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The Rainbow Warriors 🌈 ⚜️🕊️ avatar
The Rainbow Warriors 🌈 ⚜️🕊️
The Rainbow Warriors 🌈 ⚜️🕊️ avatar
The Rainbow Warriors 🌈 ⚜️🕊️
A day for the strong, the creators ✨🔥

Not to gain pity, not for flowers or empty words - but to honor will, strength and creation.

The woman is not weak, not just a vessel for life, but life herself, will herself, power herself.

You are not here to adapt - but to grow. Not to bend - but to stand up.

You are not just daughters, mothers, lovers - you are creators, thinkers, warriors.

You have been told long enough what you should be. But what counts is what you really are

The strongest woman is the one who creates herself - not sometime in the future, but here and now.

Don't honor the victim role
- honor the action.

Don't just honor the recognition - but the overcoming.

Honor not just equality - but the freedom to fight for the life you are creating.

Be bold.
Be fearless.
Be creators
of your own path.

#SelfOvercoming #BeYourself #PowerInTheMoment

🪶 Mitákuye Oyas'In 🪶


@TheRainbowWarriors 🕊️
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Margit.RainbowDancer avatar

The total lunar eclipse in Virgo is an opportunity to release old patterns and habits that no longer serve us, to cleanse our intentions and align with our highest good, and to heal our relationships with ourselves, others, and the Earth.

This eclipse offers a powerful opportunity to release old wounds, patterns, and conditioning that have suppressed our inner goddess. To do this, take some time this weekend to connect with your inner self. You can do this by meditating, journaling, or simply taking a few minutes to breathe deeply and tune into your heart. Ask yourself:
What wounds or patterns am I ready to let go of?
What self-care practices can I do to nourish my inner goddess?
What qualities of the divine feminine do I want to more fully embody in my life?

If you need additional help releasing energetic ties to emotional situations or energetic patterns from your past, you can listen to the "Cutting the Energetic Tie" transmission in the 3D to 5D Activation Library. This activation contains very high angelic frequency codes to help you release any negative ties you need to release in the moment in order to move forward more freely:


It is important to remember that the Divine Feminine is not exclusive to women; it is a universal energy that resides within every being, regardless of gender. Men also have an inner goddess that needs healing, nurturing, and embracing. By acknowledging and honoring this energy, we can begin to break down the old patriarchal norms that have led to many imbalances throughout history. Let us all embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth and transformation.

By taking these steps we can begin to heal and reclaim our inner goddess energy and step into a stronger, more compassionate and radiant version of ourselves. Have a great day, lots of love 💖

Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ

🪶 Mitákuye Oyas'In 🪶

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The NeighbouⓇs avatar
The NeighbouⓇs
Love is so much greater than our ability to hate!

Hating is easy, but loving is where we find our true courage and strength. Learning to love ourselves, love each other, and love those that have wronged us will lead us to a new power.

Even though it seems hard or challenging to show and find love for those that we deem bad or dangerous or even evil, if we open our hearts to recognize that the same love that made them have made us, then we start to heal ourselves and Gaïa.

Just remember the next time you are upset with someone or mad about something~ remember that it is easy to be upset, but it is more powerful and more liberated to ask~ how can I love instead?

Sometimes the wait is a little longer because the blessing is greater.

We know that after thousands of years, humanity will be freed from slavery and matrix programming. If we just begin to understand what is involved and what needs to be done (if you have really been deep in the rabbit hole), you will understand why it can only be done step by step, as it is.

Even if it is still "far too slow", I am glad that there has been any visible progress at all since 2020. I thought the world was as bad as it is. It is. But I thought we had no chance. Good thing I was wrong!

