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You do NOT hate these people enough.
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The Western Chauvinist (Main) avatar
The Western Chauvinist (Main)
There are many very good sounding excuses to not organize in real life with others of Our People. All the carrots and sticks of modern society are designed to make all those excuses appear to be valid, rational objections to something that seems risky.

All those excuses when examined from a Nationalist perspective amount to nothing more than the apathetic cowardice of an atomized individual. The reasons to NOT organize are many, but they are nothing compared to the slow decline and fade from existence we will suffer if you don't start now.

The system has invested more resources than you could ever imagine into keeping you a lone, isolated individualist; with no sense of unity. That is because if we organize in large enough numbers, we will become the thing they've feared since the second they took power.

If your enemy shows you they fear something enough to make it the most socially taboo thing in the world, become that thing. Start to organize and become the thing they fear, start to resist or cease to exist.

Never forget the White children who have been sacrificed on the alter of diversity. Although we never knew you, you will never be forgotten little man.
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Young Dixie avatar
Young Dixie
North Carolinans need to begin running up the North Carolina secession flag and bringing down the USA one. It’s clear that the scum in DC quite literally are trying to wipe them off the map. The most easy step we can take towards secession is by abandoning their icons , symbols and pledges. We have our own.
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Beginner Homesteader avatar
Beginner Homesteader
Helping Hurricane Helene Victims

Someone I trust is on the ground in North Carolina.

When I asked what he thought the best way to help people right now, he said this group is doing great things — able to get into all the areas without any roads or bridges. They are there. They are making drops. They are helping. They need money to fuel their flights and buy the supplies.

Don't forget that there are going to be scammers popping up and that the Red Cross is a cursed organization. But there are ways to actually help!

For anyone looking for a way to aid our people suffering from the storm. So far this seems to be the best option.
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The Beacons Are Lit avatar
The Beacons Are Lit
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