Daily Decade 3.0
Series 14, Episode 9
Today's Mystery:
The Descent of the Holy Ghost
Today's Saint:
S. Bernard of Clairvaux
Today's Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. John of God, begs the intercession of S. Joseph the Worker on behalf of the husband of listener Mevelyn, for help with his work and his duties of his state in life.
Today's reflection focuses on S. Bernard, and how his life and work takes the mundane, the worldly, and the human and elevates it to the service of God, a true manifestation of the descent of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Series 14, Episode 9
Today's Mystery:
The Descent of the Holy Ghost
Today's Saint:
S. Bernard of Clairvaux
Today's Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. John of God, begs the intercession of S. Joseph the Worker on behalf of the husband of listener Mevelyn, for help with his work and his duties of his state in life.
Today's reflection focuses on S. Bernard, and how his life and work takes the mundane, the worldly, and the human and elevates it to the service of God, a true manifestation of the descent of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Daily Decade 3.0
Series 14, Episode 7
Today's Mystery:
The Crowning with Thorns
Today's Saint:
S. Elizabeth of Hungary
Today's Daily Decade, on the Feast of S. Casimir, offers prayers for the repose of the soul of Arthur, brother of listener Carol, who passed unexpectedly this week.
Today's reflection focuses on S. Elizabeth of Hungary, a pious and holy queen who was persecuted for her zeal terribly by her in-laws, and accepted her cross with the same silence and humility with which Our Lord accepted His own Crown of Thorns.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Series 14, Episode 7
Today's Mystery:
The Crowning with Thorns
Today's Saint:
S. Elizabeth of Hungary
Today's Daily Decade, on the Feast of S. Casimir, offers prayers for the repose of the soul of Arthur, brother of listener Carol, who passed unexpectedly this week.
Today's reflection focuses on S. Elizabeth of Hungary, a pious and holy queen who was persecuted for her zeal terribly by her in-laws, and accepted her cross with the same silence and humility with which Our Lord accepted His own Crown of Thorns.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Қайта жіберілді:
Sensible Catholicism

During the Penal times in Ireland, when it was illegal to be Catholic, the faithful clung to their Rosaries and refused to cave. On failing to subdue them in the 17th century, Oliver Cromwell wrote to his superiors, “All is not well with Ireland yet. You gave us the money, you gave us the guns. But let me tell you that every house in Ireland is a house of prayer, and when I bring these fanatical Irish before the muzzles of my guns, they hold up in their hands a string of beads, and they never surrender.” It was the power of the Holy Rosary that kept Ireland Catholic in spite of centuries of persecution.

"Behold the Heart that hath loved Mankind so much!"
Today is First Friday! God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son - do you not love your Heavenly Father as He has loved you? He has given you a chance to show it!
If you can attend Mass and choose not to on the First Friday of the month, you are fleeing from many great Graces and benefits promised by Our Lord for those especially dedicated to His Sacred Heart!
If you cannot attend Mass, consider keeping a Holy Hour before the Exposed Sacrament or reciting the Litany of the Sacred Heart alone or with your family. Or simply make the prayer when you arise or when you go to sleep: "Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom come!"
Today is First Friday! God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son - do you not love your Heavenly Father as He has loved you? He has given you a chance to show it!
If you can attend Mass and choose not to on the First Friday of the month, you are fleeing from many great Graces and benefits promised by Our Lord for those especially dedicated to His Sacred Heart!
If you cannot attend Mass, consider keeping a Holy Hour before the Exposed Sacrament or reciting the Litany of the Sacred Heart alone or with your family. Or simply make the prayer when you arise or when you go to sleep: "Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom come!"
My telegram exclusive eulogy of Bishop Williamson
Daily Decade 3.0
Series 13, Episode 12
Today's Mystery:
The Assumption of the Blessed Mother
Today's Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. Brigid of Kildare, begs the intercession of S. John the Baptist on behalf of listener Sheila, who asks that her grandchildren be baptized in the Holy Catholic Church by those rites best known and loved by her and our forebears.
