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Month of the Holy Family ~
February 1st
1. God banished Angels from Heaven for their pride; therefore how can we pretend to enter therein, if we do not keep ourselves in a state of humility. Without humility, says St. Peter Damian, [Serm. 45] not even the Virgin Mary herself with her incomparable virginity could have entered into the glory of Christ, and we ought to be convinced of this truth that, though destitute of some of the other virtues, we may yet be saved, but never without humility. There are people who flatter themselves that they have done much by preserving unsullied chastity, and truly chastity is a beautiful adornment; but as the angelic St. Thomas says: “Speaking absolutely, humility excels virginity.” [4 dist. qu. xxxiii, art. 3 ad 6; et 22, qu. clxi, art. 5]”
We often study diligently to guard against and correct ourselves of the vices of concupiscence which belong to a sensual and animal nature, and this inward conflict which the body wages adversus carnem [Gal. 5,17] is truly a spectacle worthy of God and of His Angels. But, alas, how rarely do we use this diligence and caution to conquer spiritual vices, of which pride is the first and the greatest of all, and which, sufficed of itself to transform an Angel into a demon!
~ Fr. Cajetan Mary da Bergamo (1660-1753), Humility of Heart. Tr. Herbert Cardinal Vaughan (1903).
Month of the Holy Family ~
February 1st
1. God banished Angels from Heaven for their pride; therefore how can we pretend to enter therein, if we do not keep ourselves in a state of humility. Without humility, says St. Peter Damian, [Serm. 45] not even the Virgin Mary herself with her incomparable virginity could have entered into the glory of Christ, and we ought to be convinced of this truth that, though destitute of some of the other virtues, we may yet be saved, but never without humility. There are people who flatter themselves that they have done much by preserving unsullied chastity, and truly chastity is a beautiful adornment; but as the angelic St. Thomas says: “Speaking absolutely, humility excels virginity.” [4 dist. qu. xxxiii, art. 3 ad 6; et 22, qu. clxi, art. 5]”
We often study diligently to guard against and correct ourselves of the vices of concupiscence which belong to a sensual and animal nature, and this inward conflict which the body wages adversus carnem [Gal. 5,17] is truly a spectacle worthy of God and of His Angels. But, alas, how rarely do we use this diligence and caution to conquer spiritual vices, of which pride is the first and the greatest of all, and which, sufficed of itself to transform an Angel into a demon!
~ Fr. Cajetan Mary da Bergamo (1660-1753), Humility of Heart. Tr. Herbert Cardinal Vaughan (1903).
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Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 24th
How different the course enjoined by the angel! Apparently so clumsy a way of saving Jesus from His enemies! Yet such are God's ways— clumsy in the eyes of men. What strange presumption it is that I should criticise the divine arrangements as I sometimes do!
2. That the conditions of safety seemed so unnecessarily hard. Why to Egypt—a pagan land, the very name of which was a synonym for bondage and misery? Was this the only way to preserve the life of the Son of God? To all this one answer: It was God's will, and that was enough.
3. But after all it was but a vision of the night, perhaps a dream or a mere subjective fancy. Could anything so wild and imprudent come from God? To all this one answer: I know the message came from God, and I cannot and will not evade the divine command.
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 24th
How different the course enjoined by the angel! Apparently so clumsy a way of saving Jesus from His enemies! Yet such are God's ways— clumsy in the eyes of men. What strange presumption it is that I should criticise the divine arrangements as I sometimes do!
2. That the conditions of safety seemed so unnecessarily hard. Why to Egypt—a pagan land, the very name of which was a synonym for bondage and misery? Was this the only way to preserve the life of the Son of God? To all this one answer: It was God's will, and that was enough.
3. But after all it was but a vision of the night, perhaps a dream or a mere subjective fancy. Could anything so wild and imprudent come from God? To all this one answer: I know the message came from God, and I cannot and will not evade the divine command.
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 22nd
2. The Magi seem to have been deceived by Herod's fair words, and to have promised to return with the information he desired. Good men are always unsuspicious of evil. We all judge others by ourselves. If you want to know your own character, ask yourself whether your judgment of others is a charitable or uncharitable one.
