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Hidden flaws in vaccine safety studies: Unpacking the truth about thimerosal, vaccines and autism

For decades, the use of thimerosal – a mercury-based preservative in some vaccines – has sparked intense debate among scientists, doctors and the public. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other public health agencies maintain that thimerosal is "safe," independent research has raised concerns about its potential risks, particularly in connection to neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism.

This article explores the controversy, breaking down the science behind thimerosal and the conflicting studies surrounding its safety, as reported in the review article "Methodological issues and evidence of malfeasance in research purporting to show thimerosal in vaccines is safe," published in the journal BioMed Research International.

While thimerosal has been removed from most childhood vaccines in the U.S. since 2001, it is still present in some flu shots and vaccines used in other countries. Over 165 studies have examined its effects, with many identifying potential links to a range of health issues including:

Neurodevelopmental disorders - Autism, attention deficit disorder/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD), speech and language delays and tics (repetitive movement or sounds) are among the disorders associated with thimerosal exposure.
Autoimmune conditions - These include disorders where the immune system attacks the body.
Allergic reactions - Children have experienced severe allergic responses and physical abnormalities.
Toxicity concerns - Some studies have even reported fatalities and cases of poisoning following exposure to thimerosal.

Despite this, the CDC insists there is "no connection between thimerosal and autism," basing its stance on several key studies. However, these studies have been criticized for methodological flaws and potential bias.

The Madsen et al. (2003) study: Data manipulation?

Analyzing data from 1971 to 2000, this Danish study claimed that autism rates increased after thimerosal was removed from vaccines in 1992. However, several concerns have been raised, including:

Data criteria changed. The shift from ICD-8 to ICD-10 diagnostic standards in 1994 led to a significant increase in diagnosed cases, which are unrelated to thimerosal removal.
Data exclusion. The study omitted 2001 data, which showed a decline in autism rates after thimerosal was phased out – raising concerns about cherry-picked results.
Clinic inclusion bias. A major autism center in Copenhagen was not included in the pre-1993 data but was later added, likely inflating post-thimerosal autism rates.

The Stehr-Green et al. (2003) study: Incomparable data?

This study compared autism rates in California, Denmark and Sweden against the thimerosal exposure levels. It found no clear (or consistent) link between thimerosal and autism but the study had key flaws.

Data reliability issues. Swedish autism data only accounted for hospital visits, potentially missing many cases diagnosed in outpatient settings. The California data included a broader range of autism spectrum disorders, which could have skewed the results.
Inconsistent thimerosal exposure. The three countries had vastly different vaccination policies and thimerosal exposure levels, making direct comparisons unreliable.

The Hviid et al. (2003) study: Counting problems?

This population-based Danish cohort study examined over 500,000 children who received thimerosal-free vaccines and those who received thimerosal-containing vaccine and found no link between thimerosal and autism. However, concerns include:

Age inclusion bias. The study included children as young as one-year-old, even though autism is typically diagnosed after age four. This could have led to an underestimation of autism cases.
Flawed counting method. Researchers counted "person-years of follow-up" instead of actual autism cases, which could have diluted the apparent impact of thimerosal exposure.

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👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 Read the beginning of the article 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻

The Andrews et al. (2004) study: Data integrity issues?

The UK-based study used medical records to examine whether thimerosal exposure was associated with developmental disorders. It found that higher exposure was linked to fewer general developmental issues but more cases of tics. Concerns include:

Data errors. The study used a database known to have significant inaccuracies, which could have affected the results.
Statistical manipulations. The use of a non-transparent regression technique made it difficult to assess the true impact of thimerosal on autism risk.
Different exposure levels. The U.K.'s vaccine schedule was different from that of the U.S., making the findings less applicable to American children.

The Versatraeten et al. (2003) study: Changing conclusions?

Analyzing data from several health maintenance organizations (HMOs), this CDC study initially found a 7.6-fold increased risk of autism with thimerosal exposure but later concluded there was no significant relationship. Issues raised include:

Multiple revisions. The study underwent several phases of methodological changes, progressively weakening the original findings.
Potential bias. Internal emails obtained through the Freedom of Information Act suggest the lead investigator may have faced pressure to alter the results to downplay the connection between thimerosal and autism.

The Price et al. (2010) study: Overmatching concerns?

The case-control study analyzed data from three healthcare organizations and found no significant link between prenatal or infant thimerosal exposure and autism. However, criticisms of the study include:

Overmatching issues. The study matched cases and controls of children with similar characteristics, including the same vaccination schedules, which could have masked the true impact of thimerosal on autism risk.
Data suppression. Unpublished internal CDC reports showed significant findings linking prenatal thimerosal exposure to regressive autism, raising concerns about transparency and the study's integrity.
Vaccines are vital to protecting public health BUT ensuring their safety should be an ongoing process. The thimerosal controversy and debate highlights the need for rigorous, unbiased research and open scientific dialogue.

The controversy over thimerosal is far from settled. While the CDC maintains that thimerosal is safe, independent research has raised valid concerns that cannot be ignored. As new research emerges, health organizations must re-evaluate their stance and ensure that public health policies are based on the most reliable and unbiased evidence.

Thimerosal has been largely removed from childhood vaccines in the U.S. but it remains in some flu shots and vaccines used globally. Parents and healthcare providers should stay informed and base their decisions on the most transparent, up-to-date research. Public trust in vaccines depends on open, honest and science-driven discussions about their safety.

Watch this video about thimerosal, which is dangerous at any concentration.


