Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"
Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
Oko♰Channel! avatar
Oko♰Channel! avatar
Osaka made a cameo in the new Yotsuba chapter. She has become a teacher, as they call her "Osaka sensei"
One of the interesting things about Satoshi Kon's death was that he was able to write a lot before passing—a lot of "goodbyes." A funny thing he mentioned was that at a certain stage of his illness, he started experiencing hallucinations, and he even commented on how unoriginal it was, making a reference to his own directing style.

As I thought that, something moved out from the calendar on the wall and started to spread around the room.

"Oh dear, a line marching out from the calendar. My hallucinations aren't at all original."

I had to smile at the fact at my professional instincts were working even at times like this, but in any case I was probably the nearest to the land of the dead that I'd ever been at that point. I really felt death very close to me. [But] with the help of many people, I miraculously escaped Musashino Red Cross and came back home, wrapped up in the land of the dead and bedsheets.
Shuzo Oshimi
I don't know if this is Nakamura...

Farewell Song (2019)
Always thinking about you
Tomorrow, I'm going to confession—not because I made any mistakes, but because I go once a month. This time will be more special than ever since I'm moving to another city far from here this Friday. This will be the last time (at least for a few years) that I see the wonderful priests who have helped me so much.

They have given me so much love, truly caring whether I was doing right or wrong. They offered me solid advice and even played a role in my decision to pursue a career. Even if I return to this city in 5–6 years, I doubt they will still be here. Priests don’t stay in one place; they are always traveling wherever they are needed.

I truly love them from the bottom of my heart—but I will never be able to say this to their faces, so I’m saying it here.

Thank you so much, Jesus and His Church, for guiding me through these harsh years. I promise to dedicate my life to doing good. I am always ready to die for my beliefs now.
I cringe af when I remember the teamSESH era... those retards trying to act mysterious letting their hair grow and listening to bones - HDMI
*nana komatsu picture with a "virgens" bottom text*
I believe that every girl should smoke.
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