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Exposing Hitler as Zionist avatar
Exposing Hitler as Zionist
Exposing Hitler as Zionist avatar
Exposing Hitler as Zionist
Without HItler there is NO Israel
When Nazis Took Methamphetamine
What most normie-Jews do not realize is that Nazism was the cattle prod used to valet the the Jews of Europe overseas to establish Israel and colonize Palestine. It's also used as the bogeyman to scare the Westernized Jews into becoming Zionists, or simply not assimilating to the host culture.
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Martinez Politix avatar
Martinez Politix
Fake "pro-White" advocate Tom Sewell defends Hitler's murderous Lebensraum expansionism into Slavic lands, says there's "nothing wrong" with it. So it's bad when non-Whites replace Whites through immigration, but it's Ok when Germanics replace Slavs through conquest.

Says "wogs" (slur for Mediterranean Europeans) and Slavs should be ethnically cleansed out of Europe-proper and pushed into Mongolia. Sells it as an opportunity for ethnically cleansed Slavs and Meds (the ones who survive) to "reconquer" other lands outside of Europe.

Any "pan-Europa" sentiment this guy sprinkles in is deceptive false rhetoric to siphon shekels from a broader base of Whites while he plans the murderous ethnic cleansing of all non-North West Europeans from their homelands.

With "pro-Whites" like these, who needs anti-Whites?

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"After the Germans liquidated Polish higher education and placed bans on the teaching of subjects such as history, geography and Polish literature in lower level institutions, underground education became a common practice. At first, covert teaching only took place at the primary school level. Initially, no one attempted to conduct university-level courses on a secret basis, since the violation of prohibitions on higher education carried very serious legal consequences."

— Polish Universities During the Second World War, Adam Redzik (Polish-Ukrainian University in Lublin) p.13
Interviewer: Do you consider Jews to be members of the White race?
GLR: "Yes I do, of course!"
Interviewer: Do you have any platform against them?
GLR: "Not all of them—Against those who are mixed up in communism, or who are trying to subvert the United States for the purposes of Zionism and Israel—I have something against them''
Interviewer: How do you feel about the allegations that the American Nazi party has strong homosexual tendencies?
GLR: I will say this: in my organization, we have men who were homosexuals. They were sucked in to that filth, just like drunkards or dope fiends—and I have been able to rescue them—and I'm not a bitter ashamed of that. I will stand shoulder to shoulder with any one of them, any day. The only thing I will not tolerate is a homosexual who IS a homosexual''

This admission shows that he was subversive about the JQ and tries to obfuscate Jews and Whites being distinct racial/ethnic groups. And he considers them to be apart of the White race which is subversive.

Finally, the comments about homosexuality are not only cringe AF that he even answered such a question in the first place—and then he goes on to make himself seem a bit fruity and that his cosplay Nazi op was likely involved in some faggotry. I thought they were hardcore Nazi's and against gays? The guy was a joke!

The Nazis collected literal warehouses full of documents as shown in this video. Makes you wonder why they weren't simply destroying these lodges—but were looting them(?) Why wouldn't they just burn them if their literature was considered unacceptable to the 3rd Reich? Why were they obsessed with acquiring occult/esoteric masonic information?
Top rebuttles from neo-Nazis:
1. You're a Jew/Kike/Fed
2. You're a leftist/Marxist
3. You're a Fag/Retard/ad hominem

They never actually argue from a place of logic or good sense, just pure teen angst, type of emotional responses.
Call it "Satanism" or what you will but whatever religion they practice, or not, they certainly view the world through an extremely evil and cynical lense. They are "Jews" when it suits their agendas, and can step away from all of it when it does not.

And besides, what about converts like Ivanka Trump, she's not in any way racially/ethnic Jewish, yet she was allowed in their little club. It's more of a criminal network or mafia, than a religion. The religion is just used as a buffer for criticisms, or playing victim cards. Obviously the banking elites didn't go to concentration camps, which is another clue as to why Hitler wasn't authentic in the slightest. The truth about the "Jews" is extremely nuanced and technical. Obviously the middle class Jews are merely scapegoats for the elites, who coat-tail off of the Holocaust victimhood status.
Please check the pinned message and watch all clips from start to end. You may also search for the entire show on Bitchute--however, it's quite buried at this point.
Just as a Rabbi spray-painting a Swastika on their own synagogue, these sort of Neo-Nazi groups are hired and funded by the ADL (or other Jewish groups), in order to manufacture their own anti-Semitism. This is what I've been trying to spell out to the Internet-Nazi's—It's exactly what the Jews want. You are fulfilling the role of an evil anti-semite who walks around yelling racial slurs and hateful slogans etc. to give the perception that you are exactly the way Hollywood portrays a White-Nationalist. When you support neo-Nazism, you are self-sabotaging yourself and hindering social progress for White politics.
So the Nazi's had no issues killing other Europeans AKA 'communists' or 'untermensch' without batting an eye but the most dangerous and destructive force in Germany and the world, is kept in a comfortable hotel for a year until he pays the extortion of a measly sum of 21M? Why wouldn't they just shoot them on the spot and be done with it, as they would a communist—then simply liquidate their assets(?).

The truth is that the arrest was just done for media/public sake and they never actually held him to the flame. If Hitler was truly genuine in his convictions, there would be no question about Rothschilds and their removal.
This is a typically how neo Nazis respond to the argument/justification of the Nazis attacking so many European nations. So the Nazis had no choice but to invade European nations because of PROXIMITY (Lol)? Such a great reason to invade.
On David Irving: I don't often cite David Irwing as a reference because he had conflicting views on Hitler. The Neo-Nazis will cherry pick what he's said and use it to their advantage; but also the opposing side can cherry pick things he's said as well. The Nazis love that he flat out denies the Holocaust, but that's not even accurate. If you listen to CJB and Jim Condit Jr, the Holocaust was more of a eugenics program to sort the wheat from the chaff on who to send in order to colonize Palestine. Which seems to make better sense than just denying it entirely.

Irving was also incoherent at times and spoke in an ambiguous and confusing way. I want sources that aren't riding any fences and crystal clear.
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Exposing Hitler as Zionist
Christopher Jon Bjerknes' Second appearance on Know More News, providing further details on his book Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist. (Part 5)
Last Military to March With Swastikas. Thanks to Nazism/Hitler the true meaning of the Swastika has been tarnished. This ancient, beloved European symbol which has been used for thousands of years, was demonized and branded as a symbol of hate into the normie minds, rather than it's true meaning of luck, good fortune, prosperity, well-being, and the sun. It's a timeless and powerful symbol that will never disappear but for the next one hundred years or so, it has to remain in the shadows because of the Nazi implications.
This guy is a full on retard.
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/r/interestingasfuck avatar
Putin vs. Hitler: Side by side comparison of each attempting to justify the invasion of their neighboring countries.

The amount of connections they make in this podcast is just head spinning. Well worth your time.
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