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PMC Nazbolwaffen (uncensored)
PMC Nazbolwaffen (uncensored) avatar
PMC Nazbolwaffen (uncensored)
"The individual only has purpose and meaning when in relation to a group: family, corporation, church, state. The dissolution of these institutions would mean the end of individuality, purpose, and true freedom."
-Ludwig von Gerlach
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Join me as I explore how Liberalism corrupts Christianity.
In 1922, the International Feminist Congress in Rome was supported by the P.N.F, with Mussolini endorsing women's political suffrage. Mussolini at the Feminist congress.
And if we ask who was responsible for our misfortune, then we must inquire who profited by our collapse. And the answer to that question is that 'Banks and Stock Exchanges are more flourishing than ever before.' We were told that capitalism would be destroyed, and when we ventured to remind one or other of these famous statesmen and said 'Don't forget hat Jews too have capital,' then the answer was: 'What are you worrying about? Capitalism as a whole will now be destroyed, the whole people will now be free. We are not fighting Jewish or Christian capitalism, we are fighting very capitalism: we are making the people completely free.'

🔗 Source Adolf Hitler – speech in Munich, April 12, 1922
"The individual's duty is to maintain the sovereignty of the state, at the risk and sacrifice of property and life."

🔗 Source Hegel's Philosophy of Right
The left-wing Catholicism that developed in Italy in the 1910s and 1920s was described as "White Bolshevism". It embraced the religious rituals and traditions of the Italian peasantry, while also embracing the economic demands of socialism. One of the theoreticians of this current, Catholic socialist, Cesare Seassaro, wrote that anticlericalism was part of bourgeois ideology and that many priests should be seen as workers. In emerging Catholic communism, the Gospel was "interpreted as a sublime Labour Charter". It gained the attention of numerous prominent socialists - Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, for example, praised the movement, and argued tha the Acts of the Apostles "showed perfectly how communism was practised among ancient Christian communities". Claudia Baldoli noted that "the Christian spirit that permeated the speeches of some well-known socialist leaders proved powerful enough to prompt conversions to the priesthood".
Capitalism and Freedom
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Stalinist Revisionism avatar
Stalinist Revisionism
Juche upholds the general laws of socialism referred to by Stalin:
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KFA UK avatar
"Denuclearisation " is a code word for regime change and the overthrow of the socialist system. The policy of the present Starmer government is the same as its predecessors !
He was also elected as senator for life by the Fascists, but he died before he was able to take office
Grok AI simplifies it plainly
Critical support for comrade trump
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Stalinist Revisionism avatar
Stalinist Revisionism
Not everything is state-owned in the DPRK. As in other socialist countries, there is still a distinction between state and cooperative ownership, hence between workers and peasants.
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Stalinist Revisionism avatar
Stalinist Revisionism
On Nazism & Communism

"Denazification" was always a liberal democratic project. Communists were never as zealously "anti-Nazi" as the liberals were. No one despises Nazism more than the liberal democrat does.

Nazism and Communism absolutely share far more in common with each other than either of them do with Liberalism and Liberal Democracy.
With the Fall of Assad the last remnants of Arab Socialism dissapears.
Enrico Ferri was an Italian criminologist, Darwinist, and socialist politician in the Kingdom of Italy. He was a student of Cesare Lombroso, the founder of Italian criminology. While Lombroso believed physiological factors motivated criminals, Ferri focused on the economic factors, which later became a core influence of his socialist beliefs. Unlike Ernst Haeckel, who believed socialism and Darwinism was incompatible due to their differences, Ferri argued that Marxist Socialism was the practical conclusion of Social Darwinism due to its key scientific principles. He soon rose to become one of the most important leaders of the reformist faction of the Italian Socialist Party. In 1921 during a speech to the House of Representatives, he outlined Fascism as a phenomenon of defending the ruling class against the rebellion of the working masses. However, in 1923, he supported Mussolini as his view of Fascism shifted into an extension of socialist ideals and "the state's assertion against liberal individualism"
Treatment of guest workers in the German Democratic Republic

The guest workers in East Germany came mainly from the Eastern Bloc, Hungary, Poland, Algeria, Vietnam, North Korea, Angola, Mozambique, and Cuba. Residency was typically limited to only three years. The conditions of East German Gastarbeiter, or guest workers, had to live in were much harsher than the living conditions of the Gastarbeiter in West Germany; accommodation was mainly in single-sex dormitories. In addition, contact between guest workers and East German citizens was extremely limited; Gastarbeiter were usually restricted to their dormitory or an area of the city which Germans were not allowed to enter — furthermore sexual relations with a German led to deportation. Female Vertragsarbeiter were not allowed to become pregnant during their stay. If they did, they were forced to have an abortion, or faced deportation.

This is greatly contrasted with foreign workers in West Germany, as they were integrated and could permanently settle.
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Stalinist Revisionism
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Stalinist Revisionism
The DPRK has the highest marriage rate for disabled people in the world:
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Keith Woods
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