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American Blackshirts Movement
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After X recently admitted to manipulating the reach of the official ABM account, we have decided to shift our focus on GAB.

X has been known to manipulate and censor multiple account that offers views that are alternative to the *kosher nationalisms* that are promoted by the X algorithm. On top of multiple other allegations of account manipulation.

X does not want our views to be mainstream, they want to keep likeminded thinkers in a social engineered echo chamber where our ideas can be controlled and manipulated at will.

Any idea that truly challenges the status quo will be eventually censored or suppressed. So join the Blackshirts, get off the social media echo chamber and become part of something REAL.
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American Blackshirts Movement


“The fascist creed is a heroic creed, because of the strength it gives to the intelligent and active human will. Where there is a will, there is a way.” (1934, in “Il Popolo d'Italia” of January 2, 1934.)
"There is only pity for those who did not have the courage to accept the challenge of freedom and leave the comfort of security to see life as it is. Life has passed this man by. What did he do but sit and wait for a tomorrow that never came?"

Hunter S. Thompson.
“On Pompey’s return to Italy, he was confronted by a new enemy. Seventy gladiators escaped, broke open the slave prisons, and sounded a cry for a war of freedom. In short time their numbers increased to fifty thousand. At their head stood the bold Thracian, Spartacus.”
- G. Weber
The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.
St. Augustine of Hippo
If the seed is planted with faith
and is cared for with perseverance,
It will only be a matter of time
reap its fruits.

Thomas Carlyle.
Or isn’t virtue in tension with wealth, as though each were lying in the scale of a balance, always inclining in opposite directions?

«It doesn't matter if a fight has been lost. It's a dance, it's a game. For our Myth of A-Mor, the only thing that matters is fighting it without giving up, with honor and loyalty until the end. This is how we have always won.»

Miguel Serrano.
ᛉSeptember 10, 1917 - February 28, 2009.ᛦ
"The 21st century will, in my opinion, see the collapse from within of the Western branch of Egalitarianism, just as its communist offspring imploded. A narrow passage will therefore be left to European Superhumanism, or to something else that will no longer be European at all, and is already threatening... As the saying goes: it's either make or break. As a tragic optimist, G. Locchi notes that the heirs of fascism still live today "in the catacombs", but he suggests that we also come out of the catacombs, as early Christianity did in its time... Each in turn."

— Guillaume Faye, 2002, preface to the essence of fascism by G. Locchi (1980)
Calling the domestication of an animal an “improvement” is, in our ears, almost a joke. Anyone who knows what happens in zoos doubts that the animals there are “improved”. They are weakened, they become less harmful, they become sick beasts through the depressive emotion of fear, through pain, through wounds, through hunger. – It’s no different with domesticated human beings…

- Nietzsche
Fascists of all countries fight against those who openly or covertly oppose God, the nation and labor, against fascism, and are its ideological and actual enemies.
The enemies of fascism are socialists of all shades, and above all communists, international capitalists and liberals, a plutocracy without a fatherland, and the Masons and Jews who stand behind them all."

- Konstantin Rodzaevsky, head of the All-Russian Fascist Party.
"Most people lack a coherent philosophy of life. They spend their days chasing temporary pleasures and avoiding discomforts. They are slaves to the immediate, drawn to any distraction to avoid facing their situation. Any excuse to avoid the big question: Is this how I want to live? To live without philosophy is to live without direction. Without an internal compass to guide our lives, we will follow the path marked out by the submissive masses. We will absorb without question the values ​​and aspirations of society, and we will die without having really lived. We should not be afraid of death, but of never beginning to live."

✍️ Marcus Aurelius.
"Dying is nothing, the terrible thing is not living."

Victor Hugo.
“The only remedy, the only radical means to cure humanity, is to break the chains of usury.”

— Gottfried Feder, Manifesto for Breaking the Chains of Usury (1919)
“We come from another land and we believe in heroes!”

- Gabrielle D’Annunzio
«Woe to the people who do not honour their heroes! They will cease to produce them, they will cease to know them. Heroes spring from the essence of their people. A people without heroes is a people without leaders, for only a heroic leader is a true leader capable of withstanding the challenge of difficult times.»

- Rudolf Hess
"And remember that a man's real work is what he goes to do, not what lies behind him." —Ezra Pound (London, 1909).
Lazy people always talk about what they plan to do, what they will do.
Those who really do something don't have time to talk about what they do.

“We understand youth not as a question of age or a biological fact, but essentially as a spiritual attitude, a tone and a style of life. It is defined by the enthusiasm and generosity of those who pursue an ideal simply for the love of that ideal; by a desire for the unconditional, inseparable from all idealism; by the taste for action; by an impulse towards renewal, towards direct correspondence; by contempt for the easy life.”

— Julius Evola
"In Rome, visiting the Exhibition of the Fascist Revolution, I was struck by the rite of the Present. The dead who remain in the ranks and fight alongside the living: this is a heroic vision of existence."

✍🏼 Yosuke Matsuoka , Japanese ambassador to Rome and then Foreign Minister in 1940-41.
“Some walk along the wide field of proud ambition; others, along that of servile and base flattery; others, along that of deceitful hypocrisy, and some, along that of true religion; but I, inclined by my star, walk along the narrow path of knight-errantry, for the exercise of which I despise wealth, but not honor.”

Don Quixote of La Mancha.
Part Two, Chapter XXXII.
"The life of the individual is of no importance except to himself; the question is whether he wishes to escape from history or to give his life for it. History is not concerned with human logic."

—Oswald Spengler
«The West was Christian in the Middle Ages, but it is no longer so. No one wants it to be so more than we do, one day sooner than circumstances would suggest. But let no one be deceived: on that day, the modern world will have ceased to exist.»

- René Guénon
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