Today's reflection is on those who have been given the special grace of God's favour by being taken up by Him body and soul, both Our Lady, Assumed into Heaven, as well as Henoch and Elias, caught up into Paradise until the dread time of Judgement when they shall return to complete their work.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Series 13, Episode 12
Today's Mystery:
The Assumption of the Blessed Mother
Today's Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. Brigid of Kildare, begs the intercession of S. John the Baptist on behalf of listener Sheila, who asks that her grandchildren be baptized in the Holy Catholic Church by those rites best known and loved by her and our forebears.
Today's reflection is on those who have been given the special grace of God's favour by being taken up by Him body and soul, both Our Lady, Assumed into Heaven, as well as Henoch and Elias, caught up into Paradise until the dread time of Judgement when they shall return to complete their work.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Daily Decade 3.0
Series 14, Episode 8
Today's Mystery:
The Nativity
Today's Saint:
S. Jean-Marie Vianney
Today's Daily Decade, on this Feast of Ss. Perpetua & Felicity, begs the intercession of S. Simeon the God-seer on behalf of Teresa, a frequent listener and petitioner.
Today's reflection considers S. Jean-Marie Vianney, and the way in which his simplicity and humility made God manifest to his flock as much as if the Nativity had taken place in the parish of Ars.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Series 14, Episode 8
Today's Mystery:
The Nativity
Today's Saint:
S. Jean-Marie Vianney
Today's Daily Decade, on this Feast of Ss. Perpetua & Felicity, begs the intercession of S. Simeon the God-seer on behalf of Teresa, a frequent listener and petitioner.
Today's reflection considers S. Jean-Marie Vianney, and the way in which his simplicity and humility made God manifest to his flock as much as if the Nativity had taken place in the parish of Ars.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
It's Sunday again! Share your prayer requests for this week and they will be added to my personal Rosary and to the rotation of intentions for the Daily Decade.
If your intention is time sensitive, please tell me and I will prioritize you for the audience of the Daily Decade!
If your intention is time sensitive, please tell me and I will prioritize you for the audience of the Daily Decade!
How to pray the Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows or Servite Rosary:
1. Act of Contrition:
O My God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, because I fear the loss of Heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because I have offended Thee, O God, who are all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.
2. Three Aves (Hail Mary) for the tears of Our Blessed Mother.
3. Seven sets of 1 Paternoster and 7 Aves, each announcing one of the Seven Sorrows:
The Prophecy of Simeon
The Flight into Egypt
The Loss of the Child Jesus
The Meeting of Christ during His Passion
The Crucifixion
The Taking Down from the Cross
The Burial in the Tomb
Each followed by the strophe:
"Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us!"
And a Gloria.
4. After the Seventh Gloria, three Aves for the tears of the Blessed Mother.
5. The versicle:
V. Pray for us, O most sorrowful Virgin.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
6. The closing prayer:
Lord Jesus, we now implore, both for the present and for the hour of our death, the intercession of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, Thy Mother, whose holy soul was pierced at the time of Thy passion by a sword of grief. Grant us this favor, O Saviour of the world, Who liveth and reigneth with the Father and the Holy Ghost, forever and ever. Amen.
7. (In divers and sundry places) the Hymn Stabat Mater.
1. Act of Contrition:
O My God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, because I fear the loss of Heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because I have offended Thee, O God, who are all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.
2. Three Aves (Hail Mary) for the tears of Our Blessed Mother.
3. Seven sets of 1 Paternoster and 7 Aves, each announcing one of the Seven Sorrows:
The Prophecy of Simeon
The Flight into Egypt
The Loss of the Child Jesus
The Meeting of Christ during His Passion
The Crucifixion
The Taking Down from the Cross
The Burial in the Tomb
Each followed by the strophe:
"Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us!"
And a Gloria.
