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Forbidden History avatar
Forbidden History
Forbidden History avatar
Forbidden History
Menu of prisoners in the Sachsenhausen labor camp

Breakfast: coffee, bread, jam (marmalade), milk soup.

Lunch: pea soup, potatoes, pork, lard, bean soup, whale meat, fish, carrots, beef, goulash, stew, rendered lard, vegetable pot with egg white, salted potatoes.

Dinner: coffee, bread, liver sausage, margarine, tea, jelly, blood sausage, potatoes in uniforms, cheese .

Oh, how terrible this holocaust was...

Forbidden History
War To Death Against All German People

A huge layer of irrefutable documents has been preserved to this day, opening our eyes to many mysteries of history, in particular the Second World War. One of these is the issue of the British newspaper "The Vancouver Sun" from April 23, 1940.

The newspaper headline is striking: "War to death against all German people" - very unambiguous. Some might argue that the cunning journalists deliberately made a colorful headline. Not at all! This statement was made not by some "expert", but by an official - the British Minister of Information. In other words, the chief propagandist. The article continues: "War to death against all German people, not just against the Nazi regime."

At the moment when Adolf Hitler extended his hand of peace to France and England (it was these countries that declared war, and not the other way around!), in the capital's newspapers the ministers of these countries called for the destruction of the entire German people!

Forbidden History
Raising healthy youth using the example of the Hitler Youth

Adolf Hitler on the meaning of the Hitler Youth:

"The mission of the Hitler Youth is neither religious, nor racial, nor philosophical, nor political, nor economic. It is completely natural: young people must be returned to nature, they must recognize nature as the one that gives life and energy. And they must strengthen and develop their bodies in the fresh air, making themselves healthy and maintaining themselves in good condition. For a healthy mind can only develop in a healthy body, and only in the freedom of nature can man open himself to the highest morality and the highest ethics.

For clarity, we have chosen a video that compares the National Socialist youth and those unfortunate children raised by a modern, "tolerant" society. Here everything is visible in their physique: faces, bodies and gaze.

In some, health plays, others are already in childhood, rotting...

Forbidden History
"I am ready to do it all over again, even if it means being burned alive. In the eyes of history, a temporary defeat in war is nothing."

- The last words of Rudolf Hess at the Nuremberg trials

⚡️Atlantean Blood⚡️
Photo of the Russian SS volunteer "Charlemagne" before his execution in 1945 .

SS-Obersturmführer Sergei Krotov (far left in the photo) is a descendant of a "White émigré", a former Russian consul in Madagascar. While in a Bavarian hospital after being wounded, he was captured by the Americans, handed over to the French, and executed on May 8 by order of General Leclerc along with 11 other French volunteers.

In his last letter to his wife Simone (the mother of his five children), Krotov wrote:

"My beloved wife, I have done my duty fighting the Bolsheviks and the atheists. This morning I surrendered to the Americans, the French soldiers are taking me to be shot. My dear wife, forgive me, make sure that our children remember that their father was always just and loved them very much. My dear wife, my dear Simone, I kiss you with all my heart, I kiss my poor mother and children. Always believe in God and forgive the evil that is unjustly done to us.

Sergey Krotov"

According to eyewitnesses of the execution, he, along with other Frenchmen, managed to shout before his death: “Vive la France!” (“Long live France!”)

Forbidden History
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European Way
94 years ago, the martyr of National Socialism, Horst Wessel, died from the bullets of the Red executioners

Romantics say: it is better to burn young than to rot in pity until old age - this is how heroes live.

As a young man, enchanted by the teachings of National Socialism, 19-year-old Horst Wessel joined the NSDAP, and two years later, the promising lawyer dropped out of school and devoted his life entirely to the struggle for his nation. On this day, 95 years ago, the young man was vilely shot by communist terrorists. And although he died, Horst immortalized himself with his death, becoming one of the symbols of our teaching.

One of the heroes of our Race, Horst, know that we have not forgotten you!

European Way

A facial reconstruction of the famous Nordic Bronze Age girl from Egtved in Denmark, carried out by the National Museum of Denmark

The Egtved girl was discovered by Peter Platz in 1921. While clearing the last remains of a burial mound in his field, his shovel struck something hard. It turned out to be an oak coffin.