3. When the Magi had finished their visit to Bethlehem, they prepared to return to Herod. But an angel warned them to avoid the city where he dwelt, and to go back to their own country by some other way. We need never fear lest our charitable judgments should do harm. God will provide against this; it is our harsh and severe judgments which are productive of so much evil to ourselves and others.
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
January 22nd
2. The Magi seem to have been deceived by Herod's fair words, and to have promised to return with the information he desired. Good men are always unsuspicious of evil. We all judge others by ourselves. If you want to know your own character, ask yourself whether your judgment of others is a charitable or uncharitable one.
3. When the Magi had finished their visit to Bethlehem, they prepared to return to Herod. But an angel warned them to avoid the city where he dwelt, and to go back to their own country by some other way. We need never fear lest our charitable judgments should do harm. God will provide against this; it is our harsh and severe judgments which are productive of so much evil to ourselves and others.
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 20th
2. Frankincense is, moreover, a symbol of all that is sweetest and most fragrant. What so sweet to Jesus as the complete offering of ourselves to Him implied in the homage paid to Him as God! Jesus, my God, my all, I offer Thee my heart, my soul, my self!
3. Frankincense is the material symbol under which prayer is indicated in Holy Scripture. The angel offers in the Apocalypse the prayers of the saints in a golden censer, and there comes up continually from earth the cloud of prayers as a cloud of incense. Among them my prayers arise. Are they such as will be fragrant and pleasing to God ?
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
January 20th
2. Frankincense is, moreover, a symbol of all that is sweetest and most fragrant. What so sweet to Jesus as the complete offering of ourselves to Him implied in the homage paid to Him as God! Jesus, my God, my all, I offer Thee my heart, my soul, my self!
3. Frankincense is the material symbol under which prayer is indicated in Holy Scripture. The angel offers in the Apocalypse the prayers of the saints in a golden censer, and there comes up continually from earth the cloud of prayers as a cloud of incense. Among them my prayers arise. Are they such as will be fragrant and pleasing to God ?
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
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Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 18th
2. With beating hearts they knock at the door, and Joseph opens to them. Within they find Him Whom they were seeking, in the arms of Mary His Mother. That humble dwelling is full of a celestial light. Sweet songs of angel minstrelsy ring in their ears. Their hearts are full of an unspeakable joy and assurance that before them they have the King of the Jews, nay, the Lord of heaven and earth, their Saviour and their God.
3. The first impulse of their hearts is to fall prostrate before that little Child. They fell down and adored Him. What a happiness it was to them to make their submission to Him; to profess their loyalty; to declare that they belonged to Him body and soul for time and for eternity! O Jesus, to Thee, and to Thee only, I belong. Make me Thy faithful servant now and forever.
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 18th
2. With beating hearts they knock at the door, and Joseph opens to them. Within they find Him Whom they were seeking, in the arms of Mary His Mother. That humble dwelling is full of a celestial light. Sweet songs of angel minstrelsy ring in their ears. Their hearts are full of an unspeakable joy and assurance that before them they have the King of the Jews, nay, the Lord of heaven and earth, their Saviour and their God.
3. The first impulse of their hearts is to fall prostrate before that little Child. They fell down and adored Him. What a happiness it was to them to make their submission to Him; to profess their loyalty; to declare that they belonged to Him body and soul for time and for eternity! O Jesus, to Thee, and to Thee only, I belong. Make me Thy faithful servant now and forever.
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
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Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 16th
2. When Herod heard of the arrival of these distinguished strangers, and of their inquiries after a new-born King, he was troubled. The tyrant dreaded lest he should be superseded. It is one of the miseries of pride that it lives in continual dread of being set aside and humbled. Humility is never troubled, because it always loves the lowest place and rejoices in its own discomfiture.