4. After the Seventh Gloria, three Aves for the tears of the Blessed Mother.
5. The versicle:
V. Pray for us, O most sorrowful Virgin.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
6. The closing prayer:
Lord Jesus, we now implore, both for the present and for the hour of our death, the intercession of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, Thy Mother, whose holy soul was pierced at the time of Thy passion by a sword of grief. Grant us this favor, O Saviour of the world, Who liveth and reigneth with the Father and the Holy Ghost, forever and ever. Amen.
7. (In divers and sundry places) the Hymn Stabat Mater.
Daily Decade 3.0
Series 13, Episode 14
Today's Mystery:
The Finding of the Child Jesus
Today's Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. Titus, begs the intercession of S. Monica of Thagaste for the special intention of Jared, who asks for his wife's conversion to the Faith.
Today's reflection is on living in the moment, and what moment to live in, how to do this and how to avoid it as a Christian in a world that demands of us the opposite of God's desire in every moment.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Series 13, Episode 14
Today's Mystery:
The Finding of the Child Jesus
Today's Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. Titus, begs the intercession of S. Monica of Thagaste for the special intention of Jared, who asks for his wife's conversion to the Faith.
Today's reflection is on living in the moment, and what moment to live in, how to do this and how to avoid it as a Christian in a world that demands of us the opposite of God's desire in every moment.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Daily Decade 3.0
Series 13, Episode 11
Today's Mystery:
The Presentation in the Temple
Today's Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. Martina, begs the intercession of S. Joseph the Worker and S. John the Apostle for the intention of listener Apricot, whose fiancé recently took new work and who is soon to be formally received into the Holy Church.
Today's reflection is on the role of motherhood in the life and salvation of the Blessed Mother, and the model she and her Divine Son offer us.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Series 13, Episode 11
Today's Mystery:
The Presentation in the Temple
Today's Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. Martina, begs the intercession of S. Joseph the Worker and S. John the Apostle for the intention of listener Apricot, whose fiancé recently took new work and who is soon to be formally received into the Holy Church.
Today's reflection is on the role of motherhood in the life and salvation of the Blessed Mother, and the model she and her Divine Son offer us.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!

Today we begin our journey to Calvary. On Easter, we may sing with joy, "O death, where is thy sting?"
Today, we recall with trembling the terrible lamentation of Our God Incarnate looking upon the city He had chosen.
"Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered together thy children, as the hen doth gather her chickens under her wings, and thou wouldest not."
Remember, O man, that thou art dust, and unto dust thou shalt return.
Let us keep before us this Quadragesima that this may be our last chance to hearken to His voice and seek the protection He offers to His children gathered together.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
Today, we recall with trembling the terrible lamentation of Our God Incarnate looking upon the city He had chosen.
"Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered together thy children, as the hen doth gather her chickens under her wings, and thou wouldest not."
Remember, O man, that thou art dust, and unto dust thou shalt return.
Let us keep before us this Quadragesima that this may be our last chance to hearken to His voice and seek the protection He offers to His children gathered together.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
Daily Decade 3.0
Series 14, Episode 4
Today's Mystery:
The Scourging
Today's Saint:
S. Stanislaus Kostka
Today's Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. Tarasius, begs the intercession of S. Rita of Cascia on behalf of a nameless couple struggling in their marriage.
Today's reflection considers the life of S. Stanislas Kostka and the example he sets for us of perfect innocence suffering the oppression of terrible persecution with holy silence, eager to be pleasing to God.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Series 14, Episode 4
Today's Mystery:
The Scourging
Today's Saint:
S. Stanislaus Kostka
Today's Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. Tarasius, begs the intercession of S. Rita of Cascia on behalf of a nameless couple struggling in their marriage.
Today's reflection considers the life of S. Stanislas Kostka and the example he sets for us of perfect innocence suffering the oppression of terrible persecution with holy silence, eager to be pleasing to God.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!

