More Hackencreuz posting from JT!

Alex (14) was killed by a migrant. He followed patriotic accounts on social media. He was one of us. RIP
Everyone's favorite Pagan story teller is back!
Some people say trauma is best forgotten but i think it should be remembered as part of the healing process to get different outcome in the future. Remember Dresden and the many other city's destroyed by the "good guys"

Кайра бөлүшүлгөн:

This is a poem that I wrote called ‘ballad of the black legion’
The rebel flag hangs overpast, our legions march below.
The White Mans klan is here to stay, and reap what we have sown
For the land of anglos has been forsake, it is we who must atone.
To kick out the foreign race, To reclaim the White Mans home
A thousand times we may fall, yet our goal we shall not miss.
To save this sacred country, from the sea of endless abyss.
The rebel flag hangs overpast, our legions march below.
The White Mans klan is here to stay, and reap what we have sown
For the land of anglos has been forsake, it is we who must atone.
To kick out the foreign race, To reclaim the White Mans home
A thousand times we may fall, yet our goal we shall not miss.
To save this sacred country, from the sea of endless abyss.


U.S. Volunteer Buddy Lilley armed with his .223 Colt SP-1 rifle, during the last year of the Rhodesian Bush War. The struggle is global!
One strange thing about Trumps executive order is that it specifically referenced Africans instead of White South Africans. This may have been deliberate in order to avoid referencing Whites as group and trying to use culture instead of race. Practically this is problematic. Many Afrikaner’s don’t speak Africans and some English South Africans do! Also there’s a lot of part Africans people. Rodger Federer being one. Of all the four “racial classifications” in SA only White is a single race. Whites are by far the most homogeneous group. The most obvious problem with Trumps order is it neglects all the other Whites who suffer under exactly the same laws. Not only are English South Africans the same legally they’re also the suffering the same crimes. Whites have remained very pure in part because the old government had the good sense to isolate the mixed race people that did occur and create the “coloured” classification. The admixture that exists was mostly very early on before this system. From a global White nationalist perspective (which I am) it’s important for the Whites in South Africa not to allow themselves to be further subdivided. There numbers are already small enough without making it worse. I know there will be resistance to this from the Afrikaner side but it something you need to overcome. There’s still resentment about being put in concentration camps by the English but at this point all Whites are living in prisons. This doesn’t mean giving up your identity. It just means seeing English South Africans for what they are. Very close genetic kin in a sea of hostility. Look at the graph! Become a DNA Nationalist.

The definition of "cope"
This the "Nazi supergrass" doco i referred to in a previous post. I spent hours looking for footage of Jack Van Tongeren interviews but came up blank. I know he did a lot of tv and radio interviews Maybe they have been deliberately wiped or maybe its just because it happened before the internet. Anyway if anyone is able to find anything post it in the chat and ill post it. In particular there's the "A current affair" interview with Jana Wendt out there somewhere.

What new kind of hell is this? 🤣 I'd love to know how much taxpayer money was wasted on this. Australia urgently needs a DOGE.

Facial reconstruction of a fifth century Saxon from Sussex.

Trust your sense's including smell! They evolved for a reason.


High optics discussion of Tolkien's use of Germanic legend.

If 2% Neanderthal DNA makes Europeans non-human, according to a Black South African podcaster, then their having up to 19% "ghost species" in Africans means what? The other standout here is a high level of Denisovan in "Oceania". This includes Abo's and Papuans. All the rest of the world has some level of Neanderthal admixture. again highlighting just how different Africans are from the rest humanity. This is confirmed by other methods of analysis. If anyone is going to be classified into a different species it would be Africans before anyone else.

Momentum is building for an ethno-state. If this happens it will be the most significant step forward for White nationalism this century. I have no doubt the communists will oppose this with everything they have. Africans would rather see everything destroyed than someone else succeed.

"Drinking the Kool-Aid" This is a South African podcast! Apparently hate speech laws don't apply to blacks. The complete dissociation with reality to get to these conclusions is really quite staggering. I would however agree we are at a weak point right now through a combination of toxic propaganda and dysgenics. If we can fix our cultural issues this guy is in for a rude awakening!


White power lifting gym!
A real look at Orania instead of a hit piece. Its tough country out there which it why there's nobody else there. Its a bit like Australia when i was kid. You don't need to lock your doors. Dramatic contrast with the prison homes in the rest of country. People don't realize how shit life is these days in low trust society's because its all they have ever known. This is what a real community looks like where your part of what goes on instead of a powerless spectator. I have posted many times about how toxic big city's are and this is more proof. Lots of small towns is the best model for a future ethno-state.
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