. Making the combined population 3,484,940. The NEW PHILLY would be the 3rd largest city in the US . 1st is NY, 2ND LA, 3rd would be NEW Philly.

2030 agenda .. and anyone pushing mail in ballots and early voting is helping the enemy achieve this goal.

I see the bigger picture. Read a history book and pay attention to your own backyards. It's right in front of your face.

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Garrett Ziegler avatar
Garrett Ziegler
Follow up email this morning.

Good morning

Man what's wrong Christine Reuther ,Board of Elections liaison,cat got your tongue? Didn't want to show your face last night at the meeting? Why ,you didn't want to answer there either about what your email meant when you said OUR INTERESTS ALIGN? Or that you're worried about Duane Morris not wanting to stay on as council for the Board? But why ? Come on Harvard you love to defame ,and slander citizens like myself which I have you recorded in public meetings too many times to even count. And while you sign on to a frivolous lawsuits suing me and Greg Stenström for malicious prosecution. Oh it gets better looks like Duane Morris has blocked me on all social media platforms ,they don't like the public knowing of the lawfare against two of the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Looks like being "educated" doesn't really fair well in a fight against people who grew up with street smarts huh?

Imagine a worldwide lawfirm allowing their partner to write a lawsuit against two private citizens ,and formulate it like contract tort ,but having no contract, nor cause of action. And then try and use discovery to abuse us and violate my Constitutional rights demanding my business records of which my business is not a party to the action, demanding my private conversations and communications which is a warrantless search of my private property, and then here's my favorite part, asking for attorneys fees as a form of damages despite the fact that PA follows the American Rule. Let's not forget the precedent set in the same county they filed in Krassnoski, at 84, 684 A.2d at 638; see 42 Pa.C.S.A. § 2503. Therefore, a statutory provision must explicitly allow for the recovery of attorney’s fees because the words “costs”, “expenses”, and “damages” do not generally include attorney’s fees. Merlino v. Delaware County, 556 Pa. 422, 426, 728 A.2d 949, 951 n. 2 (1999); Twp. of Marple v. Weidman, 149 Pa. Commw. 286, 289, 613 A.2d 94, 95 (1992)

Also noted, in order to sue under Dragonetti, they must be a prevailing party, which would include a judgment ,womp womp they don't meet that criteria either. They are angry that they tried sanctioning us at least 6 times and lost and act as tyrants because they don't want to be questioned. Folks it definitely looks like reprisal against two witnesses. Let me explain reprisal for the "educated" Reprisal: “An Intentional Response to Protected Activity” . Protected activity would be filing a petition of grievances and redress my government.

Let me know if you all need more lessons in common law, constitutional rights and how to not pick a fight with one of the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


Leah Hoopes
I have pulled parts of Julie Matis’s testimony that I feel are pertinent to this investigation.

So where else can we all continue to evolve and adapt?
Number one, continual evolution of the voting system
guidelines. We strongly support the process to roll out updated
national standards. We have submitted our comments during the
public comment period draft of the draft VVSG 2.0 and are in
regular communication with the EAC to provide further insights
to inform the new standard.
We share your frustration over the slow adoption of the new
standards, yet Hart has proactively enhanced the security of
our products while awaiting the release of the 2.0 standards.
In addition, we encourage Congress and the EAC to continue to
explore ways to apply Federal oversight to other election
technology, especially areas of higher vulnerability, such as
voter registration, electronic pollbooks, and election night
results reporting.
Number two, speed up the Federal certification process at
the EAC. We are optimistic that Congress' recent increase in
funding may allow additional resources to be dedicated to the
ongoing overhaul of the VVSG and to enhance certification of
resources at the EAC. The more resources and funding that
Congress can dedicate to the EAC and NIST, the sooner we will
be able to bring the next generation of products to market.
Number three, ongoing vigilance over cybersecurity
practices within our companies and within local jurisdictions.
The most important shift in institutional attitudes towards
securing the integrity of election systems is that security is
not a static process. At Hart, we recognize that cybersecurity
threats will evolve, and so we, along with local jurisdictions,
must continually adjust to new risks and adapt with new
technology, new processes, and new policies.

The Chairperson. That's very helpful. As you know, we have
passed a pretty robust bill in the House that's pending in the
Senate, and perhaps your testimony will encourage them to move
I'd like to talk about supply chains. As I mentioned in my
opening statement, the concern has been raised about
components. The Enteros report showed that a majority of
suppliers within a widely used voting machine supply chain had
locations in either Russia or China. They didn't indicate which
company. So I'd like to ask each of you. Do you have components
in your supply chain that come from either Russia or China?

Ms. Mathis. Yes. Similar feedback here. We take the
security of our supply chain very seriously, and we actively
monitor and assess all aspects of that supply chain, including
country of origin.
The Chairperson. So do you have components from China or
Ms. Mathis. We do not have components from Russia, but we
do have--similar to my colleagues, we do have components from
The Chairperson. And what would be the nature of those
Ms. Mathis. Similar: resistors, capacitors. They're the
global supply chain for technology components for that----
The Chairperson. And what percentage, do you know?
Ms. Mathis. I don't have that.
The Chairperson. We'll follow up with that.
I'll turn now to Mr. Davis for his five minutes.
Mr. Davis of Illinois. Thank you, Madam Chairperson, and
thank you again to the witnesses who are here. Each of you,
just a simple yes or a no. Is there any method of voting that's
a hundred percent secure?
Mr. Burt. No.
Mr. Poulos. No.
Ms. Mathis. No.
3) Pennsylvania paid a company called BPRO $10 million dollars in December of 2020 to upgrade the SURE system . 3 days later is was sold to another company called KnowInk . We gave them another $ 3 million dollars . There is rumor that KnowInk has ties to Zuckerberg. There are MAJOR left wing 3rd party influencers in Pennsylvania, also in Michigan. Please see below:

a) Center for Tech and Civic Life -( Zuckerberg, Delco grant $2.1 million) profit/center-for-tech-and-civic-life/
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