The Egtved Girl lived in the 14th century BC and was probably born in southern Germany. Her teeth showed that she was not originally from Denmark. Her homeland was most likely the Black Forest.

Forbidden History
From a private conversation between a pilot Reitsch and a high-ranking official Goering

I asked Herman Goering one day:

"What is this I am hearing that Germany is killing Jews?"

Goering responded angrily:

"A totally outrageous lie made up by the British and American press. It will be used as a rope to hang us someday if we lose the war."

- Hanna Reitsch, in a 1970's interview with Ron Laytner

Forbidden History
German troops entering Kiev

The video shows how ordinary people greet the liberators from the Red Terror. Smiles, tears of joy - people went out into the streets not believing their eyes: their dream has become reality. Indeed, very soon these people will be free from collective farm slavery.

Forbidden History
Leon Degrelle tells the truth about "humane Europe" before the German troops entered France, from his book "Hitler for a Thousand Years"

"Since in France, as in Paris, the major press tirelessly claimed that we were Nazis, the French police pounced on us in the first hours of hostilities.

They rounded up thousands of our supporters, throwing them into prisons and concentration camps. They moved us from prison to prison, dealing with us with barbaric cruelty in blood-soaked torture chambers -
breaking our jaws with a heavy bunch of keys, forcibly holding our mouths open while the jailers urinated in them. I am speaking from my own experience.

I was sentenced to death in Lille in the first week. On May 20, 1940, twenty of my comrades from France were butchered like dogs in a prison van, near a music kiosk in Abbeville. Among them were women: a young girl, her mother and her grandmother. Before they were shot, they were stabbed more than thirty times in the chest with a bayonet!"

Forbidden History
At your requests, sources have been added to the previous two publications

For those who decide to verify the authenticity of the quotes, we recommend using Ctrl+F and searching by keywords, since a link to a specific page may not always be relevant - pages may be different due to different editions (namely, the size of the book, the introduction and the font).
While Bolsheviks used dogs to blow up tanks, Germans developed a special robot, "Goliath"

Powered by a wire but with an electric motor (later replaced by a diesel engine), the robot was the first of its kind to be fielded by any country. First used in Operation Citadel in July 1943.

Forbidden History
Waffen-SS In Battle

Old video "Waffen SS in combat, very intense, very rare" with Icelandic folk song "Krummi Svaf í Klettagjá" performed by Valravn.

I have long tried to understand what this language is and what the song is dedicated to, and I accidentally stumbled upon it.

From the first viewing of the recording, several years ago, it captivated me with its mystery, will-affirming sound, a certain archaism - truly ancient Germanic motives, which harmoniously combined with the aesthetics and episodes of SS battles, as exponents and living evidence of this heritage.

Forbidden History
"Hitler Was Financed By Jews!" Or The Cries Of Crazed Idlers

There is a rather interesting caste of parasites and propagandists whose goal is to somehow discredit Adolf Hitler in the eyes of his supporters. Of course, they do not even manage to shake rationally thinking people with their chicanery, but weaker elements succumb to their dirty tricks. So, was the Fuhrer financed by Jews?..

Take, for example, Henry Ashby Turner's book "German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler" - Henry was a Hitler hater. He combed through all the German archives and came to the logical conclusion that Hitler was not financed by anyone. On the contrary! The German, French and Austrian branches of the House of Rothschild were actually dissolved and destroyed by Hitler.

"The answer, now supported by a wealth of documentation, is that, as the Nazis claimed, they financed the SA almost entirely
from their own resources and efforts" - Turner concluded.

Forbidden History
Rare document: Adolf Hitler's 16-point proposal to the Polish government

"A vote will be held in this area. All Germans who lived in these territories on January 1, 1918, or who were born there to this day, as well as all Poles, Kashubians, etc. who lived in these territories, have the right to vote. Germans expelled from this territory will return to vote.

In order to ensure objective coordination and to guarantee the extensive preparatory work required for this, the said area will be placed under the control of an international commission to be formed immediately by the four Great Powers. This commission will exercise all sovereign rights in this region."

