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Kate Mason
Tony Blair and Larry Ellison (Oracle software) discussing all our data stored in one place (including genomics), individualised mRNA injections (transfection technology), full surveillance on ALL farms, farms being told what seeds to plant (genetically engineered- “synthetic is sustainable”), biometric data needed to access services and AI government. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FG2AtiInwKM
You can see where your country is up to with deregulating gene technologies. Australia is not quite up to date- last time the website was updated was May 2024, and we have had a number of changes since then. https://crispr-gene-editing-regs-tracker.geneticliteracyproject.org
MIT "Sculpting evolution" through genetic editing (CRISPR). Nature is just so difficult, not easily controlled and unpredictable. Hence the need to genetically engineer the ecosystem and wild animals. https://www.sculptingevolution.org

Video from MIT Media Lab "Sculpting Evolution" Kevin Esvelt: Pandemics, Gene Drives, Existential Threats- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g89D1LFYoKU

An analysis of the above video from 1 hour 25 mins- https://stream.gigaohm.bio/w/crZdq61uQiDS3M2R12SCyh?

Kevin was instrumental in discovering CRISPR. He was working with George Church. You can listen to George Church here- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5dcjcTxS30

There are people working very hard on turning human bodies, ecosystems, animals, plants, soil into a synthetic biology experiment. Our governments are assisting them through legislative changes.
Banks need to get the mortgages on their books down to net zero, how are they going to do this? Well, at the least they wont be giving mortgages for houses which don't have a certain energy rating (starting with 5 stars).
As home owners are unable to afford insurance due to being in flood zones or due to fire risk, the property risk is transferred to the banks. The banks are not going to hold the risk, what do you think the banks will do with people's mortgages if they are uninsured?
Why are our Federal MP's being silent on the changes which the Australian government is implementing, changes which will have serious implications for private home ownership? https://reneweconomy.com.au/big-banks-take-on-greening-of-australias-10-trillion-housing-stock/?
Under the circular economy- product becomes a service-and a short step later our social credit scores determine whether we can access the service.

PACCT for Sustainability (Product-as-a-service (PaaS) to Accelerate Cooperation and Circular Transformation) aims to bring together a European community focused on the Product-as-a-Service model. This will involve redefining market standards as part of a global transformation guided by the imperatives of ecological transition.

“Ownership could be displaced or augmented by access to service. Social credit may become a more powerful determinant of socio economic inclusion.”
Pacific Eclipse was an interactive pandemic tabletop exercise held simultaneously in three US cities - Washington DC, Phoenix and Honolulu - on 9-10 December, 2019. There were over 200 invited participants from the Five Eyes nations.

“Participants: Stakeholders from state and federal government and non-government organisations from The United States, The United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, as well as industry and non-government organisations attended.”

“The exercise was jointly conducted by:

- the DoD United States Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM)
- the PLuS Alliance of three universities in the US (ASU) the UK (KCL) and Australia (UNSW)”

“The scenario was developed by Professor Raina MacIntyre - a physician and researcher in emerging infectious diseases and biosecurity at the Kirby Institute at UNSW, Sydney, Australia.”

“Pacific Eclipse received funding for venue hire, participant travel and accommodation from [vaccine companies] Emergent Biosolutions and Bavarian Nordic…… and Siga and Meridien Medical Technologies.”

“On 21 January 2020, the tabletop exercise was reported in the news section of the Kirby Institute/ UNSW website. NOTE: This university news report mentioned that invited participants included representatives from “the WHO, US CDC, US military, FBI, London Metropolitan Police, Defence Science Technology Laboratories UK, and several state and international agencies.”

“Many issues that subsequently arose during the COVID-19 pandemic were anticipated – testing, tracing, isolation, quarantine, vaccination response, stockpiling, social distancing, masks, border control, protecting critical infrastructure, business continuity and protecting first responders. Pacific Eclipse took a broad, societal view of pandemics, including cascading failures in critical infrastructure due to mass illness and absenteeism, all of which were seen during the subsequent COVID-19 pandemic.”

“We showed that vaccination provides an effective exit strategy to a pandemic, and that this requires high and rapid coverage, as well as vaccines to be supplied to the areas of greatest need. Countries that cannot achieve high coverage due to lack of access or hesitancy, will determine the duration of the pandemic and the level of global disruption, which may extend to many years in some hot spots.”

