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America for the White Man 3.0


Hate Club rallies in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Feb. 7th, 2025.

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For those of you who believe voting is legitimate, I got some bad news. The worst possible outcome is always who gets in to office.

Trump is going to get into office, send any white man of fighting age dumb enough to comply to war, and pass legislation for Nazis to duck and dodge going to prison.

For all you accelerationists out there, buckle up. Dooms Day Dipshits spare us the buy more ammo, stock up on food, no collapse will be coming until you make it collapse. It will be a slow and painful frog boiling death if you don't get some money together, and buy a house in the ethnostate with your people!
“Are all Jews in on it?”

When we, National Socialists attempt to showcase how Jews control the United States and most of the Western world, we are often confronted with this question.

The question is often intended to make us look irrational or like some kind of deranged conspiracy theorist, but nevertheless the answer to this question is extremely important.

No, not all Jews are in on it, but all Jews are indirectly a part of the problem because of their inherited tribalism & racial tendencies.

Even if there was such thing as a “good Jew”, there is no way to distinguish between them, therefore all Jews must be treated the same.

Jews have infiltrated, spied on, compromised, and subverted our government on all levels.

They have completely rearranged our society into something degenerate and unnatural, they have washed away our culture, rewritten our history, and forced us into perpetual interest slavery.

No Jew can be trusted!

They must be moved away from us and never be allowed back.

Patriotic Weekly Review | Guest Thomas Rousseau

Uploaded to Odysee February 5th, 2025

@HeebWatch 🔎
Treason in Plain Sight | Modern Politics

Uploaded to Odysee September 29th, 2024

@HeebWatch 🔎
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