"In Christ, the embodiment of all manliness, we find all that we need. And if we occasionally speak of Baldur, our words always contain some joy, some satisfaction, that our Pagan ancestors were already so Christian as to have an indication of Christ in this ideal figure."
— Dietrich Eckart, founding member of the NSDAP, original publisher of Völkischer Beobachter (the NSDAP's Newspaper), and acknowledged by Hitler to be the "spiritual co-founder of National Socialism"
— Dietrich Eckart, founding member of the NSDAP, original publisher of Völkischer Beobachter (the NSDAP's Newspaper), and acknowledged by Hitler to be the "spiritual co-founder of National Socialism"

🇷🇴 607 years ago, on the January 31st 1418, a great man gave his last breath and left the mortal realm. The first man to defeat an Ottoman sultan on the battlefield, shall forever be remembered for all time. Trăiască Mircea voievod! Trăiască neamul românesc!
Have a good one, cheers!
Have a good one, cheers!

"Which should be placed higher, nationality or Catholicism?" Whoever asks this question thinks that, in terms of morality, nationality is not within the framework of Christianity, but beyond it... Christianity is a broader concept. The concept of nationality is evaluated in terms of Christianity. Christianity is not above and below, but everywhere... Christian science sets limits to how far we have the right to pursue, protect and develop our nationality in our affairs."
— Antanas Smetona 🇱🇹
— Antanas Smetona 🇱🇹
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"And a mere fifty years ago, Europe was a proud independent organism, sure of Itself and master of the world. The sacred soil of the Western Culture is now occupied by the Mongols, Turkestani, and Kirghizians of Asia, by the Negroes of America, the Senegalese of Africa, the Jews from the pavements of the world. This is democratic Europe, liberal Europe."
—Francis Parker Yockey
—Francis Parker Yockey

“Youth is before a historical limit. To ignore this limit is to seek annihilation. These youthful masses, bearers of the message of revolution, must find in the JONS the political organ through which to channel their desire for a national revolution.”
—Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
—Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
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"There will be no moral resurrection of Europe without a deep spiritual life, so much so that, being Catholic, I have always felt perfectly at ease in a future with National Socialism."
—Léon Degrelle 🇧🇪, "Léon Degrelle in Exile", page 640
—Léon Degrelle 🇧🇪, "Léon Degrelle in Exile", page 640

''The blow that the American-Jewish Symbiosis has dealt the European organism is well-known. The values of this Symbiosis are purely animal, anti-Spiritual, anti-Aristocratic, anti-Cultural, anti-Heroic, anti-Imperialist, and therefore appeal to the worst element in the European population and to the worst in every individual European''
—Francis Parker Yockey
—Francis Parker Yockey
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"From one end of Europe to the other, all these young men who look alike! Everywhere we feel that there is a total community between them. Whatever's your Country, whatever shore you were born on, let's all go into battle together! Side by side as comrades for the victory! We know that the purest blood of Europe is offered. And we know that victory always goes to soul, because souls are stronger than matter! And across all of Europe a soul of fire lights up our steps!"
—Léon Degrelle
—Léon Degrelle
"The other is the mysticism of materialism, the so-called civilization of gold, behind which stands united the arrogant and Communist Russia of Stalin, the France of Blum, and the England of the Freemasons and the Jews.
Fascist Civilization is the Civilization of the spirit: that is the great truth of the century. Our movement is as holy as the Crusades. The civilization of Latin and Catholic Rome, which created the Europe of yesterday and today, has been reincarnated in our symbols: the Cross and the Fasces."
— Niccolò Giani 🇮🇹
"The other is the mysticism of materialism, the so-called civilization of gold, behind which stands united the arrogant and Communist Russia of Stalin, the France of Blum, and the England of the Freemasons and the Jews.
Fascist Civilization is the Civilization of the spirit: that is the great truth of the century. Our movement is as holy as the Crusades. The civilization of Latin and Catholic Rome, which created the Europe of yesterday and today, has been reincarnated in our symbols: the Cross and the Fasces."
— Niccolò Giani 🇮🇹

"Our world is being born. Invisible as the flowers and wheat of tomorrow, it is making its way underground. We already have our roots, firmly planted in the mists of time, anchored in the soil of our peoples, nourished by the blood of our elders, rich with so many centuries of certainty and courage that only we do not deny."
—Jean Mabire
—Jean Mabire
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The temple and the church is holy because it is not for sale.
— Ezra Pound

"Switzerland can only exist as a National State if the Peoples' individuality of the four Aryan Christian tribes is recognized as the basis of the State-politically neutral and completely Swiss State, because a State can only have duration and justification for life, if it rests on the National consciousness. The goal of any renewal Movement can only be to give the State blood and soulful content; then it’s culture and economy can live."
—Swiss National Socialist postcard from the Bund Nationalsozialistischer Eidgenossen, 1931
—Swiss National Socialist postcard from the Bund Nationalsozialistischer Eidgenossen, 1931
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