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Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
The Washington Pundit avatar
The Washington Pundit
The latest contributor to TWP is Rachel Alexander, expert at rooting out election interference and corruption. In her first piece for TWP, she writes about alleged malfeasance in Pima County, AZ.


Speak Truth to Power | @TheWashingtonPundit
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The Library avatar
The Library
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
trooper channel
My First Aid bill: HB2052
is in the following 2 Committees:

Regulatory Oversight:

LD3 Joe Chaplik
VP: LD3 Alex Kolodin
LD17 Rachel Keschel REP
LD21 Consuelo Hernandez DEM
LD22 Lupe Contreras DEM

Chair LD14 Michael Hendrix
VP LD15 Neal Carter
LD25 Michael Carbone
LD11 Oscar De Los Santos DEM
LD18 Christopher Mathis
LD29 Steve Montenegro
LD13 Julie Willoughby

Please contact ALL of these people, DEM and REP, and remind them about all of that medical freedom, right to try, my body my choice, and community responsibility that every single one of them ran on, regardless of party...

And support this bill in RTS!
Cardinal Carlo Maria Vigano, The TRUE Pontiff for the Catholic Church speaks about Donald J. Trumps Victory, and the path he must follow forward to restore our great Republic, the United States of America! https://exsurgedomine.it/241108-elections-eng/
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
The Washington Pundit avatar
The Washington Pundit

H/t Kimberly Humphreys

@TheWashingtonPundit | Speak Truth To Power
Goodnight to all. Remember to pray for Victory and for the safety of President Donald J. Trump! May Saint Francis protect him...and change the hearts of men to good! After he wins, all of us will have to help those who have been deceived to SEE the Truth! That comes with kindness and love.
STATEMENT: The attached video is my statement in regards to the Arizona Stolen Valor Act, HB2030. I will be providing further details to FOX-10 News Reporters Trenton Hooker and Justin Lum, as well as KPNX-12 NBC News reporter Brahm Resnick. I will NOT stand by and remain silent. I will NOT allow veterans and military retirees to be denigrated and disparaged by those who support Stolen Valor for their own political or personal agendas. Especially those who have NEVER worn the uniform of the Armed Forces of the United States, or those who did, and knowingly misrepresent their military service.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Dr. Aaron Kheriaty avatar
Dr. Aaron Kheriaty
They Think Wr Are Stupid, NYT edition…

Join @AaronKheriaty
👆🏻European Union knows something is coming...prepare!
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Hey Arizonans, check your Phone Devices, especially iPhone users. It appears that Arizona MAY be forcefully push-installing their new Mobile Digital ID App to User Devices, without User Permissions. Send feedback to our Chat Channel through the Comments.

NOTE you will have to search for this App, as it installs in the background, and doesn't "unhide" until you set it up. You CAN however find the Install with a Search in your Apps.
BREAKING: FEBRUARY 2ND, 2025, City of Nogales, AZ and Mexico. There is an ongoing, full on firefight, taking place between members of the various cartels on both sides of the US Border, in Arizona/Mexico. This is taking place tonight. It appears the United States may be losing control of the City of Nogales, a major border crossing with Mexico.
ALL: Tomorrow at 3pm MST, the Arizona House Legislature will hear from the public in the House Federalism, Military Affairs & Elections Committee, Arizona State Capitol. The hearing will be held concerning HB2030, the AZ Stolen Valor Act. This Bill is being named in honor of my late father, MSgt Orlando J. Dona, USAF (Retired). Below is an excellent article about the Bill and the life my father lived honoring and sacrificing for our great Republic. - MSG Jack Dona, US Army (Retired) https://arizonasuntimes.com/news/stolen-valor-legislation-introduced-in-arizona-legislature-in-honor-of-veteran-father-of-conelrad-member/ralexander/2025/01/13/
Anyone remember this message from STRATCOM sent out on April 19th, 2021?
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Disclose.tv avatar
NEW - EU Commission is calling on its citizens to stock up on supplies as most bloc countries are "not in a position to ensure the survival of their citizens for at least three days."


🔥 Explosive New Evidence: Treasonous Plot Against President Trump 🔥 Interview with Nate Cain of the Raising Cain Show, and MSG F. Jack Dona on Twitter Spaces, 10-29-2024: https://x.com/i/spaces/1ynJODjYRowxR
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