Let go
Let God

Good night Soultribe 🤍🪽

With Love, Kate Bono

🪶 Mitákuye Oyas'In 🪶

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⚜️The most magnetic thing on Earth is loving your own energy.
Your perception of yourself
affects your frequency. Love
yourself, be confident in your
talents and the way you express them, love the reflection you see in the mirror.
May your energy raise the whole frequency of the planet. 🧚‍♀️✨

☀️✨ March 8, 2025

You are in this world to bring good into it. You are here to radiate love, light and wisdom to all souls who are in need. You have work to do, and you can only do this work when you have come to terms with yourself and can become one with the whole, when you no longer stand by, criticize the whole and isolate yourself from it. Do you feel one with all the souls around you? Do you feel at peace with the world, or are your thoughts full of resistance, critical and destructive? Always remember: Love, joy and happiness create the right atmosphere and bring all like-minded souls together. So observe yourself and start attracting only the very best to yourself right now. You can change your whole attitude and perspective in an instant. Why don't you do it? Attune yourself to all life and find that peace that passes all understanding.

~ Eileen Caddy ~

🪶 Mitákuye Oyas'In 🪶

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Margit.RainbowDancer avatar

MARCH 8, 2025

Dear friends, Happy International Women's Day! As we celebrate the divine feminine and the incredible women who inspire us, we are also on the cusp of a powerful total lunar eclipse in the sign of Virgo.

This eclipse is a powerful catalyst for healing, cleansing and transformation - not only for ourselves, but also for our beloved planet Earth. The divine feminine energies are rising and this eclipse is a call to awaken our inner wisdom, intuition and compassion.

I believe that honoring the divine feminine is essential to creating a more balanced and harmonious world. As we harness the energies of this eclipse, I envision a world where women's voices are heard and valued, where the Earth is revered and protected, and where compassion, empathy, and kindness guide our actions.

1/2 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
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The Soul Matrix - Steve Nobel avatar
The Soul Matrix - Steve Nobel
Ultraviolet Angelic Fire and Solar Angelic Fire Transmission: Activating the Bliss Body

This remastered transmission is designed to clear and heal the pain body of this lifetime, any ancestral pain you are carrying along with any trauma bleeding through into your energy fields from any other lifetime.

When the pain bodies are cleared then we invite Solar Angels to open a new energy field, that of your bliss body, that can now be opened at this time of the ascending light of the Age of the Sixth Sun.

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Lachkanal avatar
To all of my Fellow QUEENS👸

May we be EMPOWERED💪


May we feel LOVED🥰

May we feel BEAUTIFUL😍

May we feel JOY💃

May we wear our Crowns HIGH! 👑

May we LIFT UP each other 🙌

May we give more CHARITY 🤗

May we be more HUMBLE 😊

May we raise NOBLE children👶

May we embrace HEAVEN on Earth!🙏

Infinite LOVE!

~Marlena 🌈 ⚜️

#motivation #inspireothers #happyinternationalwomensday

Special Thank you to Behram Shah for the amazing picture! SkyLift Marketing. 🙏

PS... Every day is women's & men's day! 🥰 🎉

In our merit, we will bring the Redemption. 👑💞🌈🌎🕊️
🌈❤️🍀 I learned to be a woman while society raised me 🔥

"be quiet" they said -
so I spoke 🔥

"be weak" they said -
so I became strong 🔥

"sit down" they said -
so I stood up 🔥

I was taught to be nothing -
so I became everything 🔥🦋

🌈 Hello .. you beautiful people 🔥
Have a wonderful Women's Day! 🙏🏻

Rike Siemann


🪶 Mitákuye Oyas'In 🪶

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Margit.RainbowDancer avatar

9 is the moment when everything comes full circle. It is completion. It is a fundamental cycle coming to fruition. All of this together paints a picture of the amazing energy of today: unconditional love pouring in like water through a broken dam. No more limitation, no more attenuation. We are here to stand out with our vibration, we are here to lead by example, we are here to be the gateway of unconditional love pouring into this reality.

We are transforming anything and everything into heaven on earth - organically, effortlessly. Trust. Photons of the highest light source are floating all around you, penetrating every cell of your vessel and upgrading your DNA to align with your divine blueprint from God. This critical day is a wonderful magical portal. I feel all of creation cheering us on, saying, "Oh, how far we have come."

Stay graceful, vulnerable and open. Receive all the blessings that will show up as you continue to radiate this unconditional love into this realm! All dreams of LOVE come true.