3. The priests, when consulted, declared with one voice that Bethlehem is to be the birthplace of the King of the Jews. Yet they manifested no desire to follow the Magi thither. Their knowledge of the truth created in them no wish to carry it into practice. They could teach others, but they did not themselves act on the lessons they taught. How often have I done the same! I preach so well: I practise so ill.
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 16th
2. When Herod heard of the arrival of these distinguished strangers, and of their inquiries after a new-born King, he was troubled. The tyrant dreaded lest he should be superseded. It is one of the miseries of pride that it lives in continual dread of being set aside and humbled. Humility is never troubled, because it always loves the lowest place and rejoices in its own discomfiture.
3. The priests, when consulted, declared with one voice that Bethlehem is to be the birthplace of the King of the Jews. Yet they manifested no desire to follow the Magi thither. Their knowledge of the truth created in them no wish to carry it into practice. They could teach others, but they did not themselves act on the lessons they taught. How often have I done the same! I preach so well: I practise so ill.
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
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Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 25th
2. Yet there was no hurry or bustle or undue haste in the preparation they made; no rushing to and fro, no impatience, not a movement but such as was calm and deliberate, modest and dignified. It is one of the marks of sanctity to have thus under control every look and every action. How can I stand this test? When time presses, or my indignation is aroused, or my patience tried, am I gentle and peaceful and calm?
3. Observe, moreover, how there is not a single word of complaint or of grumbling, no expression of annoyance or word of mutual commiseration. Each seeks to lighten the work of the other. How cheerful both Mary and Joseph are! Almost joyous. It is a trial; yes, but more for the sake of the Divine Child than for their own. Even the thought of what Jesus may have to suffer never destroy their peace. O happy Joseph! O blessed Mary! make me more like you.
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 25th
2. Yet there was no hurry or bustle or undue haste in the preparation they made; no rushing to and fro, no impatience, not a movement but such as was calm and deliberate, modest and dignified. It is one of the marks of sanctity to have thus under control every look and every action. How can I stand this test? When time presses, or my indignation is aroused, or my patience tried, am I gentle and peaceful and calm?
3. Observe, moreover, how there is not a single word of complaint or of grumbling, no expression of annoyance or word of mutual commiseration. Each seeks to lighten the work of the other. How cheerful both Mary and Joseph are! Almost joyous. It is a trial; yes, but more for the sake of the Divine Child than for their own. Even the thought of what Jesus may have to suffer never destroy their peace. O happy Joseph! O blessed Mary! make me more like you.
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)

Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 24th
24. — The Angel’s Warning
One night when Joseph was peacefully sleeping at Bethlehem, an angel's voice aroused him from his slumbers, and he saw before him one of the messengers of the Most High, who said: "Arise, and take the young Child and His Mother, and fly into the land of Egypt, for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him." Hence observe:
1. That God's ways are so different from ours. We should have expected that He would exert His divine power in behalf of His only-begotten Son, and that the soldiers of Herod would be struck with blindness on the road, or would somehow fail to discover where Jesus was, or perhaps would come and fall prostrate at the feet of the new-born King.
January 24th
24. — The Angel’s Warning
One night when Joseph was peacefully sleeping at Bethlehem, an angel's voice aroused him from his slumbers, and he saw before him one of the messengers of the Most High, who said: "Arise, and take the young Child and His Mother, and fly into the land of Egypt, for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him." Hence observe:
1. That God's ways are so different from ours. We should have expected that He would exert His divine power in behalf of His only-begotten Son, and that the soldiers of Herod would be struck with blindness on the road, or would somehow fail to discover where Jesus was, or perhaps would come and fall prostrate at the feet of the new-born King.

Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 22nd
22. — Their Return Home
1. Before the Magi left Jerusalem for Bethlehem, Herod had enjoined upon them that they should return and tell him where the new-born King of the Jews was to be found, declaring that he, too, desired to come and adore Him. Hypocrite and treacherous liar that he was, his real object was to destroy his supposed rival. He made no scruple of planning the murder of one who might possibly supplant him. Those who love worldly honor are always unscrupulous. It has the power of blinding the eyes and deadening the conscience, and making men esteem evil good and good evil.
