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Canada The Unknown Country avatar
Canada The Unknown Country
Canada The Unknown Country avatar
Canada The Unknown Country
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Fortissax is Typing avatar
Fortissax is Typing
Somebody said they were surprised I described Pierre Eliott Trudeau as a visionary, intellectual and strongman. I’ll tell you why:

He was. I don’t believe in diminishing his memory because it’s important to understand who and what he was, and why that cannot be allowed to happen again. Pierre Elliott Trudeau was a “great man of history” in the Canadian milieu.

He had a complicated political journey—from fascist sympathies in his youth during the Second World War to left-liberalism and communism, which he deeply empathized with. He was also a Catholic existentialist.

His left-liberal vision of Canada, strongman persona through boxing and the FLQ Crisis, and desire to build a society distinct from Britain and the U.S. make him a visionary. Riding on the success of predecessors like Lester B. Pearson and intellectuals like J.M. Bumsted, he fundamentally erased centuries of Canadian history, culture, and ethnic identity. Simultaneously he alienated both Alberta and Quebec.

He leveraged the relative plurality of the British and French diasporas in Canada’s early history to construct an entirely new binding mythos—one oriented around left-liberal post-nationalism, in stark reaction to U.S. post-WWII right-liberalism during the Cold War.

He was responsible for Canada’s demilitarization, pacifism, and the sacralization of the healthcare system, as well as the policies of multiculturalism and diversity. Pierre Trudeau subjected Canada to the most Maoist-like cultural revolution in the Western world—arguably to a degree more insidious than anywhere else. Nearly all social, political, economic, and existential problems Canada faces today, go back to Trudeau.
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Contemporary Grantist avatar
Contemporary Grantist
Nation versus Empire

It is our duty to preserve the type of the British nation, and we ought not for any consideration whatever to admit any element that would detract from, or in any appreciable degree lower, that admirable type of nationality.
We should not encourage or admit amongst us any class of persons whatever whom we are not prepared to advance to all our franchises, to all our privileges as citizens, and all our social rights, including the right of marriage.
I maintain that no class of persons should be admitted here who cannot come amongst us, take up all our rights, perform on a ground of equality all our duties, and share in our august and lofty work of founding a free nation.

Sir Henry Parks
“I Want Canada For The Canadian People”
“It may surprise some members of this House to see that I am so much in earnest about the future of Canada in connection with the railway question…Well, it is not my habit to conceal my sentiments. I am as strongly opposed to American annexation as I am to British Imperialism. I am as strongly opposed to seeing the interests of this country merged in the interests of the American Republic, as I am opposed to seeing our interests merged in the Pan-Britannic scheme. Canada is big enough for me; Canada is good enough for me, and I want Canada for the Canadian people. Whatever may be our opinion otherwise, that is the policy that must predominate in this country if we do our duty to the Canadian people.

“The time has come when the whole people of Canada should give their attention to this problem. What is the solution? I do not know. Surely it is worth while studying the problem. Surely it is worth while finding if there be a solution. All the European countries have given their attention to this same problem…”

~Henri Napoleon Bourassa, French-Canadian Nationalist, House of Commons, Feb. 17, 1902.
Dugin disputing the tireless accusations of him being a fascist, a racist, and nationalist: "I am against fascism, I am against racism, I am against nationalism.. because it's Western" , based Doogin 💩

This thought and worldview has permeated the brains of most Russians since the Bolshevik revolution, so people pushing russia, its establishment as anything other than just a tentacle of jewish power are retarded or subversive anti-whites

How do we get around this fact, how do we find commonality with people who are absolutely ideologically opposed to our worldview? Make it make sense
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Fortissax is Typing avatar
Fortissax is Typing
Verbatim, the Loyalists called the French & American Revolutions the “Age of Delusion”
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Fortissax is Typing avatar
Fortissax is Typing
Trudeaus are done politically after Justin.

