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Occult Imperium avatar
Occult Imperium
Occult Imperium avatar
Occult Imperium
"we could return to consider — at last — the judgement of many Western realists that NATO expansion was the touchpaper for the Russo-Ukraine War. The Russians warned us, time and again, that such expansion constituted a red line. So too did some of our very greatest strategic thinkers, starting with George Kennan in 1996, Henry Kissinger, Jack Matlock, even Bill Burns in his famous ‘Nyet means Nyet’ diplomatic telegram, and most recently John Mearsheimer with his 2014 forecasts. All ignored.

The truth is that NATO now exists to confront the threats created by its continuing existence. Yet as our scenario shows, NATO does not have the capacity to defeat the primary threat that its continuing existence has created.

So perhaps this is the time to have an honest conversation about the future of NATO, and to ask two questions. How do we return to the sustainable peace in Europe that all sides to the conflict seek? Is NATO the primary obstacle to this sustainable peace?"

— Royal Navy Commodore Steve Jermy
Napoleon meditating before the tomb of Frederick II of Prussia in the crypt of the Garnisonkirche in Potsdam, on 26 October, 1806.
"If the USSR inherited, due to geopolitics, the determinisms, concerns, risks, and responsibilities that once belonged to the Third Reich, the United States took on the anti-continental and anti-European traditions of England.

For four centuries, England-island systematically prevented the emergence of any superstate on the European continent—from Philip II to Hitler, passing through Bonaparte."

— Jean Thiriart, The Euro-Soviet Empire from Vladivostok to Dublin (1984)
“Uninterrupted war with sin goes to the heart of man. The worst outcome here would be pacifism, the reconciliation of grace and sin. This would be neither a reconciliation nor a compromise, but the victory of sin.”

— Aleksandr Dugin, The Rise Of The Fourth Political Theory, 2017
"The unification of Europe is no longer an academic question. It is a question of life and death. For us, the homeland is a common future, not just a past. ... We want a homeland of expansion and not a homeland of veneration. This is what our European homeland will be like."

Jean Thiriart
"The Großraum finds its singularity in the moment when the leading power asserts its authority to exclude foreign intervention, marking the boundary between friend and enemy in spatial terms."
— Carl Schmitt, Völkerrechtliche Großraumordnung (1939)

"The struggle of Großraum against universalism is the struggle of a concrete, spatially rooted order against the nihilism of a placeless, abstract universality."
— Großraum gegen Universalismus (1939)
True story.
But that's the thing. Earth is just a pasture field to these people. And if we want to make our planet move past this it's necessary to follow a similar method. That is, forming a priest-caste and connecting to a higher civilization, but for the benefit of Earth and terran humanity.
"History grants the Soviets the inheritance, the role, the destiny that, for a brief moment, had been attributed  to the Reich: the Soviet Union is the main continental power of Europe, it is the heart of geopolitics. My speech today is directed to the military leaders of this magnificent instrument, the Soviet army, an instrument that lacks a great cause." (1984)
"We must strive at all costs to oust the Americans from Europe. The tutelary power, the United States, has created in Europe habits of security, ease and thread leading to needle, of renunciation of personal initiative and finally of subjection. Atlanticism is an opium for political Europe."

Jean Thiriart, 1964
My latest: Baby-faced shabbos goy in Washington wants to save Europeans from the problems Washington created in the first place, so his employers be sure there's no hostile regimes nor any sort of approximation to Russia.
Arthur Kampf's monumental mural Fichte's Address to the German Nation (1913-14) in Humboldt University of Berlin (photographed in 1933)
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Occult Imperium avatar
Occult Imperium
"We have the problem of flying saucers with us, and if they exist, we cannot be sure how long an advanced civilization may have been observing our life on earth. We might have to think in terms of an entirely different time scale for such a civilization: a thousand years might be like a day. Consequently, we really should look at the Biblical material and try to discover what the beings from another world were reported to have done."

