
🇺🇳🇺🇦🗳❗️— The UN General Assembly supported the resolution initiated by Ukraine and European countries
➡️ The Ukrainian draft resolution at the UN was supported by 93 countries.
➡️ It calls Russia an aggressor country and demands the withdrawal of armed forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.
➡️ The United States, Russian Federation and the State of Israel voted together against.
➡️ The Ukrainian draft resolution at the UN was supported by 93 countries.
➡️ It calls Russia an aggressor country and demands the withdrawal of armed forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.
➡️ The United States, Russian Federation and the State of Israel voted together against.
The same "American Nationalist" voices who just months ago were warning "Trump's going to get in and get white boys reinvested in fighting for ZOG!" are reinvested in ZOG... 🤷🏻♂️

It's all such a waste. But until we get it sorted out, we must make sure we watch over our people.
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The Course of Empire (Uncensored)

You really don’t hate the mainstream media enough. https://t.me/CIG_telegram/56472
On the list.
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The Warcast

One of the most beautiful and aesthetic things i've ever seen.
Piano played during Maidan, 10 years ago.
Piano played during Maidan, 10 years ago.
No blackpilling!

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If they don't speak up, they're on the list. All the countersignallers? On the list.

"Redneck Republican" is taking on a whole new meaning...
Always affirm our people in public. A nod in the parking lot, a smile or a wave in the street, a comment on this or that at the shop. We want everyone in the loop. The small things to rebuild that public spirit and feeling.
"How was these savages ending up controlling half of Europe considered winning WW2?" "If Putin is an evil dictator, why are we pursuing similar ideology and policy (authoritarian civic nationalism, multiracialism and Islamification concluding in the persecution of the white founding stock)?" "Why have you been soft on Russia? Who is affiliated or coordinating to these antiwhite communist ends?" While we're on the topic of fifth columns and subversion, "What the fuck is going on with Israel and the jews (and why would we want to include more like Indians and Chinese)?"
These are just a few of the angles we would be foolish not to exploit, aided by Russia's aggression in Ukraine. Since much of the right is failing to capitalize on the Russia issue, one can only suspect the worst.
These are just a few of the angles we would be foolish not to exploit, aided by Russia's aggression in Ukraine. Since much of the right is failing to capitalize on the Russia issue, one can only suspect the worst.
The suffering of the English girls must not be forgotten. We can't let these grifters run with it whenever they please, we have to take the narrative from them. Don't let the Musks or Tommys occupy it. If our people are too stupid and low class to exclude these grifters we'll deserve what we get. First step is running these people off.
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MAKS 24 🇺🇦👀

🇺🇸🇺🇦 A large Ukrainian demonstration at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.
White independence.
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Jimeone Roberts

Australians are being stripped of their freedoms.
If you can't exercise your freedoms, they don't exist.
If you can't exercise your freedoms, they don't exist.
At the very least the conflict can be used to bolster our position against commies and fifth columns, the post war order, immigration... demilitarization, green subversion etc. They give you the tools yet some seem determined blow it. "But the government's not legit!" Obviously not, but what we have is more clear evidence to make the case. Why would you not pick up some of the most ample and clear current and timely weapons and ammo they've in their neglect left laying out for us? They don't care, they're not listening... but this is how we build legitimacy and undermine the enemy.
You got commies, subversion and savage invaders, not to mention the atrocities Russia is committing against Ukraine... how do you drop that ball?
If you're really hating these invaders, and the reality is they're being used for hybrid warfare for our enemies, I mean at this point we're just stacking it on top of the fact that they're not us and the government is neglectful at the least bringing them in... and the media is weaponized, but assisting our destruction at the hands of foreign regimes is a much more compelling indictment than the fact that the folks in charge are libtards (it's not that we don't like this, it's that we can't have this). Left and right regime pigs are completely wrapped up in perverse foreign entanglements diametrically opposed to our order which need to be dragged out into the sun. We must seize the narrative rather than being subject to it's whims.
Likewise, when the tribe eventually ramps up the anti Islam fanaticism... rather than “We don’t want to go to war for Israel!” the message needs to be “We don’t want to go to war for Israel and actually we’re done with all these enemies!” We need to seize the narrative and steer it into a positive, productive direction, even if we don’t have the power to bring it about yet. Not being the bitch to their narratives.
These are struggles that effect our people in our lands, we must get off our knees and own the objective.
“We’re not going to war for Israel and actually you’ve endangered us bringing them (savages) in- it’s over.”
It’s a much stronger position and message than the under message the dissident right seems to continually peddle.
If you hate the regime, what and how would you rather things be going?
^ There’s not enough of this.
The energy is there, either we’re going to wield it or they’re going to wield it.
Let’s wield it for our folks for once.
At the very least the conflict can be used to bolster our position against commies and fifth columns, the post war order, immigration... demilitarization, green subversion etc. They give you the tools yet some seem determined blow it. "But the government's not legit!" Obviously not, but what we have is more clear evidence to make the case. Why would you not pick up some of the most ample and clear current and timely weapons and ammo they've in their neglect left laying out for us? They don't care, they're not listening... but this is how we build legitimacy and undermine the enemy.
You got commies, subversion and savage invaders, not to mention the atrocities Russia is committing against Ukraine... how do you drop that ball?
If you're really hating these invaders, and the reality is they're being used for hybrid warfare for our enemies, I mean at this point we're just stacking it on top of the fact that they're not us and the government is neglectful at the least bringing them in... and the media is weaponized, but assisting our destruction at the hands of foreign regimes is a much more compelling indictment than the fact that the folks in charge are libtards (it's not that we don't like this, it's that we can't have this). Left and right regime pigs are completely wrapped up in perverse foreign entanglements diametrically opposed to our order which need to be dragged out into the sun. We must seize the narrative rather than being subject to it's whims.
Likewise, when the tribe eventually ramps up the anti Islam fanaticism... rather than “We don’t want to go to war for Israel!” the message needs to be “We don’t want to go to war for Israel and actually we’re done with all these enemies!” We need to seize the narrative and steer it into a positive, productive direction, even if we don’t have the power to bring it about yet. Not being the bitch to their narratives.
These are struggles that effect our people in our lands, we must get off our knees and own the objective.
“We’re not going to war for Israel and actually you’ve endangered us bringing them (savages) in- it’s over.”
It’s a much stronger position and message than the under message the dissident right seems to continually peddle.
If you hate the regime, what and how would you rather things be going?
^ There’s not enough of this.
The energy is there, either we’re going to wield it or they’re going to wield it.
Let’s wield it for our folks for once.
What would posess these bitches? It's the same thing with the replacement... they don't care, they're just going out on a limb with shit... it's fucking insane!
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