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Endeavour avatar
I'll celebrate when Canada becomes a serious country again, not when we win a stupid sportsball game. I actually like hockey, but this bread & circuses is a cancer.
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The Anglospherian avatar
The Anglospherian
"Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a country run by Jews." - Ezra Pound

Remember this when you hear them say "our democracy"..
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Fortissax is Typing avatar
Fortissax is Typing
Fat chance, but the best case scenario for Canada is that right-wing Europeans throw off the vestigial regimes that were loyal to the U.S.’s deep state before Trump, Canadians attempt to do the same here, and then seek alliances in Europe. Canada should be pursuing a policy of the maximal realistic autonomy possible within limitations.
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Fortissax is Typing avatar
Fortissax is Typing
In what was viewed as a critical struggle to preserve Christianity and true liberty, the Ontarians saw Britain as standing alone -- in the period 1789-1815 -- in resisting domination by an anti-Christian revolutionary power and its successor a ruthless military dictator, while the established Church of England defended Christianity against the spread of democratic anarchy and infidelity.

More immediately in Ontario, the Tories feared that the British national character of their Loyalist asylum was under threat, as well as the very survival of Canada as a province of the British Empire. The nature of that threat - in both its ideological and military aspects - was evident in the Tory view of the revolutionary ideas being propagated abroad, recent events in Europe, and the growing influence and power of their immediate neighbour, the democratic republic of the United States of America.
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LeighStewy avatar
If “When the Saxon began to hate” was a video.

WHO the eff let this guy into the press gallery?

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The Anglospherian avatar
The Anglospherian
What could he mean by this?
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Fortissax is Typing avatar
Fortissax is Typing
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Pax Tube avatar
Pax Tube
Did Trump think the C in BRICS was Canada? 😂😂

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Fortissax is Typing avatar
Fortissax is Typing
. . .
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Fortissax is Typing avatar
Fortissax is Typing
For the Ontarians, who believed in a rational cosmic order, original sin, faith in Christ as the Redeemer, and God's moral law as revealed by reason and revelation, those who advocated that man could live a good life simply by 'following reason' (Locke), or his passions (Rousseau), or his 'emotions' (the evangelical sectarians), or majority opinion (the political democrats), or 'the general will' (Rousseau), were highly irrational men.

For the Ontarians, the so-called liberal 'Age of Reason' of the 17th and 18th centuries was an irreligious and irrational age in which moral philosophy and political philosophy had degenerated from the philosophical works of the Ancients, medieval Scholastics -- such as Thomas Aquinas, who synthesized the philosophy of Artistotle on natural law and rational man with Christian theology -- and from the theology and political philosophy of Richard Hooker, the Anglican theologian.
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Ordo Atlantica avatar
Ordo Atlantica
How can we lose? When the very fabric of this country we call our own was woven with the blood of our ancestors. Each step we take is a step in the direction they wanted for this nation. Our souls are the fire, the land our forge, our goal the steel. And steel does not waver.

2 Canadian sailors walking through Halifax, 1939
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The Gramscian Radio avatar
The Gramscian Radio
Sucker Carlton " i am no longer racist". Some of these long time republicans are as subversive as any anti-racist leftist
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Endeavour avatar
If someone describes Russia as a "Christian" country in a way they wouldn't describe other countries in Europe as "Christian", you should disregard everything they say about Russia. They don't know what they are talking about.

In reality, Russia is a very irreligious country. There are far more practicing Christians in the United States or even Spain, Poland, or Greece.

Inb4 someone says "What about the ban on gay propaganda?" It's a sensible policy, but being Christian entails faith in Christ and attending church. Simply opposing homosexuality is not the extent of actually practising the religion.
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Contemporary Grantist avatar
Contemporary Grantist
A Chaotic Democracy

Genuine dignity of manners consists in always appearing to be in one’s place, neither higher nor lower.
The peasant can manage this as well as the prince.
In democracies, everyone’s place is in doubt.
Hence manners there are often haughty but seldom dignified.

Alexis De Tocqueville
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Fortissax is Typing avatar
Fortissax is Typing
An opportunity to repair relations 🤝

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