Barry Downing, The Bible and Flying Saucers (1968)
'We did the F-104, C-130, U-2, SR-71, F-117 and many other programs that I can’t talk about,' he proclaimed during a 1993 speech at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, home of Air Force Materiel Command, the organization responsible for all flight-testing within the Air Force. 'We are still working very hard, I just can’t tell you what we are doing.' As usual, he added his by now infamous punchline, 'The Air Force has just given us a contract to take E.T. back home.'"

"after the UCLA speech, Rich [...] started to walk out of the room. Harzan pursued him, and continued to ask him about the workings of interstellar propulsion systems. It was an unanswerable question in light of our current scientific knowledge. Rich finally stopped and turned, then asked Harzan an unanswerable question of his own, 'Well, let me ask you; how does ESP work?' Stunned, Harzan stammered, 'I don’t know. All points in space and time are connected?' Rich responded, 'That’s how it works,' then abruptly turned and walked away."
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Limes Europa avatar
Limes Europa
For more than two decades, Jewish-backed NGOs and politicians have facilitated continuous mass immigration into the continent. Now that resentment has reached a boiling point, the time has come to offer people a "solution."

The "MEGA" gang was manufactured by Israel to serve as the "patriotic option" for disgruntled Europeans. Their role is to act as saviors, ostensibly to resolve the migrant crisis and combat corruption.

Sound familiar? Well, the same kind of rug pull that occurred after MAGA's win in the U.S. will happen in Europe. They will put on a show of mass deportation efforts to justify the implementation of radical "security and protection" measures.

The real goal here is to undermine our freedoms and institutions through systems like Digital ID, Mass Surveillance, and Social Credit System.

The migrants will continue to arrive (this time "legally"), our ability to fight back will be severely reduced, and we might lose another decade due to our willful blindness.
Still relevant.

I'm tired Mr Hitler...
“Merezhkovsky interprets integral Christianity on the basis of an epochal development. At first Christianity was essentially ascetic, dualist, transcendentist. It is thus that against it, starting from the Renaissance, little by little the "pagan" antithesis arises, the pagan valorization of everything that is immanence, power, ego, will, up to the limit of the "superman" who , as a kind of Antichrist or God-Man, opposes the Man-God.

But true Christianity includes a further power: that of overcoming this antithesis, of arriving at a synthesis, shadowed by formulas, such as those of the resurrection of the flesh, of the future advent, of the kingdom of the Holy Spirit, of a will, which must be realized both on earth and in heaven. This is, for Merezhkovsky, the future religion, the only path that the West can take to avoid a catastrophe."

— Review of Dmitry Merezhkovsky's book "Dante", by Julius Evola from “Il Regime Fascista”, 30 May 1939
"A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) states that Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO) experts remain “puzzled” as to why the United States Navy “captured and then diverted” a Malaysia Airlines civilian aircraft from its intended flight-path to their vast and highly-secretive Indian Ocean base located on the Diego Garcia atoll."
Jason Reza Jorjani: "... the so-called "UFO (or UAP) Disclosure" discussion, which has long since also become a broader conversation about the paranormal in general because it is clear to anyone involved, in a more than superficial survey of the subject, that psychic phenomena and other aspects of the occult cannot be exorcised from the mass of "UAP" data going back many decades. In a manner that can often be irksome, some of the researchers involved have resorted to simply referring to the whole mess as "the phenomenon"."
"On 10 May, Rogozin observed that StarLink owner Elon Musk had sent to the "militants of the Nazi Azov battalion" in Mariupol some equipment that allowed them better to survive the onslaught of the Russian invaders, and remarked to Musk that "You will be held accountable as an adult, no matter how much you play the fool.""
I just created a chat for this channel. If anyone wants to join and discuss stuff, be welcome
Don't fall for this. The Trump administration wants Europe jumping into American arms again. It's all one big "Vance 2028" campaign.
This rare photo of Napoleon III and Victoria taken during the Crimean War in 1855 for diplomacy. It is the only known photo of a British Monarch and a French Monarch together.
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