We all fight a spiritual battle every day, in even the most mundane of our tasks. Beware when things go too well! "God chastiseth whom he loveth". Obstacles and challenges are a sign He is pleased, and is testing you more. We should always strive to meet all the tests and the obstacles, and pray fervently for challenges to meet and better ourselves.
"Obstacles do not exist to bring us to surrender, but to be overcome."
"Obstacles do not exist to bring us to surrender, but to be overcome."
The Daily Decade is going to be delayed a day due to some personal circumstances keeping me from post-production. I'll have it uploaded tomorrow afternoon.
Daily Decade 3.0
Series 13, Episode 13
Today's Mystery:
The Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord
Today's Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. Andrew Corsini, begs the intercession of S. Christopher on behalf of his namesake, whose mother Angela has asked for prays effecting his conversion to the Faith.
Today's reflection is on the good works that toughen us up to bear our crosses in hands full of the callouses of virtue that have pushed out the softness and sensitivity of our pride and fallen nature.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Series 13, Episode 13
Today's Mystery:
The Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord
Today's Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. Andrew Corsini, begs the intercession of S. Christopher on behalf of his namesake, whose mother Angela has asked for prays effecting his conversion to the Faith.
Today's reflection is on the good works that toughen us up to bear our crosses in hands full of the callouses of virtue that have pushed out the softness and sensitivity of our pride and fallen nature.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Қайта жіберілді:

Bishop Richard Williamson died tonight at 11.23pm GMT. His final agony was only a matter of minutes.

Today is Shrove Tuesday - our last day to put aside the things of this world, turn to God, and seek His pardon before the penitential season of Lent. As we look forward to Ash Wednesday, we reflect on the words of Our Lord that "a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign, and no sign shall be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet." Jonas fled from the face of God, fearful of his prefigurement of the Cross. To Nineve, the wicked city, he preached penance, and penance they did, putting on sackcloth and ashes, and God showed them His Mercy for their obedience.
Each year on this day we are called to reflect on whether we are the outwardly wicked city of Nineve, which, seeing their sins, did penance and were spared or if we are of the inwardly wicked city of Jerusalem, which, seeing their Messias, rejected him, and abode in God's righteous wrath.
Let us be as the Ninevites, who saw their sins, and put on sackcloth and ashes, and became an example to us for our reclamation.
Each year on this day we are called to reflect on whether we are the outwardly wicked city of Nineve, which, seeing their sins, did penance and were spared or if we are of the inwardly wicked city of Jerusalem, which, seeing their Messias, rejected him, and abode in God's righteous wrath.
Let us be as the Ninevites, who saw their sins, and put on sackcloth and ashes, and became an example to us for our reclamation.
Daily Decade 3.0
Series 14, Episode 1
Today's Mystery:
The Agony in the Garden
Today's Saint:
S. Athanasius of Alexandria
Today's Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. Simeon of Jerusalem, offers prayers for the repose of the soul of the aunt of listener Tadano, who passed away last week.
Today's reflection deals with S. Athanasius of Alexandria, great defender of the faith and implacable opponent of the Heresiarch Arius, who chose the hard and lonely path to the glory of God instead of going along with the tepidity of his age.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Series 14, Episode 1
Today's Mystery:
The Agony in the Garden
Today's Saint:
S. Athanasius of Alexandria
Today's Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. Simeon of Jerusalem, offers prayers for the repose of the soul of the aunt of listener Tadano, who passed away last week.
Today's reflection deals with S. Athanasius of Alexandria, great defender of the faith and implacable opponent of the Heresiarch Arius, who chose the hard and lonely path to the glory of God instead of going along with the tepidity of his age.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Daily Decade 3.0
Series 13, Episode 15
Today's Mystery:
The Coronation of the Blessed Mother
Today's Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. John of Matha, begs the intercession of S. Ignatius of Loyola on behalf of long-time listener and friend of the prayercast Patrick, who has been presented with a life-changing opportunity and desires discernment.