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Borax & Boron 4 Health avatar
Borax & Boron 4 Health
Borax mouthwash recipe. For a stronger recipe, use 1/2 teaspoon borax and add 5 drops of clove oil and 5 drops of tea tree oil.


Anti-fungal & antibacterial – Helps with gum infections and thrush.

Alkalizing – Balances oral pH to reduce cavities.

Soothes inflammation – Can help with sensitive gums.

The stronger formula can help with gingivitis and infections.
Tattoos nearly triple cancer risk

Researchers from Denmark found this out using data from 5,900 twins. They found that people with tattoos were more likely to be diagnosed with skin cancer and lymphoma than those without tattoos.

Tattoo ink can migrate to the lymph nodes, where it accumulates, scientists say. This can cause chronic inflammation, which over time can lead to abnormal cell growth and an increased risk of cancer.

Cancer can take years to develop, and exposure at a young age can take many years to manifest.

Tattoo size also matters. The results show that the link is stronger in people with larger tattoos (larger than the palm of their hand) — their risk of lymphoma is almost three times higher.
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“Cancer Decoded” on BrightU: The link between long COVID, vaccine injuries and parasitic infections

In Episode 8 of "Cancer Decoded," aired March 1,registered nurse and homeopath Nicole Pavlik revealed a startling link between long COVID, vaccine injuries and parasitic infections of the central nervous system. According to Pavlik,chronic symptoms such as brain fog,fatigue and neurological dysfunction may not just be lingering effects of viral infections but could indicate an underlying parasitic invasion.
Reflecting on the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic,Pavlik shared how standard infection control practices were suddenly abandoned."During COVID, the nurses were being told to reuse the same mask over and over from patient to patient," she recalled. "At the end of the shift, they were to take that mask, put it in a brown paper bag, and lock it up in their med cart to reuse for up to two shifts. Where did infection control go?"

She also raised concerns about how nursing homes were handled during the crisis."In New Jersey, our governor was forcing nursing homes to accept COVID-sick patients. The elderly are the most immune-compromised, and instead of protecting them, we essentially dropped a bomb in the nursing homes."

As a homeopath, Pavlik began working with vaccine-injured patients and long-haul COVID sufferers. "What I found was that parasites play a huge role in their symptoms," she explained."The neurological issues, the chronic fatigue, the brain fog — these all resemble central nervous system infections."

Homeopathic protocol that detoxes parasites from the brain

One of the most startling revelations she shared is that parasites may be contributing to glioblastomas,an aggressive brain cancer on the rise since COVID."There's a homeopathic protocol that detoxes parasites from the brain,and the same remedies have shown potential in addressing glioblastomas. That connection between parasites, COVID symptoms, and brain cancer is too strong to ignore."

Pavlik has developed a multi-layered detoxification approach using homeopathic remedies."The Parasite Detox that has been most effective includes Cina 6C and Cuprum metallicum 200C,alongside a fermented drainage kit from Pekana Bioresource," she detailed."This helps support the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system in eliminating toxins."

She also pointed out an intriguing link between snake venom and parasites."Dr. Bryan Ardis talks about nicotine as an antidote for snake venom. Nicotine is also antiparasitic. And both nicotine and antiparasitic remedies have shown potential in addressing glioblastomas. This raises the question: Are snake venom and parasites interconnected in how they affect the body?"
Another key component of her protocol includes the homeopathic remedy Ruta. "Ruta in its natural form has been studied for its antiparasitic effects and even as an antidote for venom. While the raw herb can cause liver damage, in homeopathic form, it becomes a safe and powerful tool."
Pavlik's insights add to a growing body of research suggesting that parasites may play a larger role in chronic disease than previously acknowledged. "There are huge connections between parasites, long COVID,vaccine injuries, Epstein-Barr virus, Lyme disease and autoimmune disorders," she emphasized. "Mast cell activation syndrome,for example,has skyrocketed among the vaccine-injured and long-haulers, and it presents symptoms very similar to central nervous system infections."

The implications of her findings could shift the way long COVID and vaccine injuries are treated."If we begin to see these symptoms as potential parasitic infections rather than just post-viral syndromes,we could open up new pathways for healing. Homeopathy and detoxification can be game-changers in recovery."As the medical community continues to explore these connections,Pavlik's approach offers hope to those suffering from unexplained post-COVID symptoms and vaccine injuries."The body has an incredible ability to heal," she said."We just need to support it in the right way."

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Dr. Bryan Ardis avatar
Dr. Bryan Ardis
Black seed oil, found in our BioDefense, is a powerful weapon against mycotoxins, including aflatoxin, which is known to cause cancerous tumors.

Join ➡️ @BryanArdis

If you are wondering why they are pushing the MMR vaccine for kids so hard, watch this video.

They made the MMR vaccine with Sars-CoV 2 spike protein. I also explain that the "vaccinations" are actually gene therapy using Adenoviruses and Lentiviruses. (Lentivirus is a viral vector of HIV-1)

Incorporating a coronavirus antigen into MMR vaccine to produce Covid-19 immunity in kids


A live attenuated measles virus vectored vaccine for sars-cov-2

Adenovirus Vectors for Gene Therapy, Vaccination and Cancer Gene Therapy

✅️ Join Us: t.me/fulvicwellness 🌿

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David Avocado Wolfe avatar
David Avocado Wolfe
Ivermectin is a postbiotic or synbiotic that does not affect human fertility.
(1 min 22 seconds)
See the link and detail below from Dr Makis.
Chemtrails consist of more than 49 substances that purportedly manipulate our minds, rendering us more susceptible to external influences.

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