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Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
Question everything.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
1776 ReViVaL. CoRp🇺🇸 avatar
1776 ReViVaL. CoRp🇺🇸
Follow the money
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
The System ladies & Gents
The Jew_dicial System
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
What Makes Trump a Lying Coward? Allowing America to burn for #JewishSupremacy never doing 1 thing about it.

What is an illegal protest?
Denouncing the United States? Burning an American flag? Spraying Anti American Graffiti?
Harassing & Attacking White Americans?
These all have been problems for decades in American "higher education"
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
03/07/2020 US Army scraps $1b. Iron Dome project, after israel refuses to provide key codes
07/19/24 Trump pledges to build an israeli-style Iron Dome system to protect US
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
Time in the Game Matters

Seeing Through Grifters....🎯
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
1776 ReViVaL. CoRp🇺🇸 avatar
1776 ReViVaL. CoRp🇺🇸
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
#NeverForget Qatar & kushner
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
Muh israel's iron Dome

American Tech

American Made

The Qiked Lies are too much.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
JFK lost his life bc he called out the Zionist plot and planned on breaking up the CIA and Mossad.
Not the bay of Pigs, nor mafia.....
Research him wanting to scrap the Israeli nuclear program.....

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Arminius News avatar
Arminius News
Ben Shapiro didn’t care about the browning of America when it was hurting White people….until it began hurting HIS people.

Funny how that works.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
1776 ReViVaL. CoRp🇺🇸 avatar
1776 ReViVaL. CoRp🇺🇸
Everything is Gay
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
Imagine pretending not to see.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
But Trump said: LoL the system

TFW Chief Justice Roberts is also
on the Epstein flight log list.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
Scripted speech for scripted reality. Imagine being impressed while still occupied by the same group that created the problems discussed.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
History sure is funny after it's rewritten.

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
1776 ReViVaL. CoRp🇺🇸 avatar
1776 ReViVaL. CoRp🇺🇸
If you don’t know they lied to you about everything yet then you’re full on retarted.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
Who owns the entire stock market?
It’s not BlackRock and it’s not Vanguard. I like to call it “Megacorp”
And this is Megacorp.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
Jesus vS. the Pharisees

Righteous Anger's Thirst for Justice.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
Joe didn't do it all....

Not far enough.

No closer to Truth..

Moar games, more lies...
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
White Pride is muh Supremacy

Jewish Pride is worshipped by
Donald Trump & Maga

AIPAC, Ben and bibi own them.
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