January 22nd
22. — Their Return Home
1. Before the Magi left Jerusalem for Bethlehem, Herod had enjoined upon them that they should return and tell him where the new-born King of the Jews was to be found, declaring that he, too, desired to come and adore Him. Hypocrite and treacherous liar that he was, his real object was to destroy his supposed rival. He made no scruple of planning the murder of one who might possibly supplant him. Those who love worldly honor are always unscrupulous. It has the power of blinding the eyes and deadening the conscience, and making men esteem evil good and good evil.

Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 20th
20. — Their Gifts: (2) Frankincense
1. The offering of frankincense to any has always been regarded by the common consent of mankind as an acknowledgment of inherent Deity. When the Christians were commanded to throw a grain of incense on the altar of Jupiter or Minerva, it was in acknowledgment of their divinity. The Magi, then, by this offering to Christ of incense, were the first Gentile witnesses to His Divinity. They made thereby an implicit act of faith in His Godhead, and proved the honor they paid Him to be that highest honor that belongs to God alone.
January 20th
20. — Their Gifts: (2) Frankincense
1. The offering of frankincense to any has always been regarded by the common consent of mankind as an acknowledgment of inherent Deity. When the Christians were commanded to throw a grain of incense on the altar of Jupiter or Minerva, it was in acknowledgment of their divinity. The Magi, then, by this offering to Christ of incense, were the first Gentile witnesses to His Divinity. They made thereby an implicit act of faith in His Godhead, and proved the honor they paid Him to be that highest honor that belongs to God alone.

Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 18th
18. — The Finding of Christ
1. It must have been rather a surprise to the Magi to find the new-born King so poorly housed and humbly clad. Their Eastern ideas of magnificence must have had rather a shock from the absence of all visible splendor from the cradle of the King of kings. Yet their faith never wavered. God was their teacher, and they had learned from Him the difficult lesson of not judging by outward appearances and the impressions of sense.
January 18th
18. — The Finding of Christ
1. It must have been rather a surprise to the Magi to find the new-born King so poorly housed and humbly clad. Their Eastern ideas of magnificence must have had rather a shock from the absence of all visible splendor from the cradle of the King of kings. Yet their faith never wavered. God was their teacher, and they had learned from Him the difficult lesson of not judging by outward appearances and the impressions of sense.

Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 16th
16. — The Magi’s Stay at Jerusalem
1. When the star disappeared, the Magi were not disconcerted. If God saw fit to withdraw His direct and extraordinary supernatural guidance, they must fall back on the ordinary means. So they sought for information from those on the spot as to the birthplace of the King of the Jews. Sometimes God leads us by His holy inspirations, sometimes He leaves us to discover His will by natural means. We cannot expect to live always in the blaze of supernatural light showing us the way.
January 16th
16. — The Magi’s Stay at Jerusalem
1. When the star disappeared, the Magi were not disconcerted. If God saw fit to withdraw His direct and extraordinary supernatural guidance, they must fall back on the ordinary means. So they sought for information from those on the spot as to the birthplace of the King of the Jews. Sometimes God leads us by His holy inspirations, sometimes He leaves us to discover His will by natural means. We cannot expect to live always in the blaze of supernatural light showing us the way.

Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 25th
25. — Joseph’s Obedience
1. No such questioning as we have supposed in our last meditation ever occurred to St. Joseph's mind. His duty, his pleasure, was to hear and to obey. Not a moment did he lose. He roused his virgin-spouse and told her what they had to do, and ere morning dawned, they had left Bethlehem far behind.
January 25th
25. — Joseph’s Obedience
1. No such questioning as we have supposed in our last meditation ever occurred to St. Joseph's mind. His duty, his pleasure, was to hear and to obey. Not a moment did he lose. He roused his virgin-spouse and told her what they had to do, and ere morning dawned, they had left Bethlehem far behind.
