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Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует
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Nqatzy Supremacy
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Nqatzy Supremacy
14th march 1940 In rom is an accordance with the proposal that I was able to present privately to the Pope, a confidential and non-binding exchange of ideas took place in this context, Pius XII as I have already informed you, indicated that he would be willing to receive you at a suitable opportunity.The discussions were interrupted due to the historical events of recent months; I have now resumed them and, already in the first meeting, received the assurance that the Pope despite strong attempts at disruption by enemy powers still strongly desires a friendly reconciliation with Germany.

~Baron von Bergen, German Ambassador to the Vatican letter to Ribbentrop

My dear fellows,

I want to thank you for the time we’ve shared and the support you’ve shown me. Today, I tip my hat to you all and say farewell for the final time. Do not let yourselves be influenced by Jewish propaganda and lies. It is now time for me to step back, rehabilitate, and realign my goals. The journey up to this point has been an honor, providing you with the truth, enlightening some souls, and restoring National Socialism to its original ideals. With a clear conscience and a resolute heart, I take my leave and realign with God. I am deeply grateful for your interest, your time, and your support.

May God bless and guide you all, and may another step forward to carry on the work I can no longer continue. We each have our role in God’s plan, and I trust that this mission will endure in the hands of others.
This will be my final post for the coming months or perhaps even the next year. I wish you all a happy New Year and good health. May God protect you all. At long least comrades farewell!

Heil Hitler !
Heil Christus !
Blessing of weapons and Catholic Mass directly on the battlefields, 1936 in Ascianghi.

NS state and government meeting with French officials for an evening event in Paris. Emmanuel Célestin Suhard, Cardinal Archbishop of Paris with Pierre Laval, French politician. He served as Prime Minister of France after the surrender in 1940.

~Red Cross document November 22th 1944.
Red Cross confirmed that Auschwitz was not used as an extermination camp and stated that „our delegate told that he could not discover any traces of extermination facilities for civilian prisoners“.

German origin
Feierliche Erklärung!
Aus innerster Überzeugung und mit freiem willen erklären
wir unterzeichneten Bischöfe der Österreichischen Kirchen-Provins anlässlich der großen geschichtlichen Geschehnisse
in Deutsch-Österreich.

Wir erkennen freudig an, dass die nationalsozialistische Bewegung auf dem Gebiet des völkischen und wirtschaftlichen Aufbaues sowie der Sozial-Politik für das Deutsche Reich und Volk und namentlich für die ärmsten Schichten des Volkes Hervorragendes geleistet hat und leistet. Wir sind auch der Überzeugung, dass durch das Wirken der nationalsozialistischen Bewegung die Gefahr des alles zerstörenden gottlosen Bolschewismus abgewehrt wurde.
Die Bischöfe begleiten dieses Wirken für die Zukunft mit ihren besten Segenswünschen und werden auch die Gläubigen in diesem Sinne ermahnen.

Am Tage der Volksabstimmung ist es für uns Bischöfe selbstverständlich nationale Pflicht, uns als Deutsche zum Deutschen Reich zu bekennen, und wir erwarten auch von allen gläubigen Christen, dass sie wissen, was sie ihrem Volk schuldig sind.

Wien, am 18. März 1938.
Die Erklärung ist unterschrieben von Kardinal Theodor Innitzer, Fürsterzbischof Sigismund Waitz, den Bischöfen Adam Hefter, Ferdinand Stanislaus Pawlikowski, Johannes Maria Gföllner und Michael Memelauer. 1)

English translation
Solemn Declaration!
Out of deepest conviction and of our own free will, we, the undersigned bishops of the Austrian Church Province, make this declaration on the occasion of the great historical events in German-Austria.

We gladly acknowledge that the National Socialist movement has achieved and continues to achieve outstanding accomplishments in the areas of national and economic reconstruction, as well as in social policy, for the German Reich and people, and especially for the poorest segments of the population. We are also convinced that, through the actions of the National Socialist movement, the threat of the destructive, godless Bolshevism has been averted.

The bishops accompany these efforts for the future with their best blessings and will also urge the faithful in this regard.

On the day of the plebiscite, it is, for us bishops, a matter of national duty to affirm ourselves as Germans belonging to the German Reich, and we also expect from all faithful Christians that they understand what they owe to their folk.

Vienna, March 18, 1938.

This declaration is signed by Cardinal Theodor Innitzer, Archbishop Sigismund Waitz, and the bishops Adam Hefter, Ferdinand Stanislaus Pawlikowski, Johannes Maria Gföllner, and Michael Memelauer.
The Orthodox Bishop of Berlin and Germany
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, May 18, 1936

Herr ᛋᛋ Gruppenführer Heydrich
Berlin W9 Prinz-Albrecht-Str. 8

Dear Gruppenführer,

On the occasion of the granting of corporate rights to the Orthodox Church in Germany, I extend my heartfelt thanks to you, also on behalf of the Orthodox community residing in Germany.

