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Malicious Manifold Miscellany
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You know what to do folks.
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So I may write up something longer about this later, but it's looking like the worst possible option won out over here in the US. I'm disappointed and angry, and those feelings are crowding out the others for now.

I do want to say: don't lose hope. I already see a lot of people in my local community panicking, thinking of self-harm, or becoming despondent. And I get it. This sucks, and will suck for some time. But before you do something you can't undo, reach out. To family if they're supportive, to friends if you can, to local organizations, to someone you don't know but you think might be helpful even. Please. Do not become another victory for the worst fucking people the planet has to offer.
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(trying) healthy adult mode avatar
(trying) healthy adult mode
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Snark Shark's Shit avatar
Snark Shark's Shit
The title of the article tells of a part that's comfortably bad enough, but later on is an extra added bit of horseshit that's somehow even worse:

". . . Meta also added a new line specifying the company would 'allow allegations of mental illness or abnormality when based on gender or sexual orientation, given political and religious discourse about transgenderism and homosexuality . . .'"

That's right, they added a line to specifically spell out a way of harassing queer people that they're totally cool with. Just... fucking amazing.
Not my photo, but found on a bridge in my general area.
I've been struggling to make an election day post today. I spent yesterday consoling friends, some in a full-blown panic, that the world won't end, even if it goes poorly. And while I'm convinced that's true, things will get very ugly if the racist dipshit sexual predator wins.

So let me be clear.

Not voting (or voting for someone else) because Harris isn't good on some issues is a hostile act. It helps someone who is worse in every conceivable way, and if he wins, a lot of us will be in more danger than we are now. So if you're in the US, vote Harris. Yeah, I'd like a viable further left option too. But you can possibly bully her admin into doing the right thing, unlike Trump.
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