I will admit Bluesky has one problem that's been bothering me
stop 👏 tagging 👏 regular 👏 nudes 👏 with 👏 #murrsuit 👏
stop 👏 tagging 👏 regular 👏 nudes 👏 with 👏 #murrsuit 👏
go birds
reminder: transphobes, bigots, and trolls will be removed from the channel. no second chances.
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Suiter: Raze (TwilightSaint)
Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter
Suiter: TyneMouflon
Source: Bluesky
Source: Bluesky
fun fact I almost always typo it as hornyfurshits
The anti-trans sports bill that was reintroduced to legally redefine the word "sex" passed in the house. US furries -- this is your LAST CHANCE to tell your senators to say NO to S.B. 9 to protect trans rights and fight back against the systematic oppression of gender minorities.
Sign the petition and automatically send an email to your senators for FREE by clicking here or by sending SIGN PNBANB to @resistbot.
Sign the petition and automatically send an email to your senators for FREE by clicking here or by sending SIGN PNBANB to @resistbot.
Suiters: Rikku & Ven
Source: User Submitted
Source: User Submitted
Suiter: Horrorbuns
Source: Bluesky
Source: Bluesky
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Suiter: Fuji
Source: User Submitted
Source: User Submitted
I can't believe there are almost 13,500 of you horny fuckers
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Suiter: DogWithKnot
Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter
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