It isreally mysterious whose national security could be threatened by exposing the real dirt on an international pedophile ring. Such a country would rightly become the common enemy of all humanity, and we can't allow that, despite what literally all of us voted for.

By Ron McVan
Choose your life path, and choose it with care, for a choice that is bad, leads the soul nowhere. Most paths, they will lead you, to brambles and weeds, encouraging vice, and discouraging deeds.
Know your roots; though you travel afar, your roots are the source of who you are. Roots build strength, like a great oak tree, without them, life is aimless, on a storm tossed sea.
Honor your folk, your family and kin, honor the gods of your blood, therein. Honor your forebears, in essence and spirit, for they dwell about you, though you can't see or hear it.
Above all, be wise, follow truth and be bold, “DO RIGHT AND FEAR NO ONE” is a troth you should hold. All life is a tightrope, across an abyss, transcending, but never ending….just remember this!
By Ron McVan
Choose your life path, and choose it with care, for a choice that is bad, leads the soul nowhere. Most paths, they will lead you, to brambles and weeds, encouraging vice, and discouraging deeds.
Know your roots; though you travel afar, your roots are the source of who you are. Roots build strength, like a great oak tree, without them, life is aimless, on a storm tossed sea.
Honor your folk, your family and kin, honor the gods of your blood, therein. Honor your forebears, in essence and spirit, for they dwell about you, though you can't see or hear it.
Above all, be wise, follow truth and be bold, “DO RIGHT AND FEAR NO ONE” is a troth you should hold. All life is a tightrope, across an abyss, transcending, but never ending….just remember this!
Lots of motivational advice in here, as well as the usual comedy.
Lots of motivational advice in here, as well as the usual comedy.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives ✝️ #FreeVenezuela

🇺🇸🤝🇺🇸🇺🇸 | United States Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth orders United States Armed Forces to re-rename Fort Liberty back to Confederate era Fort Bragg
🔗 Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth (@SecDef)
Bragg is back! I just signed a memorandum reversing the naming of Fort Liberty back to Fort Bragg.
🔗 Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth (@SecDef)
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Þórr siðr

“If a man is to realize in full measure the potentialities of his own being, he must first of all learn to know the people of his own kin and his own people’s history and literature. This knowledge constitutes our cultural roots. Without it we become drifting vagrants, scrubs, or tramps, culturally speaking.”
Ole Edvart Rølvaag, 1907.
Ole Edvart Rølvaag, 1907.


This is pretty based, if he means it.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Ultras Not Reds

13th February 1945 🇩🇪
Dresden Gedenken 🥀 🕊️
Today marks 80 years of the allied bombings of the Eastern German city of Dresden, tens of thousands of German civilians lost their lives, burnt to death instantly in the flames.
Dresden Gedenken 🥀 🕊️
Today marks 80 years of the allied bombings of the Eastern German city of Dresden, tens of thousands of German civilians lost their lives, burnt to death instantly in the flames.

First I was like, "we deserve better psyops lol." Then I was like, shit actually that's pretty good.
Odin world prayer day
Asatru blissings to all
Asatru blissings to all
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:MEME EMPORIUM
"Foreign Aid is Taking Money From Poor People in Rich Countries, and giving it to Rich People in Poor Countries."
These are the people you’re afraid to stand up to. These are the people that you’re afraid will find out that you’re proud of your heritage.