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Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 23rd
2. But Herod was utterly unscrupulous as well as ambitious. There was one way in which he could secure his end. By putting to death all the young children in the country round Bethlehem, he would compass the death of this royal Child Who threatened his safety. Pride and ambition not only blind men. but make them utterly indifferent to the sufferings of others and the laws of right and wrong. I, too, have often recklessly made others suffer to gratify myself and carry out my own selfish ends.
3. When Herod came to die, how awful must have been the terrors of his guilty conscience? The blood of those children slaughtered at his command had long cried out to Heaven for vengeance. Each one of them added to his remorse and eternal misery in hell. If evil men could foresee the consequences to themselves of the sins they commit, they would dread sin, even venial sin, far more than any earthly misery they could suffer.
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 23rd
2. But Herod was utterly unscrupulous as well as ambitious. There was one way in which he could secure his end. By putting to death all the young children in the country round Bethlehem, he would compass the death of this royal Child Who threatened his safety. Pride and ambition not only blind men. but make them utterly indifferent to the sufferings of others and the laws of right and wrong. I, too, have often recklessly made others suffer to gratify myself and carry out my own selfish ends.
3. When Herod came to die, how awful must have been the terrors of his guilty conscience? The blood of those children slaughtered at his command had long cried out to Heaven for vengeance. Each one of them added to his remorse and eternal misery in hell. If evil men could foresee the consequences to themselves of the sins they commit, they would dread sin, even venial sin, far more than any earthly misery they could suffer.
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
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Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 21st
2. Thus myrrh was offered to Our Lord as possessing a true human body, as truly Man as well as truly God. We must never lose sight of this fact of Christ's Humanity, that He has all the sympathy and interest in all that concerns us that we have perhaps received from some kind earthly friend, all His desire to help us, all His wisdom, prudence, patience, appreciation of our griefs and sorrows; and all this to a degree compared with which our best friend on earth does not deserve the name. Why do I not have recourse to Him more?
3. Myrrh is also the symbol of mortification. If our bodies are to be pure, we must mortify our evil desires and give up what is very attractive to our lower nature. If we desire great purity of heart, we must mortify ourselves in things lawful, and deny ourselves even what we might enjoy without sin. Do I do this?
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 21st
2. Thus myrrh was offered to Our Lord as possessing a true human body, as truly Man as well as truly God. We must never lose sight of this fact of Christ's Humanity, that He has all the sympathy and interest in all that concerns us that we have perhaps received from some kind earthly friend, all His desire to help us, all His wisdom, prudence, patience, appreciation of our griefs and sorrows; and all this to a degree compared with which our best friend on earth does not deserve the name. Why do I not have recourse to Him more?
3. Myrrh is also the symbol of mortification. If our bodies are to be pure, we must mortify our evil desires and give up what is very attractive to our lower nature. If we desire great purity of heart, we must mortify ourselves in things lawful, and deny ourselves even what we might enjoy without sin. Do I do this?
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
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Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 19th
2. The Magi also by their offering of gold gave to Him the most precious gift they had to give. They were the first Christian almsgivers, and their almsgiving was a pattern to all who should follow them. They gave liberally; they gave royally; they gave gifts which cost them something. Is this the character of my almsgiving, or do I give sparingly and grudgingly? I must not forget that Christ sees and remembers not only the amount of the gifts I give to Him, but the spirit in which they are given.
3. The gold of the Magi also signifies the virtue of charity, without which we can do nothing to please God. Charity is the gold fire-tried which He counsels the tepid to buy of Him. It is the virtue which is the standard by which the value of all other virtues is tested. It is the virtue which caused Jesus Christ to come and dwell upon earth. Oh, that I had more self-denying charity to others, more of the gold wherewith heaven is bought!
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 19th
2. The Magi also by their offering of gold gave to Him the most precious gift they had to give. They were the first Christian almsgivers, and their almsgiving was a pattern to all who should follow them. They gave liberally; they gave royally; they gave gifts which cost them something. Is this the character of my almsgiving, or do I give sparingly and grudgingly? I must not forget that Christ sees and remembers not only the amount of the gifts I give to Him, but the spirit in which they are given.