FSANZ - Australia and NZ food body are about to flood the market with GMOs without safety testing or LABELLING. This will lead to 94 percent of GMOs being "disappeared".
FSANZ has a "stakeholder" consultation open until tomorrow, to determine how satisfied stakeholders are with FSANZs processes. FSANZs priorities are to industry, as clearly evidenced by their first stakeholder question not even including consumers of food. https://consultations.foodstandards.gov.au/fsanz/fsanz-stakeholder-satisfaction-survey-2024/consultation/confirm_submit
You can let them know how much you trust that FSANZ is working for you. Here is an article outlining concerns regarding what FSANZ is currently up to in their bait and switch techniques- basically they are stating that conventional food is the same as synthetic food. https://psgrnz.substack.com/p/did-fsanz-just-dismiss-statute-and
In 2004, whilst I was still sleeping, public concerns about Nano Tech were being discussed in Australia. Nano Tech will be used extensively (if it's not already) in soil and plants to "solve" climate change. There are SERIOUS health and environmental concerns. https://www.abc.net.au/science/news/stories/2004/1257304.htm?
There are serious, disturbing global plans to synthetically alter the ecosystem, animals, plants, food, and human bodies. In progression of this goal Australia’s Gene Technology Act 2000 is being revised.
The webinar linked states that the current Gene Technology Act 2000 impedes innovation. Amendments are proposed to ensure the legislation can keep up with further advancements in health, medicine, agriculture and animals and make it easier for industry.
This includes:
- Pest control, medical research and commercial therapies
- Biomanufacturing and species conservation
- Health- encourage companies to undertake clinical trials in Australia to develop novel treatments
- Biotechnologies including synthetic biology have been listed as critical technology in the national interest (federal and state)
- Protection of threatened species, management of feral animals and weeds and sustainable agriculture are key areas where gene technology can make substantial contributions to the environment.
- Vaccines which protect Australian fauna are being developed
- Genetically engineered crops which have increased yields with less energy input makes agriculture more sustainable by lowering carbon emissions.
Have a listen to what is being discussed. https://www.genetechnology.gov.au/resources/videos/information-session-proposed-amendments-gene-technology-act submissions close 8th November.
Information from UK Column regarding energy certificates on people's homes. Australia is heading in this direction. Full video here: https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-4th-october-2024? My article on Australia here: https://kate739.substack.com/p/threats-to-private-home-ownership
Mining our way to Net Zero
'Australia will be a critical mineral superpower'
'80 % of Australia is under explored for critical minerals'
How can this even be said with a straight face- it's a joke, a deeply destructive sick joke.https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-22/explainer-what-is-mineral-sands-mining/103603660
Please listen to clips regarding the changes to the Gene Technology Act 2000, where dystopian plans to synthetically alter agriculture, wild species and the eco system are outlined. As well as how the Act needs to be amended to make it easier for industry to "innovate". In these two minutes you will get a good sense of where this is all heading, under the guise of climate.
And there's a weird statement- that "human beings are not considered to be GMOs for the purposes of this scheme".
Public submissions are open for comment until 8th November-

Webinar- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRsFgqrZxlo
The more I read it becomes clear that we are in a synthetic biology experiment of mammoth proportions: not only the eco system, not only food, not only animals, but also our human bodies.
How can something this profound (and concerning) be occurring without any public debate? With the vast majority of people being completely unaware? https://www.ausbiotech.org/documents/item/768?
Brisbane free future of food event:
CSIRO will be showcasing novel (synthetic) foods, biotech and surveillance tech , futuristic farming (AI, Robotics, biosensors).
Anyone who wants to get abreast of where the CSIRO is pushing our food systems, please attend and let me know what is covered.

CSIRO have many relevant documents on the future of centralised, synthetic foods, including:
Australia's Synthetic Biology Roadmap
Edible Insects Roadmap
Australia's Protein Roadmap
Reshaping Australian Food Systems
On Farm Applications of Advanced Bioengineering
Ag 2050 Scenarios Report

The CSIRO uses the same excuse for the synthetic transformation of our food systems as was used to usher in the mono crop, chemical laden, GMO Green Revolution, "we must do this to feed the world" (SDG2) and they've added in for good measure "we must do this to save the climate" (SDG13).

Anyone concerned about non transparent synthetic food systems being implemented (protected by confidential commercial information- i.e. patented- we can't see the tech and processes used), nano tech, bio tech, surveillance, bio sensors etc., should be keeping a close eye on what the CSIRO is rolling out.

A close eye should also be kept on their venture capital firm, Main Sequence. Which "coincidentally" arose from a partnership between CSIRO and Bill Bartee. Bill is co-owner of venture capital firm Blackbird. The other partner of Blackbird is ex CSIRO CEO Larry Marshall. Blackbird partly funded the first lab meat that is going to be allowed in to the Australian market. Main Ventures funds many synthetic food start ups.
When Larry Marshall was CEO of CSIRO there was a controversy when he sacked climate scientists and said the science is settled and it was time to go to climate mitigation strategies. One climate mitigation strategy is synthetic food. It's a circular wheel, where those who benefit are pushing transformative changes to our food systems.

CSIRO event- https://events.csiro.au/Events/2024/July/31/AgCatalyst-2024? My article covering the Lab Meat CSIRO connection- https://kate739.substack.com/p/lab-created-quail-entering-the-australian
“Feminising tyranny”

Jacinda Ardern takes on a new position, a "wee" project she calls it, to embed "empathy and kindness" in to leadership positions.

