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Germanic Paganism avatar
Germanic Paganism
Germanic Paganism avatar
Germanic Paganism
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Þórr siðr avatar
Þórr siðr
“Veizt þú eigi ódauðlig goð vera Óðinn, Þórr ok Frey, Frigg ok Freyju, er konungar göfga?”

“Don't you know that Óðinn, Þórr and Frey, Frigg and Freyja, who are honored by kings, are undying gods?"

Vítuss saga, AM 180 b folio.
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Son of Sigurd avatar
Son of Sigurd
"Look, Odin!"

Gift your child the feeling of belonging and purpose.

Allfather wills it, Odin is great.
For this Yule season we present to you the harrowing Bergbúa þáttr (Tale of the Mountain Dweller). A 13th century account of two men and their encounter with a jötunn in Iceland. The being recites to these men a poem which some scholars say may be a warning of the impending disaster Ragnarök.

For those who prefer YouTube simply click here.

Written and narrated by Þórr Siðr

Music by Glenn Bokay
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Germanic Paganism
after-walker or again-walker

The undead in Norse belief. A blue skin tone is described on these creatures, which is commonly accepted as being a description for resembling a decomposing corpse. Some academics equate the aptrganga to being the same creature as the draugr/draug.

“he was dead, and as blue as Hel, and as great as a neat (ox/cow)”
- Grettir’s saga
Hail to you and good thoughts.
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Þórr siðr avatar
Þórr siðr
In Egils saga einhenda ok Ásmundar berserkjabana, a simple offering format is outlined in a statement by a jötunn woman who is being tormented by her sisters:

Hét ek þá á Þórr at gefa honum hafr þann, sem hann vildi velja, en hann skyldi jafna með oss systrum.

I then vow to Þórr to give him a buck of his choosing, but he should make even with us sisters.

The format is:

1) Promise to the deity
2) Dedication of an animal
3) Requested action in exchange for the animal

In the instance of this saga, this is not an explicit sacrifice by the petitioner at that moment, but like in other sagas, the long-term cultivation of an animal to give as a sacrifice to the deity at the appointed time.

This is similar in function to the dedication of Freyfaxi by Hrafnkell Freysgoði in Hrafnkels saga. In a later part of the saga, the horse is sacrificed to Freyr.

A similar event occurs in Flóamanna saga, when Þorgils Þórðarson during his tumult with the god Þórr after his conversion, realizes that one of the oxen he has aboard his ship was one he dedicated to him. He had the ox thrown overboard to propitiate Þórr, as Þórr wanted what he was owed.
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Survive the Jive: All-feed avatar
Survive the Jive: All-feed
Max Planck map showing the dynamics of the Migration Era
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Þórr siðr avatar
Þórr siðr
It is profane to offer meat to the Gods that has been slaughtered and blessed under the Kosher and Halal laws, as these are ritual slaughtering methods which include prayers to dedicate the animal to a foreign god.

If you are going to offer meat, find a farm that does it without such methods — or raise it and slaughter it yourself.
All wretched is no man, though never so sick;
Some from their sons have joy,
Some win it from kinsmen, and some from their wealth,
And some from worthy works.
For those who have not viewed
A Deal with a Land Spirit
It is available on YouTube.
This item is also thought by many to have been worn as an amulet for protection. But a forensic analysis conducted on the fragment concluded that this was not the case.

It can in fact be rejected that the skull fragment was worn by someone as a kind of amulet hanging from the bored hole.
High magnifications of the upper edge of the hole show a slight upward curling of the lamia externa and there is no indication of wear or polishing as a result of the passage of a cord through the hole. (Schulte 2006, 46) / Larsen (2004, 45)

Scott T. Shell proposes that the purpose of the hole may have been for the healer to peer through. So the healer may spot the dwarf and trap it. According to what could have been a tradition similar to the Swedish Svartkonstbok tradition.
"Var ek á Vallandi ok vígum fylgdak,
atta ek jöfrum, en aldri sættak;
Óðinn á jarla, þá er í val falla,
en Þórr á þrælakyn."