Today's reflection is on obstacles, challenges, difficulties, and trials, the way they prepare us for - and lead us to - the eternal joy of Heaven, and why we should be concerned whenever we feel like we are coasting along just a little too easily.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Series 13, Episode 15
Today's Mystery:
The Coronation of the Blessed Mother
Today's Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. John of Matha, begs the intercession of S. Ignatius of Loyola on behalf of long-time listener and friend of the prayercast Patrick, who has been presented with a life-changing opportunity and desires discernment.
Today's reflection is on obstacles, challenges, difficulties, and trials, the way they prepare us for - and lead us to - the eternal joy of Heaven, and why we should be concerned whenever we feel like we are coasting along just a little too easily.
God love you!
The Daily Decade Prayercast is
@thedailydecade on each of these platforms:
And @daily_decade on X
The Daily Decade is syndicated by
ExodusAmericanus [dot] com
Amerikaner [dot] org
Please keep their proprietors in your prayers!
Қайта жіберілді:
The Fundamental Principle

The metric I have been going to for the last 18 months or so is
"Why would God give faithless people a nice and prosperous country?"
It's not a worldview that is exciting, nuanced, or requires insider knowledge it's all over the Old Testament.
For the average person, the only political solution is the rosary and a devotion to the Sacred Heart. It's just simply going to Mass, saying daily prayers, and helping others get to Heaven. We do not need to over complicate our lives all we are asked to do is pray always.
For those with a platform we must do everything above but with humility at the forefront of our hearts. All good things come from God and we must hold to Truth and Justice.
Regardless of what this administration does we must cling to the Cross and pray for safekeeping. To black pill is to be hopeless and hopelessness offends the Lord. We just cannot let our hopes dictate our worldview, reality screams to be engaged with regardless of how unpleasant it seems.
Do not put your trust in princes,
in human beings, who cannot save
Psalm 146:3,4
Any Zionist with Catholic tattoos will have them forcibly removed after We win.
"Why would God give faithless people a nice and prosperous country?"
It's not a worldview that is exciting, nuanced, or requires insider knowledge it's all over the Old Testament.
For the average person, the only political solution is the rosary and a devotion to the Sacred Heart. It's just simply going to Mass, saying daily prayers, and helping others get to Heaven. We do not need to over complicate our lives all we are asked to do is pray always.
For those with a platform we must do everything above but with humility at the forefront of our hearts. All good things come from God and we must hold to Truth and Justice.
Regardless of what this administration does we must cling to the Cross and pray for safekeeping. To black pill is to be hopeless and hopelessness offends the Lord. We just cannot let our hopes dictate our worldview, reality screams to be engaged with regardless of how unpleasant it seems.
Do not put your trust in princes,
in human beings, who cannot save
Psalm 146:3,4
Any Zionist with Catholic tattoos will have them forcibly removed after We win.
It's Sunday again! Share your prayer requests for this week and they will be added to my personal Rosary and to the rotation of intentions for the Daily Decade.
If your intention is time sensitive, please tell me and I will prioritize you for the audience of the Daily Decade!
If your intention is time sensitive, please tell me and I will prioritize you for the audience of the Daily Decade!
Since the Daily Decade first began recording in March 2020, the Catholic world has felt the loss of several intellectual giants - men whose decisions and reputation in relationship to the Church are perhaps disputed, but whose intentions and personal devotion to Our Lord and Our Lady are certainly unimpeachable as their prowess as preachers and thinkers. Tonight, therefore, when you pray for the repose of the soul of Bp. Williamson, I hope you will likewise offer prayers for Fr. Anthony Cekada, Bp. Daniel Dolan, Bp. Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, Bp. Clarence Kelly, Fr. Dominique Bourmand, and all the priests who have given us the tools we so desperately need in these trying times to "work out our Salvation in fear and trembling". Eternal Rest grant into them, O Lord...
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