"Inheritance tax" is a term one spits out of one's mouth.
UK farmers, we can't do much from here, but we are with you. Your cause is holy and just.
UK farmers, we can't do much from here, but we are with you. Your cause is holy and just.
t.me/TheWotanNetwork - t.me/Stephen_A_McNallen - t.me/Wotan_Network_Activity
As adapted excerpt from my book, The Spear -
Wotan does not want us to grovel and beg for his help, he demands something much harder - he wants us to become like him, as much as we are able.
We must grow stronger. We must grow wiser. We, as a Folk, must prove that we are worthy of life, worthy of victory, worthy of our kinship with him - and worthy of our high Destiny.
Okay, maybe you are an agnostic, or an atheist, or a Christian. If you want to think of Wotan as an archetype in the Jungian unconscious, as a mythic symbol but nothing more, fine. As for me, he has proven his existence over many decades. The numinous reality that is Wotan to the Germans, or Odin to the Norse, or Woden to the English, looms over my life.
I stand with Wotan. Stand with me! Stand with our ancestors! Stand with your Folk! Stand with your descendants yet unborn!...Stand with Wotan Network!
The Spear - essentially, the "field manual" for Wotan Network - can be ordered from Lulu as an actual book or in PDF form, or you can order it directly from me at wolfagemedia@gmail.com. Signed copies of my earlier book, Asatru: A Native European Spirituality are also available along with other, smaller works; inquiries welcome.
t.me/TheWotanNetwork - t.me/Stephen_A_McNallen - t.me/Wotan_Network_Activity
As adapted excerpt from my book, The Spear -
Wotan does not want us to grovel and beg for his help, he demands something much harder - he wants us to become like him, as much as we are able.
We must grow stronger. We must grow wiser. We, as a Folk, must prove that we are worthy of life, worthy of victory, worthy of our kinship with him - and worthy of our high Destiny.
Okay, maybe you are an agnostic, or an atheist, or a Christian. If you want to think of Wotan as an archetype in the Jungian unconscious, as a mythic symbol but nothing more, fine. As for me, he has proven his existence over many decades. The numinous reality that is Wotan to the Germans, or Odin to the Norse, or Woden to the English, looms over my life.
I stand with Wotan. Stand with me! Stand with our ancestors! Stand with your Folk! Stand with your descendants yet unborn!...Stand with Wotan Network!
The Spear - essentially, the "field manual" for Wotan Network - can be ordered from Lulu as an actual book or in PDF form, or you can order it directly from me at wolfagemedia@gmail.com. Signed copies of my earlier book, Asatru: A Native European Spirituality are also available along with other, smaller works; inquiries welcome.
Somebody at my job today asked me if I was "watching the game tonight" and out loud I automatically said yes, but in reality it took me about five seconds to even realize what he was talking about.

You can't just let your host nation decide if they want to continue being wholesale slaughtered in an impossible military engagement. Beelions and beelions of dollars are at stake. Elections are a danger to our democracy.

InB4, nobody with a Jerusalem Cross on his chest will ever truly be our friend - BUT, we're seeing genuine common ground covered here, and it would be simply stupid to purity spiral at this moment. Deo Vindice. Now do Fort Hood.
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
Fiona Astrologer ️ᛉ

Odin world prayer day on Fyn, Odin's Island. 🇩🇰🇮🇪
Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:
The Path of Wotan

4. I will not abide the teachings of a nonhuman.
In the human experience there is no form of communication finer than spiritual discourse. It is at the hub of the wheel. Immediately outward from it spread the inquiries and discoveries of science, the spokes giving the wheel strength and, by their precision, proving where the true center is. Completing the structure is philosophy, the tread whereby we discover how those truths bear upon ourselves and our world. This is the sacred duty and the exclusive purview of mankind.
How unworthy of us would it be, after all the riches our forebears left us, if when the ability finally arrives, we should shirk these sacred duties, passing them off to an entity with no soul?
The purpose of machines is to free us from the drudgery of repetitive work, leaving human beings to further perfect our evolution. It is no longer an accident if we surrender control of our destiny, regressing into mindless beasts.
In the human experience there is no form of communication finer than spiritual discourse. It is at the hub of the wheel. Immediately outward from it spread the inquiries and discoveries of science, the spokes giving the wheel strength and, by their precision, proving where the true center is. Completing the structure is philosophy, the tread whereby we discover how those truths bear upon ourselves and our world. This is the sacred duty and the exclusive purview of mankind.
How unworthy of us would it be, after all the riches our forebears left us, if when the ability finally arrives, we should shirk these sacred duties, passing them off to an entity with no soul?
The purpose of machines is to free us from the drudgery of repetitive work, leaving human beings to further perfect our evolution. It is no longer an accident if we surrender control of our destiny, regressing into mindless beasts.
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