On this day of love, which we all should feel that way—and instead, our country gives us the opposite. In this condition, I don't give a damn if my field is nascent, or declared sensitive for bringing politics. I want all of us as WNI to realize the loss we will all experience. You are "neutral"? Screw you for that. Education is our birthright. We must eradicate the rights taken away by OUR OWN GOVERNMENT. Open your eyes, literacy for a moment. Beyond the 'efficiency' word, there is only education as an option.
Think about your future. Care about the future of our nation. This impacts all Indonesian citizens. Oppose! Resist what we must fight for! Don't let defeat overwhelm us. Di balik meja, keputusan diambil tanpa rasa. Kami di sini merasakan dampaknya. Pendidikan bukan angka, tapi jiwa bangsa. Namun mereka lupa, terbuai kuasa.