The Secret State Police has carried out the preparations that made the enactment of the law possible with exemplary effort and dedication, thereby contributing to the addition of a new chapter to the nearly 2000-year history of the Church.

I wish you continued God’s help and support in your responsible office.

May the blessing of the Almighty be with you!

Signed: Bishop Tychon.


~Alfred Rosenberg

"Odin is DEAD."

The German faith [movement] 
overlooks that Wotan (Wodan, Odin) is dead as a religious form.
He did not die at the hands of Bonifacius, but of himself. He completed the decline of the Gods during a mythological epoch, a time of serene nature.

The Mythus of Alfred Rosenberg, p.187,485.

Slavko Kvaternik, Edmund Glaise von Horstenau, and representatives of the German Reich together with Zagreb Archbishop Alojzije Stepinac at a gathering in 1942.
745: JSV 1482/08 FR.

Typical classrooms of German Catholic National Socialists around 1935. Crucifixes and Hitler Portraits are in every room standard.

Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini are welcomed by a crowd in front of the Catholic cathedral of Florence.

In the name of God the Almighty I baptise you with the Name of Edda Göring.“
Visible with the godfather Adolf hitler who is happy that she is now as well a part of the church and has the honour to be her godfather in the Christian National Socialist Reich. No pagan would allow such things, learn the truth not Jewish propaganda !

Altar of the Antoniter church in Cologne Germany, 1935.

Cardinal Adolf Bertram in a funeral procession, 7th March 1935 state funeral for Bishop Bares.
On 6th In November 1933, Cardinal Bertram ordered all Catholics to vote for a fascist state

Adolf Hitler visits the cathedral of Laon France 1940.

Foreword to the Solemn Declaration of the Austrian Bishops in the Matter of the FolksVote
After thorough deliberations, we Bishops of Austria, in view of the great historic hours that Austria’s Folk is experiencing, and in the awareness that in our days the thousand-year longing of our Folk for unity in a great Reich of the Germans finds its fulfillment, are determined to address the following call to all our faithful. We can do this all the more unhesitatingly, as the Führer’s representative for the folks vote in Austria, Gauleiter Bürckel, informed us of the sincere line of his policy, which is to stand under the motto: “Render unto God what is God’s, and unto the Emperor what is the Emperor’s.”Vienna,
on March 21, 1938.
For the Vienna Church Province: Cardinal Theodor Innitzer.For the Salzburg Church Province: Prince-Archbishop Sigismund Waitz

„Anschluss of Austria-Provinz German origin“
„Wien, am 18.März 1938
Der Erzbischof von wien
Sehr geehrter Herr Gauleiter,
Beigeschlossene Erklärung der Bischöfe übersende ich hier mit. Sie ersehen daraus, dass wir Bischöfe freiwillig und ohne Zwang unsere nationale Pflicht Erfüllt haben. Ich weiß, dass dieser Erklärung eine gute Zusammenarbeit folgen wird.
Mit dem Ausdruck ausgezeichneter Hochachtung und HEIL HITLER !“
unterzeichnet Erzbischof von Österreich

Annexing the Church of Austria
Englisch translation

„Vienna, March 18, 1938
The Archbishop of Vienna
Dear Herr Gauleiter,
I am hereby sending the enclosed declaration of the bishops. You can see from it that we bishops have fulfilled our national duty voluntarily and without compulsion. I know that good cooperation will follow this declaration.
With the expression of highest respect and HEIL HITLER!“
Signed Archbishop of Austria
~Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler
26.07.1944 hold on the military training ground in Bitsch.

„Ich habe in den Reihen der ᛋᛋ aber niemals auch nur einen Atheisten geduldet. Jeder von uns ist im tiefsten gläubig an das Schicksal, an den herrngott“

But I never tolerated even one atheist in the ranks of the ᛋᛋ. Each of us is deeply a believer in destiny, in the lord god.

Edda Göringen the goddaughter of Adolf Hitler gets her baptism in the personal presence of the Führer.

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
/r/interestingasfuck avatar
A 7-year-old boy hailed as a hero when he risked his life to protect his younger sister from a brutal dog attack is “proud” of his facial scars and doesn’t see himself as special, according to his father.
Memorial card commemorates ᛋᛋ-Kanonier Rigobert Rikberger

who died a heroic death “for Führer and fatherland” on July 17th 1942, in Olten at the age of 19. He was buried in a military cemetery in Olten. He died in a great time, for a great cause. His life was short, but brave.On the reverse side, is a Bible verse from Matthew 25:21; “Come, faithful soul, enter into the joy of your Lord!”
The card also includes publishing details and a note of ecclesiastical church approval.

The Führer was Catholic and took it as a fact God’s people were European and no other. The Jews being an imposter, who was stealing our identity and claims it as his own. Adolf Hitler, the Führer was religious, that is why he never drink or smoke, and believed that he was sent by the Creator to heal Germany and raise up our folk and nation.”

~Karl Wolff ᛋᛋ-Obergruppenführer

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