Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Herr Cent Logistics

Our politics should not revolve around election cycles

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Joel Davis

"Just on principle, every other group in the world has a right to its own homeland except White people? What? Explain how that makes sense. Either no group has the right or every group has the right. What the hell? Why are we playing along with this nonsense?" ~ Tucker Carlson
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Blair Cottrell 🇦🇺

Much to the frustration of various government bureaucrats, the head of ASIO continues to tell the truth about the National Socialist Network in Australia.
It’s really pathetic that elements of government are desperate to declare a completely legal group of protestors ‘terrorists’ just because they don’t like their ideology.
There’s a weird sort of ‘phobia’ of nationalism in administrate departments down here, probably because so many levels of government are in deep with foreign lobbyists, they’re afraid of some sort of ‘national justice’ coming around in the near future.
It’s really pathetic that elements of government are desperate to declare a completely legal group of protestors ‘terrorists’ just because they don’t like their ideology.
There’s a weird sort of ‘phobia’ of nationalism in administrate departments down here, probably because so many levels of government are in deep with foreign lobbyists, they’re afraid of some sort of ‘national justice’ coming around in the near future.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Herr Cent Logistics

Why studying World War 2 is so important.
Thomas going live now!
Why studying World War 2 is so important.
Thomas going live now!

"I'd rather be here, a free man among brothers, facing a long march and a hard fight, than to be the richest citizen of Rome, fat with food he didn't work for, and surrounded by slaves."

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Joel Davis

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Blair Cottrell 🇦🇺

Tiktok banned this edit.
Reason: “Violent & hateful extremism”.
I’m not kidding.
Reason: “Violent & hateful extremism”.
I’m not kidding.
The Australian Government is attempting to prevent me from paying my respects to this man, his fallen brothers in blood, and all those who fought and died to protect this nation from foreign invaders.
I have attended services at the Shrine of Remembrance every year of my life since I was born.
I have marched in the ANZAC Parade alongside my forefather every year of my life until his death in 2020.
I inherited his medals and his spirit and have continued to solemnly and respectfully honour him and all of my ancestors at the Shrine, both individually and with members of our organisation.
I will continue to attend the Shrine of Remembrance, and I will continue to worship my ancestors.
"The Laws of Nature are the laws of God, whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth."
I have attended services at the Shrine of Remembrance every year of my life since I was born.
I have marched in the ANZAC Parade alongside my forefather every year of my life until his death in 2020.
I inherited his medals and his spirit and have continued to solemnly and respectfully honour him and all of my ancestors at the Shrine, both individually and with members of our organisation.
I will continue to attend the Shrine of Remembrance, and I will continue to worship my ancestors.
"The Laws of Nature are the laws of God, whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth."

"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men."
Keith Woods is an optics cuck of the most eregious kind.
Art imitates life, life imitates art.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Noticer News

Opinion from David Hiscox on Chinese warships conducting live-fire drills off the Australian coast:
"Australia should have had nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers decades ago. We now need hypersonic missiles, and mass deportations"
Follow: @NoticerNews
"Australia should have had nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers decades ago. We now need hypersonic missiles, and mass deportations"
Follow: @NoticerNews
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Herr Cent Logistics

If you still respect the police, I feel sorry for you
"Give me the NSN member, and I will find the crime." — Victoria Police
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Clann Éireann

Local members of Clann Éireann decided to visit The Grianán of Aileach in County Donegal recently. This historical site has great symbolic importance, due to the fact that it is pre-Christian and was revered and respected by our medieval monks, who wrote poems of its construction in the Book of Lecan. This fact symbolises how the Christianisation of Ireland was not one of denial of our past, but rather an acceptance of our ancestors' heritage while bringing them into the faith of Christ.
While there, our members also visited St. Patrick's Holy Well, named after the Saint as he is said to have blessed it. Our Patron Saint is said to have blessed many places in Ireland while accepting the righteous and holy deeds of Caílte Mac Rónáin of the Fianna, as told to us in the Acallam na Senórach.
Whether one believes such things happened historically is unimportant, what it symbolises is what is important: reverence, love & acceptance for the totality of our people's history.
Join Clann Éireann:
While there, our members also visited St. Patrick's Holy Well, named after the Saint as he is said to have blessed it. Our Patron Saint is said to have blessed many places in Ireland while accepting the righteous and holy deeds of Caílte Mac Rónáin of the Fianna, as told to us in the Acallam na Senórach.
Whether one believes such things happened historically is unimportant, what it symbolises is what is important: reverence, love & acceptance for the totality of our people's history.
Join Clann Éireann:
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Joel Davis

Happy birthday to the CEO of racism and a Happy Hersant Day to you all
HH brothers! ⚡️⚡️
HH brothers! ⚡️⚡️
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Noticer News

Victoria Police displayed left-wing bias and worried about scrutiny from the “LGBTIQA+ community” while dealing with violent far-left counter-protesters during a series of women’s rights rallies in Melbourne, damning internal documents show.
Follow: @NoticerNews
Follow: @NoticerNews
Michael J Nelson of the NSN on DaveRightNow espousing the worldview.
Michael J Nelson of the NSN on DaveRightNow espousing the worldview.
To White Australians, the Shrine of Remembrance is a sacred hall on consecrated and hallowed grounds.
Our organisation has attended it many times over the years, never politically, and always respectfully.
I've personally been there every year of my life, and have marched in the ANZAC Parade each year from my birth until my Pops death.
It was one of the first places I attended after I awoke from my coma due to the significant spiritual meaning it has to me.
It holds extremely special religious standing to Australian Nationalists as we fight to uphold the legacy of these fallen soldiers.
It is quite literally a holy temple to our Ancestors.
We do not recognise any authority of man to keep us from attending this temple, honouring our forefathers, and paying our respects to the spirits of our Ancestors.
Our organisation has attended it many times over the years, never politically, and always respectfully.
I've personally been there every year of my life, and have marched in the ANZAC Parade each year from my birth until my Pops death.
It was one of the first places I attended after I awoke from my coma due to the significant spiritual meaning it has to me.
It holds extremely special religious standing to Australian Nationalists as we fight to uphold the legacy of these fallen soldiers.
It is quite literally a holy temple to our Ancestors.
We do not recognise any authority of man to keep us from attending this temple, honouring our forefathers, and paying our respects to the spirits of our Ancestors.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Christopher Alan Pohlhaus

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