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Great overview of the mystery school history! Nice one for homeschoolers esp.

Steve worked his butt off on this. Enjoy.

Going live soon w/ Moshe! Join us in the livechat!

Nice summary of fires and resets and where we are today with this all…

Here is Part 1 of my series on energy medicine where I delve into the science and theory behind homeopathy and why I think this is one of the most practical and accessible modalities for treating illness that any family can acquire.

Recently I’ve personally experienced profound healing effects from implementing homeopathy in my life. I see the application of this energy medicine as a bridge towards a more refined and civilized perspective on how healing actually takes place as well as what role dis-ease plays within the human experience. Easily accessible by all and quite affordable, having a homeopathic kit in your household is a no-brainer and highly recommended! Enjoy the cast.

Fatigue isn't normal.

But it has been normalized. Accepted. Rationalized.

A world that worships efficiency will sell you stimulants, biohacks, and “life hacks” to keep you moving—solutions that ignore the fact that your body was designed to generate its own energy in abundance.

Your cells already hold the blueprint. The intelligence. The mechanics. But in today’s world, they’re starving for the raw materials needed to execute.

Call it... the modern metabolic crisis.

Depleted soil means your food no longer contains the vital B vitamins and trace minerals that fuel ATP production. Synthetic chemicals and chronic stress deplete the cofactors your mitochondria rely on to function efficiently.

And so, you adapt.
You get used to needing coffee just to start the day.
You expect the afternoon crash.
You accept that brain fog is just part of life.

You don’t have to settle for that.

Start by getting quality sleep, spending more time in nature, grounding, practicing presence, breathing deep and full, get more sunlight, move with intention.. recalibrate your system.

I'd also encourage you to learn more about our new & evolved Illumined Energize™ formula.

I formulated Illumined Energize™ to deliver the missing pieces that your mitochondria are desperate for:
• NAD, NMN & Nicotinamide Riboside
• Alpha GPC
• Plant-Based B-Complex
• Fulvic Minerals & Pomegranate Electrolytes

The Illumined™ line now comes in U.S.-sourced, high-integrity bags to protect ingredient potency.
Don’t run on half power.

~ Dr. Barre Lando

Get Illumined Energize™ Now
Last week's mind-expanding Alfacast with Nichole Murphy is now avail as an audio podcast!

Going LIVE shortly for a moon landing hoax special with Bart Sibrel!

Is reality stranger than fiction? Or maybe the fiction that is our perceived reality is stranger than most fiction? Either way, I think we can glean a lot from a good moral tale of fictional fantasy. I believe inspired works of imagination and art can fuel this reality in ways far more powerful than a political act or government statute. This is why I read every day and hope, through this podcast, to inspire you to pick up a book and read as well!

In this subcast, I touch on one of my favorite sci-fi/fantasy series of my youth and how it is still relevant to me today. I reflect on the dual-pole nature of this reality and how this book series illustrates it in a very creative and fun way. We each have so much more power than we are led to believe but if we are willing to cross that line into the fantastical, we can become the hero in our own story that we are meant to be.

- Mike

With all that is going on in LA right now with these fires, I first and foremost want focus on holding space for those suffering from loss and grief due to this tragic, historic event. It’s beyond words at this time and I think it best for all of us to first sit with the raw emotions and feelings coming up before jumping to any mass conclusions on the mental plane.

That being said, as a volunteer firefighter who has seen my fair share of large-scale wild land fires, I share some practical advice on how one can better protect their home from future fire events as well as touch on the more esoteric sciences around fire and the elementals. I then end with my personal take on where this is all going and why I see the Phoenix rising in 2025. ~ Mike

Hey AV fam! Asking that we collectively use our immense spiritual powers to help quell the massive wild fires that have erupted today in Los Angeles, threatening many of our own community members’ homes and livelihoods. Let’s bring our intention to snuffing the fire out! 🙏💪✨
Hey Exec Co-Op Members!

We are excited to announce our latest addition to the Exec membership, a new monthly live ‘farm chat’ with Barre & Deb Lando! Here you can bring any questions related to homesteading, gardening, off-grid living and working the land! Join us next Monday at 4PM PT.

