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The Washington Report 🇺🇸
The Washington Report 🇺🇸
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Dead Zigger Storage 2.0 avatar
Dead Zigger Storage 2.0
The real meaning of the MAGAtard slogan 'America First' is to betray Europe by leaving it to be devoured by the neo-bolshevik hordes and to eternally serve Israel. They should change it to 'Israel First', which would at least be true about them.

Dead Zigger Storage
The Washington Report Episode 16: Europe Report with Pavel of Great Men of Our History

0:00 Intro (Song “Viktoria” by Teknein)

3:15 Pavel’s Story

34:15 The Ukraine War

1:17:00 Great Men of Our History

1:21:00 Weekly News Segment

1:59:20 Outro “Our Father is Bandera Ukraine Our Mother” Remix by CreationS” Remix


Pavel’s podcast, Great Men of Our History!
The Washington Report Episode 17: In The Smoke Pit with Rick

0:00 Intro (Song “Viktoria” by Teknein)

3:00 Rick’s Story

7:25 The Mex Question

13:35 Euroreich Long Shot

20:00 Cucked Chinald Policy

29:45 Fortress America

40:20 Afrikaner Lives Matter

50:15 War Realities

1:10:30 Zion Li(e)on

1:19:20 Die for Z00G!!!

1:29:20 Weekly News Segment

Outro “Purpose and Responsibility” by Xurious


Rick’s podcast, The Smoke Pit
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Normie Pipeline avatar
Normie Pipeline
Today we mourn the death of Charles Augustus Lindbergh jr, the 20 month old son of Charles Lindbergh.

He would be kidnapped from his home at 8pm. He would not be found until May 12, when a truck driver found his body on the side of the road.

There are talks that it was Zionist provocateurs, Richard Hauptmann and an unknown third party, who kidnapped Lindberghs son because of his overt Nationalistic and anti-jewish sentiments.

Memory Eternal ☦️
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Lightning Patriot ⚡️🦅🇺🇸 avatar
Lightning Patriot ⚡️🦅🇺🇸
Colonel Charles Augustus Lindbergh who led the America First Committee was not a pacifist, he actually called for Hitler to break the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and for a US-Re¡ch Treaty to be signed so America would assist Germany in breaking up the USSR and use Russia as a buffer against China and probably Japan. ⬛️⬜️🟥🦅🇺🇸 When they say “America First” they are saying their Z0G regime First, not the historical term.
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