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solar wind-speed been elevated yesterday and today, but i just noticed a spike up to 1,140 km/sec. Its brief but thats nuts!
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Karmic relationships, fears, dreams, astrological amulets, and past-life experiences.

Watch the NEW video on these topics today on the Imram Kriya - Yoga YouTube channel at 8 PM UTC!

Master Imram answers our questions about family relationships, fears, and attachments.

• What to do about fear for a child?
• Detachment vs. indifference
• Recognize the completion of a karmic relationship
• How to help the souls of deceased relatives?
• Is it possible to work through all ancestral programs?

Imram also explores inner connection with Teacher, the soul’s purpose, and free will.

Join us for the PREMIERE! See you on the Imram Kriya YouTube channel today at 8 PM UTC!

🕉 Follow the link to watch.
There will come a time when we the divine torchbearers for the old ways will be asked to gather together. We will be guided to rise as one, so we can be a great blessing for a troubled world. One heart, one soul, and one sacred fire as we pray together, and our prayers will awaken the consciousness of humanity. For it will be the love in our prayers that will cause this positive shift for humanity.

A gathering and a call to prayer to all the light warriors who live on Mother Earth would create a powerful shift, and would surely bring the winds of change. For there is only one way to bring balance back to Mother Earth, and that is with the powerful energy of love. For us praying together as one heart, would be like detonating a nuclear love bomb that would be felt by so many all over Mother Earth.

This would be the biggest weapon to share by all people who have awakened their soul, for it would cause a mass awakening and a release of dark parasites that are attached to some. The most powerful prayer warriors gathered together by love, would be a powerful force that would shift the balance, and cause the spirit world and Mother Earth to merge.

Ekosi. 🙏💕🙏
~Joseph White Eagle
It is true that you cannot find friendship everywhere.

Some persons you see every day and never know, and others you feel you have known always. You should learn to recognize that inner cue. Wherever you are, always keep your eyes open, and if you feel divinely attracted to someone, you should develop friendship with that person because he has been your friend in some life before. There are many friends whom we have known in past lives, but those friendships have not yet been perfected. It is better to start building on a foundation that has already been laid than to dig for a foundation on the sands of temporary acquaintances. It is easy for one to think he has many friends, until they do something hurtful to him, and then he feels deeply disillusioned.

Many people make mistakes in choosing friends because they are deluded by outer appearances. The only way to recognize real friends is to meditate more. You should try to find friends the divine way, and that is to purge your consciousness of all thought of facial or other appearances as factors in determining your feelings about others. If you do this, one day you will be able to discover true friends all around you. You will feel God's friendship through those humble human channels that do not resist Him. Through the pure of heart the divine light of friendship will flow to you.

Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.
Man's Eternal Quest. P.156.
[The Divine Art Of Making Friends]

Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath speaks.

GodByAnyNameYouWantToCallit. ONE. LOVE.
"Kriya Yoga is a scientific technique. The practice of this annihilates all the unusual and unreasonable elemental propensities ever present in the spiritual centers of the human body. It awakens the Kundalini and restores equilibrium. It dispels delusion and ignorance, and helps to discover the Divinity within. Every being is destined to be perfect and the process of Kriya quickens it."

--- Param Guru Premavatar Sri Hariharananda Paramahamsa
𝙶𝙻𝙽:𝟷𝟶:𝟿 | "Men have said, as they will say throughout the ages, 'Why, if God be almighty, can He not create perfection immediately? Why does He not create beings having the knowledge of divine love forthwith? Why have Earth, with all its trials and tribulations?' Know this; what appears to you as ages in time is, to me, but a flash of thought in a moment of eternity. I breathed in, the hosts of earths and the spheres were not. I breathed out and the hosts of earths and spheres were. I breathe in, and they are no more. All things exist within the Eternal One and that which men know as the span of time is the act of creation."

Sai Baba taught that miracles serve to demonstrate his divinity, and warned that some misuse them for personal gain or to claim superiority. He said there are no mediums and warned devotees to avoid those who imitate him or claim he speaks through them.
Nowadays even devotees who had much physical darshan has become very superstitious and avoiding good people who advice them on impostors, they walk into unholy groups who motivate wrong stories on Baba. While srisatyasai came and lived to bring out everyone who came to Him from wrong notions about god formula. He led everyone towards the fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man.

​In 1970 Swami reiterated, “There are others who claim that I am speaking through them and answering questions put to them. These people must be either insane or hysteria affected or they are possessed by some ghost or by the greed to earn money thereby. I can only tell you that it is not I that speaks through them. I do not need media; nor do I need substitutes or subsidiaries or representatives."

“Do not believe in mesmerism (spiritualism, mediums). Do not try to learn it or practice it. What you see then are evil spirits. God is not that easily attainable. God, who is a form of Satvaguna (Purity), will never enter into these lowly things and talk."

“Evil forces which design to damage or diminish the faith and devotion of the simple and the sincere do emerge into action and try to attract attention by devious means. They try to draw away aspirants from the spiritual path into worldly paths of avarice and malice."

There is a big chasm of difference between the Sai Shakti (Sai Power) and these inferior shaktis. Since the opportunity has now offered itself, this had to be said.”
From SSS10.35: November 22, 1970

“Man is seven steps below God. God’s aura falls on all these steps. Evil spirits have slightly greater strength than man. With this extra strength, they have the power to masquerade themselves as Gods.”
-From Sri Sathya Sai Anandadayi, page 292
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