On this Thursday's Alfacast, intrepid Chemtrail activist, Mellow Kat, shares her experiences confronting actual Tanker Pilots & local government boards to stop what can only be considered Crimes Against Humanity!

Complaints of persistent coughs, headaches and brain fog from otherwise healthy people are now the norm.  The inability to categorize these symptoms within a conventional diagnostic context has forced many of us in the medical field to look ‘out-of-the-box’ for both answers and solutions.

There is now zero doubt! The causative agents and culpable parties have been identified by an overwhelming number of researchers and medics worldwide.  All one need do is to observe what is visible in most skies on any given day.

"Chem-trailing, or ‘atmospheric aerosoling’ is a confirmed reality, and self-admitted by its perpetrators. Bottom line, we’re getting sprayed like pesky bugs with noxious cocktails of heavy metals, radiation, nano-fibers and ‘smart dust’."  ~ Dr. Barre Lando

A myriad of disabling disorders that share the commonality of central nervous system destruction. ALS, Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis to name a few are now pandemic. For those seemingly less affected with health issues, the toll these same agents wreak on the larger biosystem will spare no one.

Intrepid chemtrail activist, known as Mellow Kat on Substack and her Bitchute channel, has had enough, and on a mission to stop this madness.  As a mother & homemaker with a B.A. in Communications and aspiring journalist she became a corporate jet flight attendant for many years. 

Upon witnessing the adverse effects in her son after adhering to certain "medical schedules", Kat's eyes were forever opened to the perils of blind trust in pharmaceutical medicine.  During the great psyop of 2020, Kat fought tirelessly on several fronts to help people avoid medical tyranny.

Her valiant efforts to expose those who would do harm to our children has now been re-focused on an institutionalized practice of such malevolence & magnitude that it defies the imagination, and one for which there is no possibility of opting out. 

No matter what term is used, Chemtrailing, Geoengineering or Atmospheric Aerosoling, it is a crime against humanity, and Kat is determined to spread the word.  On this episode, Kat will share her now viral video of confrontations with actual Tanker Pilots, and local government boards, as part of our deeper discussion into a very sinister and undeniable agenda.

Please join us in this all important presentation to expose the truth behind the escalation of Chemtrailing in recent decades, and how you can protect your family from atmospheric poisoning.

We'll be simulcasting live this Thursday February 6 at our usual 10:00 AM PT on our YouTube channel Rumble,  Unite, Odysee& Facebook.
Apologies on the delay here! Had to fix some of the audio but our LA fire special with Traci Derwin and Shane Buell is now avail as an audio podcast!

Should we invite David onto Alfacast or is he just too out there even for us?

Going live soon to cover the fire apocalypse with Traci Derwin

G. I. Gurdjieff was truly one of those rare masters who brought so much to the world while he was here. I resonate deeply with a lot of his methods without falling into any guru worship and share some of his wisest words here while driving through the wild lands of the State of Jefferson.

~ Mike

Some snaps from today’s work in the Winner food bank 🤙
Here I delve into an exploration on automaticity loops and our innate duty as conscious creators to break them when they threaten our autonomy. It’s how we flip the pyramid in the end. Take this as a colorful sugary treat for your mind 🙂 ~Mike

It’s truly amazing how connected we all are… In ways that my mind still can’t totally comprehend but whenever I trust my instincts around a gut feeling that proves correct, I get further proof those connections go beyond space and time.

This can also be true for taking on symptoms of others far from you which is exactly what happened to me last week in relation to the LA fires. I discuss this in depth here along with why homeopathic remedies are powerful tools for healing said condition.

If you are looking to learn more about using homeopathy correctly in your own home, it’s still not too late to sign up for Lisa Strbac’s “Homeopathy Heals - Confident Home Prescribing” course. You can get 10% off with the code ALFA10.

Wishing you all the healthiest and happiest week ahead!

~ Mike

Last week's stellar in-house Alfacast to ring in the new year is now avail as an audio podcast!

Just a reminder that our end of the year Exec. Co-Op Meeting is today at 4PM PT! Hope to see all of our exec members there!

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