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CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective avatar

CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective

We are a rebel alliance—a decentralized network pledged to anonymous collective action—a breakout from the prisons of our age. We strive to reinvent our lives and our world according to the principles of self-determination and mutual aid.
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Популярные публикации CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective

Love is a quality of attention, a sensitivity to the world and everything that is possible in it. When we fight on the basis of what we love, rather than in service of ideology or cowardice, we open ourselves to serve as a channel through which everything beautiful in the world can defend itself.

To choose love is to choose to keep feeling the blows when others are under attack—everyone facing felony charges, everyone threatened with deportation, everyone facing water cannons and rubber bullets, all the rivers and animals and plants that sustain us despite all the violence inflicted upon them. Love is not reducible to peace. If you mean it, say it with barricades.
The police who attacked people protesting ICE raids in San Diego, Atlanta, and elsewhere this weekend are the same police that Joe Biden made excuses for and increased funding to.

The future will be tyranny or liberation. Let no one imagine that they can sit on the fence.
Over thirty years of movement history, analysis, strategy, philosophy, and arts from all around the world are archived on our site for the benefit of the general public.

Not to mention instructive how-to guides covering everything from protest safety to disaster preparedness, and full-length documentaries from the high points of various popular movements, and narratives—and interviews—and audiobooks—and several hundred zines and posters—and much more.

All free.

We've recently updated the introductory reading lists on our Library page for your convenience. Enjoy!

“The Only Immigrant Trying to Steal My Job Is Elon Musk”

A bus driver speaks about what Elon Musk's austerity measures mean to ordinary public transit workers.
Become an Anarchist or Forever Hold Your Peace

As Donald Trump and Elon Musk subordinate the United States government to their pursuit of totalitarian power, their opponents remain in a defensive posture, accusing them of lawlessness. But neither courts nor laws will halt the descent into autocracy. Massive numbers of people will have to take it upon themselves to organize concrete acts of resistance, to take direct action on a horizontal and participatory basis—in other words, to become anarchists.
We've prepared a zine version of our text "It’s Safer in the Front."

Please print these out and distribute them in your community!

“Counterintuitive though it is, in a confusing situation, often the best—if not safest—place to be is the front lines, so you can see what is going on around you.” 🏴
If you are attending demonstrations against ICE or organizing in your community against deportations, please print out copies of this zine to share.

You can download the PDFs in English or Spanish here:

Attacking the undocumented is a way to expand the apparatus of repression, which will used against more and more people. Resist techno-fascism!
Si estás asistiendo a manifestaciones contra ICE u organizándote en tu comunidad contra las deportaciones, por favor imprime copias de este zine para compartir.

Puedes descargar el PDF en español aquí:

Atacar a las personas indocumentadas es una forma de expandir el aparato de represión, que será utilizado contra cada vez más personas.

¡Resiste el tecno-fascismo!

You can extinguish tear gas canisters!

Wearing heat-proof gloves, submerge the canister in a wide-mouthed water jug containing baking soda, dish soap, and/or vegetable oil—3 tablespoons of each per liter of water.

Cover the top with one hand, just enough to keep the gas from getting out, and shake the jug.

Never seal a bottle containing an active tear gas canister—you don't want it to explode.

One role you could play at demonstrations is to show up prepared to protect your fellow human beings from toxic gas, in case the mercenaries deploy it.

You can learn more here:
People have begun demonstrating at Tesla outlets against the agenda of Elon Musk and other tech billionaires who are seeking to consolidate power under Donald Trump.

Some have held signs and chanted outside dealerships. Some have created disruptions inside.

A Tesla dealership in Loveland, Colorado has been vandalized three times in the past three months, with red spray paint across the windshields and broken glass in the lot.

Last year, in Germany, some anarchists blocked the expansion of the Tesla Gigafactory by occupying the adjacent forest; other anarchists used direct action to shut down power supply to the factory.

Musk and his cronies are concentrating power in their hands through the market as well as through the apparatus of the state. In both of those contexts, the cards are stacked against us. They hope we will remain passive as they exploit us and profit at our expense.

But it is a mistake to be passive.
Eight Things You Can Do to Stop ICE

We've produced a guide detailing many different ways you can act to prevent ICE from tearing families apart and terrorizing your community.

This is also available as a PDF for printing. Please circulate these widely!
For eight years, liberal politicians and pundits have counted on legal strategies to stop Donald Trump. Now that Trump has gained control of the executive and legislative branches of government and is consolidating control of the judicial branch, this isn't just naïve—it's counterproductive. It is past time to stop legitimizing the means they will use to repress resistance and focus on strategies that make use of the power we have when we act together, directly.
Combattiamo perché ci piace

Mantenere alto il morale di fronte a difficoltà apparentemente insormontabili

Non si tratta di sapere se possiamo vincere, ma di sapere come vogliamo vivere. Le nostre azioni saranno impresse nell'eternità dopo che ogni impero sarà stato distrutto e la terra sarà stata inghiottita dal sole.

"When we say anti-work, we don’t mean an abstract political position disapproving of work; we mean a practice that actively abolishes the necessity to work, the way that anti-matter annihilates matter. In other words, an activity aimed at doing away with all the mechanisms that serve to concentrate power—from debt to intellectual property rights and the prison-industrial complex. All the things that force us to keep putting our noses back to the grindstone when there are so many other things we’d prefer to be doing."




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