So, b/c of a few pieces of predictive programming, some folks are thinking there will be a literal “explosion” at the game tomorrow
However, I’m looking at this “explosion” in more a symbolic sense, as in the “destruction” of the counterfeit world order (darkness) and the rise of the true new world order (false light)
Trump will be the first sitting president to attend the Super Bowl and Musk is said to be airing 5 commercials tomorrow exposing government corruption
It’s obvious they want us to “wake up” to the overt evil and rally behind the pre-selected “heroes”
Great Reset to Great Awakening
The Left-Right false dichotomy
They create a problem (blatantly evil govt.), wait for a reaction (people demand change), then offer their solution (exposure of evil by the “heroes”), which will ultimately lead to the ushering in of AI Governance and the tech-dictatorship of the Beast (the “Golden Age”)
Our current paradigm will shift drastically. If not tomorrow, then at some point in the near future…