"In Valland I was, and wars I raised, princes I angered, and peace brought never; the noble who fall, in the fight hath Óðinn, and Þórr hath the race of the thralls."

Codex Regius
MS No. 2365 4to
For those who have not seen the most recent video, give it a look over on YouTube.
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Þórr siðr avatar
Þórr siðr
Heill Þórr!
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Þórr siðr avatar
Þórr siðr
Some additional points:

The other instances of prophecy (the primary practice associated with seiðr), Oðinn is not the one prophesying. In Baldrs draumar, he raised up a dead witch in the underworld to tell him what he needed to know.

The instances of prophecy as mentioned in Ynglinga saga 7 are of an euhemerized version of him, and therefore should be looked at with some scrutiny. The saga gives a specific overview of what these different practices and types of magic are, but his association is primarily with galdr, shapeshifting, weather/element manipulation, battle-sorcery, herb-magic, and knowing the language of birds. Some of the practices such as shapeshifting are reminiscent of the Sámi Noadi practices. They are also said to be able to send out their spirit in the forms of animals while their bodies are sleeping.

In the instance of his impregnation of Rindr, Sigurðardrápa denotes this was accomplished by seiðr (seið Yggr til Rindar), but in Grógaldr it is denoted as galdr (þann gól Rindi Rani).

The accusation of the Samsø episode in Lokasenna in my view is really just that, an accusation, which is the premise of the senna style poetic form. Óðinn here is said to have used a drum like völva. He was said to have vitka líki fórtu verþjóð yfir, or have fared in the likeness of a warlock over men. The term vitka used has a connotation of controlling the senses, such as in vitkask, which refers to the recovering of one’s senses, or recovering from being in a swoon. The term vitka is associated with Finns (finnvitka, meaning to bewitch like a Finn), as they (or their mixed descendants) are typically the purveyors of sorcery in the sagas. In this lost story, it’s likely that Óðinn had used sorcery to control the senses of the men on Samsø.

My personal view on the matter is that Óðinn being a god, is not subject to the moralities of men. When in preparation for the Ragnarok, he must do what must be done and use every potential resource possible.
The Ribe skull fragment is an interesting find which dates back to 8th century Denmark.
Bearing a mixed inscription of both Elder and Younger Futhark.

Ulfr auk Odinn auk Hö-tiur. Hjalp buri es vidr pæima varki. Auk dverg unninn. Böurr.

Wolf and Odinn and High-Týr! Help against this work/act by means of the hole. And the dwarf is conquered! Böurr (wrote these runes)'.

Translation from Scott T. Shell

The inscription seems to have been fashioned for the purpose of healing an affliction from a dwarf by calling upon Odin. Some have proposed that the fragment calls upon Fenrir and Tyr alongside Odin but contextually this does not make sense. It’s more likely the names alongside Odin’s are simply epithets for Odin Himself.
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The Chad Pastoralist: History avatar
The Chad Pastoralist: History
Gera ok Freka seðr gunntamiðr hróðigr Herjafǫðr; en við vín eitt vápngǫfugr Óðinn æ lifir.

"Battle-trained, glorious Herjafǫðr feeds Geri and Freki; but on wine alone weapon-noble Óðinn always lives."

Grímnismál 19
Codex Regius
MS No. 2365 4to
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Survive the Jive: All-feed
A little based edit from the new documentary about the swastika
Glad Yule
Yule will be arriving soon. January 13th marks the beginning of Yule this season. Grettis saga tells of a large man named Glámr whose body grew restless on the third night of Yule. After which he rose from his burial to haunt Thorhall-stead as a draugr.
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Survive the Jive: All-feed avatar
Survive the Jive: All-feed
“Odin is no more an argr god than is Thor, which is to say that he is no argr god at all. He is likely not even a continual seid-user. We are all studying the same source material so, feel free to ask yourself: outside of the Rind/Samsø episode, how often have you seen the myths associating Odin with seid or ergi?”

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