3. The gold of the Magi also signifies the virtue of charity, without which we can do nothing to please God. Charity is the gold fire-tried which He counsels the tepid to buy of Him. It is the virtue which is the standard by which the value of all other virtues is tested. It is the virtue which caused Jesus Christ to come and dwell upon earth. Oh, that I had more self-denying charity to others, more of the gold wherewith heaven is bought!
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
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Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 17th
2. Scarce had they quitted the city when the star appeared again to their joyful eyes. There it is; there is no mistaking it. God has not deserted us. He is still guiding us, and we shall find Him Whom we seek. No wonder that they rejoiced with great joy. So to those who have persevered amid doubt and darkness God soon restores the light of His presence. Courage, faint heart, the star will soon re-appear.
3. At length the star, instead of moving above them in the heavens, came nearer to earth, and settled on the humble dwelling-place where Jesus and His Mother abode. What! the King of the Jews in that poverty-stricken shed? Yes, so it is; Christ scorns the gilded palace, and loves the humble hut. There He is at home; thither He invites His friends to come and see how He dwells with the poor and humble of heart.
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 17th
2. Scarce had they quitted the city when the star appeared again to their joyful eyes. There it is; there is no mistaking it. God has not deserted us. He is still guiding us, and we shall find Him Whom we seek. No wonder that they rejoiced with great joy. So to those who have persevered amid doubt and darkness God soon restores the light of His presence. Courage, faint heart, the star will soon re-appear.
3. At length the star, instead of moving above them in the heavens, came nearer to earth, and settled on the humble dwelling-place where Jesus and His Mother abode. What! the King of the Jews in that poverty-stricken shed? Yes, so it is; Christ scorns the gilded palace, and loves the humble hut. There He is at home; thither He invites His friends to come and see how He dwells with the poor and humble of heart.
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
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Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 15th
2. The star led the Magi on till they arrived atJerusalem, and then it disappeared. In the bustle of the city no star. In the palace of Herod no star. The busy hum of the crowd seems to be a hindrance to God's holy inspirations.
3. Did the Magi, under these circumstances, accept the situation and devote their time to the sights and wonders of the Holy City? No, nothing would satisfy them except the fulfilment of their mission. What a lesson to us who are so easily diverted by worldly things from seeking after God!
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)
Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 15th
2. The star led the Magi on till they arrived atJerusalem, and then it disappeared. In the bustle of the city no star. In the palace of Herod no star. The busy hum of the crowd seems to be a hindrance to God's holy inspirations.
3. Did the Magi, under these circumstances, accept the situation and devote their time to the sights and wonders of the Holy City? No, nothing would satisfy them except the fulfilment of their mission. What a lesson to us who are so easily diverted by worldly things from seeking after God!
~ Rev. Richard F. Clarke, S.J., The Devout Year (1893)

Novena to Our Lady of Good Success
January 24th - February 1st
Begins today, January 24th, at Christus Regnat ~ https://t.me/RexUniversi
January 24th - February 1st
Begins today, January 24th, at Christus Regnat ~ https://t.me/RexUniversi

Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 23rd
23. — Herod’s Vengeance
1. When Herod found that the Magi did not return with the information respecting the King Whom they were seeking, he became uneasy. The plan he had cunningly devised had come to naught; the rival Monarch seemed likely to escape his hands. One day perhaps he or his children would be dethroned by Him. O empty fears! That little Child seeks no worldly honor; He will not interfere with any earthly monarch. The secret fear that destroys the peace of unscrupulous men is often as empty as Herod's. The terrors they suffer are the just rewards of their evil deeds. How often I have been anxious and troubled because my pride could not brook being humbled!
January 23rd
23. — Herod’s Vengeance
1. When Herod found that the Magi did not return with the information respecting the King Whom they were seeking, he became uneasy. The plan he had cunningly devised had come to naught; the rival Monarch seemed likely to escape his hands. One day perhaps he or his children would be dethroned by Him. O empty fears! That little Child seeks no worldly honor; He will not interfere with any earthly monarch. The secret fear that destroys the peace of unscrupulous men is often as empty as Herod's. The terrors they suffer are the just rewards of their evil deeds. How often I have been anxious and troubled because my pride could not brook being humbled!

Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 21st
21. — Their Gifts: (3) Myrrh
1. Myrrh is the herb used most largely for embalming. It has the power to prevent corruption and preserve the purity and freshness of the body which is in contact with it. It was offered to Our Lord as a testimony not only of the perfect and unsullied purity of those to whom He is united by the bonds of charity, but also in evidence of the power of His sacred body to save from corruption those who partake of it in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.
January 21st
21. — Their Gifts: (3) Myrrh
1. Myrrh is the herb used most largely for embalming. It has the power to prevent corruption and preserve the purity and freshness of the body which is in contact with it. It was offered to Our Lord as a testimony not only of the perfect and unsullied purity of those to whom He is united by the bonds of charity, but also in evidence of the power of His sacred body to save from corruption those who partake of it in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 19th
19. — Their Gifts: (1) Gold
1. Why did the Magi offer gold to the Babe in Mary's arms? It was in recognition of Him as their King. It was the tribute by which they declared themselves His vassals, professed their loyal submission to His sway. This is the very foundation of all supernatural virtue, not only to acknowledge Christ as our King, but to pay Him the homage which is His due as the Sovereign Lord of heaven and earth.
January 19th
19. — Their Gifts: (1) Gold
1. Why did the Magi offer gold to the Babe in Mary's arms? It was in recognition of Him as their King. It was the tribute by which they declared themselves His vassals, professed their loyal submission to His sway. This is the very foundation of all supernatural virtue, not only to acknowledge Christ as our King, but to pay Him the homage which is His due as the Sovereign Lord of heaven and earth.

Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 17th
17. — Their Arrival at Bethlehem
1. When the Wise Men had obtained the information they needed, they wasted no further time at Jerusalem, but turned their steps towards the village of Bethlehem. Their faith was being very sorely tried. The star had disappeared,and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, instead of sharing their eagerness to find the new-born King, seemed to be either indifferent or positively hostile to the idea of His presence in their midst. So Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament lies waiting in the tabernacle for a visit from those whom He loves. They have no longing after Him, no desire for His company. Only a few faithful souls go to pay their court to Him. Am I one of them?
January 17th
17. — Their Arrival at Bethlehem
1. When the Wise Men had obtained the information they needed, they wasted no further time at Jerusalem, but turned their steps towards the village of Bethlehem. Their faith was being very sorely tried. The star had disappeared,and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, instead of sharing their eagerness to find the new-born King, seemed to be either indifferent or positively hostile to the idea of His presence in their midst. So Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament lies waiting in the tabernacle for a visit from those whom He loves. They have no longing after Him, no desire for His company. Only a few faithful souls go to pay their court to Him. Am I one of them?

Month of the Holy Name of Jesus ~
January 15th
15. — Their Journey
1. The journey of the Magi from their own country to Palestine, just because a star appeared in a certain quarter of the heavens, was very like a fool's errand. Was a mere floating tradition a sufficient ground for undertaking a long and costly journey? Were not their duties at home of more importance, and had they not a greater claim than this strange apparition which tempted them away? What is folly with man is often wisdom with God. How often have similar arguments been used to deter Protestants from making their submission to the Church, and to dissuade Catholics from consecrating themselves to God! Perhaps I may sometimes have followed the dictates of mere worldly wisdom, neglecting supernatural grace.
January 15th
15. — Their Journey
1. The journey of the Magi from their own country to Palestine, just because a star appeared in a certain quarter of the heavens, was very like a fool's errand. Was a mere floating tradition a sufficient ground for undertaking a long and costly journey? Were not their duties at home of more importance, and had they not a greater claim than this strange apparition which tempted them away? What is folly with man is often wisdom with God. How often have similar arguments been used to deter Protestants from making their submission to the Church, and to dissuade Catholics from consecrating themselves to God! Perhaps I may sometimes have followed the dictates of mere worldly wisdom, neglecting supernatural grace.
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