Some liars are spreading the myth that the German side handed over this project only “late in the evening” on the 31st, which is a brazen fabrication, disinformation: the text of the “16 points” was handed over to the Polish government on August 30, when the German border had already been violated several times!

Forbidden History
Heroes have nothing to be ashamed of

German veterans of the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS wear their Iron Crosses with pride, to the detriment of the pathetic and cowardly "progressive" public and journalists.

Forbidden History
Otto Skorzeny about the Soviet Union and Russian people, from his book "The Unknown War"

"What we saw in the villages and small towns was enough to form an idea of ​​the 'Soviet paradise'. People and animals lived together, in conditions that insulted human dignity. North of Kobrin I saw a Russian collective farm... The peasant was only a poor slave, like a character in Gogol's "Dead Souls". Alexander Solzhenitsyn was right, although everything we saw in the USSR had been said before Viktor Kravchenko and the courageous author of "The Gulag Archipelago".

We are accused of considering the Russians as subhuman. This is not true. I recruited Russian mechanics from among the prisoners of war to work with me – they were smart and inventive. For example, they themselves came up with the idea of ​​replacing the springs of our vehicles with springs from T-34 tanks. Why should I treat them as inferior? I am an anti-Bolshevik, but I have never had and do not have anything against the Russians"

Forbidden History
Das Hans Mallon Ehrenmal

It is a pagan memorial on the island of Rügen in the style of a German Langhaus, erected in honor of the fallen hero of the Hitler Youth, Hans Mallon, and until 1945 served as a sacred place for the annual memorial march of the National Socialist Youth.

Above the entrance, words from the Edda are carved in runic text:


(Eternal memory to the deeds of the dead)

Forbidden History
A column dedicated to the Holodomor in the American newspaper "Chicago's American"

When famine raged in the Ukrainian SSR, the Kuban, and the Volga German Autonomous Republic, Evangelical churches in Germany received about 100,000 letters of help from Germans living in the USSR.

The head of the German government, A. Hitler, ordered state support for public organizations that collected money to help compatriots, and personally donated 1,000 marks from his own purse to a fund to help Germans starving in Ukraine. This help also reached Ukrainians and Poles living with the Germans. Local communists called it “Hitler’s” and, on orders from Moscow, forced the starving to refuse help.

Forbidden History
Young couple in the Third Reich

The institution of family in Germany was given an extremely important place. The state actively educated young people so that they would not make fatal mistakes. Thus, in the brochure "Choosing a Partner and a Race" simple but important truths are written for every person who respects himself and his race.

Here are some excerpts from there:

Take care of your health and, while you are in your mature years, above all, abstain from pleasure poisons (alcohol, nicotine) and sexual activity

Do not marry a genetically sick woman. Otherwise, you are guilty of the suffering of your own children and grandchildren.

Choose for yourself an absolutely healthy woman. The true picture of the health and characteristics of your future wife is shown to you by her family.

Forbidden History

"Time will pass, and the thousand-year-old European state and national dispute will be only an insignificant historical memory, just like the fratricidal internal German strife from 1871 to 1938.

The self-awareness of the European peoples must lead to the fact that from a state of fratricide they come to a peaceful life in the pan-European family.

The Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians, having freed themselves from the terrible time of Bolshevik rule, voluntarily became the support of the Reich. The Slavic peoples of Central Europe are increasingly accepting as the greatest blessing in their own history the fact that in the German neighborhood they rose from the low social standard of living in which Soviet Russia still remains. All peoples, not least the Nordics, realize that isolation leads to illness, while devotion to the Great Community exalts and enriches."

SS-Leitheft, 10. Jahrgang. Heft 3, 1944.

Forbidden History
85% of Soviet commissars were JEWS ✡️

(It is worth remembering the fact that the percentage of the Jewish population in the USSR was only 1.5-1.8%)

Council of People's Commissars:
22 people, 18 of whom were Jews, including Lenin.

Moscow EC:
36 people, 24 of whom were Jews.

Central Executive Committee: 60 persons, 44 of whom are Jews.

As you can see, in all governing bodies, Jews constitute an ethnic majority, despite the fact that among the entire population of the USSR they constitute only slightly more than one percent.

Forbidden History
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