Her "wee" position is with the Centre of American Progress, whose current president recently hopped out of his position as president of the Open Society Foundation (Soros). The Centre of American Progress has billionaire funders and dark funders- some notables are Soros, Gates, Ford Foundation, defence contractors, pharmaceutical companies and undisclosed corporate funders.

Purportedly Ardern's position is to embed "empathy and kindness" in to leadership, and to quell the rise of authoritarianism.

Ardern, the woman who said that the government was the single source of truth, and to ignore any other information is now fighting authoritarianism, paid for by major global corporate players. Lol!!
An excellent and succint outline of the future that is being constructed around us- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTW8BXbyl4c
If you are in the Sunshine Coast and concerned about the 4th Industrial Revolution technologies, this event on the 4th of December would be worth going to. https://invest.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/toolkit/geospatial-intelligence-in-real-life/?
Canada's Pandemic Preparedness Bill allows for "biosecurity threat" measures which shut down agriculture and push synthetic alternative proteins. In 2022 the WHO, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO- who has a partnership with CropLife to transform the world's food systems), UNEP, and the World Organisation for Animal Health signed an MOU focusing on the One Health Model and biosecurity threats. Canada is only enacting the global script. https://lethbridgenewsnow.com/2024/10/25/alberta-pushes-feds-for-amendments-to-pandemic-preparedness-bill-cites-risks-to-agriculture/
Another public consultation that the public is unaware of. This time it's to amend the Gene Technology Act 2000. I haven't got my head around it yet, but considering the climate we are in it will be changes that make it easier to release unregulated synthetically altered organisms.
Consultations close 8th November. I'd love any input if you read it. https://www.genetechnology.gov.au/news/consultation-proposed-changes-gene-technology-act-2000
Qld government initiative to give free lunches to students is not their initiative.
This is a global agenda- all about the tracking and tracing of food systems, and incorporating synthetic “personalised” food into the food chain. As set out in Rockefeller’s Reset the Table- which was released in 2020 and uses the narrative “covid showed up the cracks in our society” to call for even more centralised control and surveillance.
Rockefeller Foundation is central to emerging synthetic food technologies- as they were central to bringing in the heavily chemical laden green revolution. And guess what- they used the same rhetoric as they do now- "we need to do this chemical/GMO transformation to feed the world". Now it's tweaked with "we have to do this to save the climate."
And so you can read the code: when Rockefeller, the UN etc. speak about "sustainable" food, they are actually referring to synthetic food. The Reset the Table paper states:
“Invest public and private funding in school food programs as anchors of community feeding.”
“Public schools are anchors of community feeding and play an essential role in ensuring children are nutrition secure."
It's also a way to direct public spending on agendas we may not want (i.e. synthetic food):
"Capability 2: Activate the power of public purchasing
Every dollar spent on a food purchase is an investment that shapes our food system and its public health,
equity, and environmental outcomes...As public institutions injecting our tax dollars into the food system, these institutions should bear a responsibility to purchase based on “best value” that takes into account the true cost accounting approach outlined above and advances nutritional quality, ethical sourcing, fair wages and benefits for workers in the supply chain, local economic impact, and environmental sustainability."
Sustainable food is code for synthetic food in this new world order. And just to seal the deal FSANZ (Australia and New Zealand food body) is redefining synthetic food as non GMO to flood the market with synthetic food without safety testing or labelling.
I'm really getting tired of the virtue signalling used to bring in horrific agendas- https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/RF-Reset-the-Table-FULL-PAPER_July-28_FINAL.pdf? https://www.afr.com/politics/qld-labor-promises-free-school-lunches-in-a-1-4-billion-vote-grab-20241013-p5khvn
UNSW joined Arizona State University and King’s College London to form the PLuS Alliance in 2017. The PLuS Alliance aims to develop sustainable solutions to society’s global challenges. "As such, we have identified key themes on which to focus our expertise through learning and research, aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)".

Video of Wesley Herche- Associate Director of Research with the Global Security Initiative (GSI) at Arizona State University (ASU). Article from Democracy Manifest in comments.

"This is fantastic for us as now we have partners in these other two fantastic universities, and also are housed within nations that are closely aligned with US STRATEGIC INTERESTS and US DOD and INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY INTERESTS.
Also looking at - the speed at which renewable energy must be implemented creates a whole new set of security challenges and issues." Covered further- https://democracymanifest.substack.com/p/operation-covid-19-and-the-five-eyes
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NEW PODCAST! 🎙📡🇺🇸🇦🇺☢️

Retired Australian Army Officer Cameron Leckie discusses becoming disillusioned with the military-industrial-complex and his working assumption that we are headed for major war(s) which could be regional or global (e.g. WWIII). War is being driven by the Collective West. He talks AUKUS, Australian foreign policy, how Washington plans to use Canberra as cannon fodder for war against China, and what the consequences would be for Australia. He comments on the timeline for war, NATO, drone warfare, the Middle East, American exceptionalism, and BRICS.

🔗 https://geopoliticsandempire.com/2024/09/28/leckie-headed-for-war

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