Now is the time to stand up - to ascend - to become your highest vision of love!

You have full support today to shed and release anything that is not aligned with these frequencies of truth, authenticity and wisdom. Trust that whatever leaves you is meant to be shed and be open to the unknown. Often we get stuck on what is and delay what is meant to be!

Freedom is a big theme in today's energies as freedom is one of the greatest expressions of love. Let go, be free. The energies are freely high, freely amplified, freely intense, freely exuberant in the expansion of creation!

You are free. You are expansion. You are the light of Source shining into this realm if you so desire.

Stay grounded, centered and focused on the mission.

With deep reverence and love, K❤️
~New Earth, New~
|Terry Awakening|

✨ 𝒜𝓊𝒻𝓈𝓉𝒾𝑒𝑔 𝒹𝑒𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓇 𝒮𝑒𝑒𝓁𝑒✨
𝒮𝒽𝒶𝓃𝒶𝓃𝒹❤️‍🔥𝒶𝒽 @shanandoah

🪶 Mitákuye Oyas'In 🪶

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The Soul Matrix - Steve Nobel avatar
The Soul Matrix - Steve Nobel
Dear Starseed,

As our planet was preparing for the transition into light this triggered a number of events. Firstly, more cosmic light began to impact the planet. This process has been accelerating in the past decade and a bit.

Starseeds began to incarnate in increasing numbers praising the number of Starseeds on the planet to some millions. Starseeds are still in the minority though this will change over the coming decades.

There is a time of awakening that is slightly different for each Starseed as the light begins to trigger certain encoded ‘keys’ within the DNA.

This begins a shift in vibration that begins to affect the etheric body (chakras and meridians) and the physical body. There maybe some discomfort during this process

The etheric body is slowly upgraded and this allows certain systems within the physical body to upgrade to accommodate more light.

New frequencies then become available as the etheric and physical body can accept and assimilate the new levels of incoming light.

All of this opens us to connection to many unseen friends in the inner worlds including beings of light from many star systems as well as from other dimensions.

So buckle up Dorothy, ‘cause Kansas is going bye bye.

Love Steve ⭐️🌷⭐️🌸⭐️🌟🌸⭐️🌟🌸⭐️🌷🌟🌟🌷🌟🌟🌷
Happy Women's Day
#InternationalWomensDay #Spirituality
#Celebration #Harmony #DivineFeminine
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Gene Keys avatar
Gene Keys
The Pulse – 7 Mar to 12 Mar – This week we meet Gene Key 22, whose highest purpose is to transform Dishonour into Grace. Where have you dishonoured yourself?

Be gracious to yourself and others this week. Instead of shedding negativity, offer healing. Vast Grace is possible in this week, if you can just reach out and claim it.

Every six days, we will contemplate the current Gene Key of the week together, and each audio will be available for free to listen to until it transitions to the next key.

Listen to the audio: https://genekeys.com/pulse/22-grace-2025

#genekeys #genekey22 #graciousness #grace #thepulse
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Before Our Time avatar
Before Our Time
Autophagy fasting begins around 17 hours without food, when cells turn inward to repair themselves—clearing out damaged components, optimizing mitochondrial function, and even eliminating viruses and bacteria. This powerful self-cleaning mechanism, first identified by Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi, earned him the 2016 Nobel Prize for its groundbreaking implications in cellular health.

Join us now: Before Our Time📜
Recommended Channels: Click here

I send you'll much love and may you have a happy time today

🪶 Mitákuye Oyas'In 🪶

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Margit.RainbowDancer avatar

✨ 3/6/9
It feels like a door has been pushed open and the roaring winds of evolution are rushing through. This day and time are unique in their energetic signature. 3/6 always equals 9, but in this 9th year, in this moment of creation, it is amplified by the 9th year. So what does this mean?

It is life as we create it over time. 6 has a big belly of love, it represents the abundant source of infinite possibilities. It is unconditional love and the unknown that together create the highest timeline - and that is the vision and mission we align with. ...

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You Shall Prosper ❤️ avatar
You Shall Prosper ❤️
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