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Aristocratic Socialism
My analysis might be from the sphere of dreams
, from a hybrid realm and interdisciplinary space. Nevertheless, I believe that it has every right to exist and that this is how we need to think now — through the prism of death, eschatology, and metaphysics.
— Daria Platonova Dugina, A Theory of Europe: A View of the New Right 🌟

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#quotes #dariadugina #4pt
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Stalinist Revisionism
"'Going off the gold standard,' Feder wrote, 'is the necessary condition for a healthy economy in the Third Reich, an economy in which Labor will again take precedence over Money.'"
As always, an educated woman was a dangerous woman.

— Stacy Schiff 🥀

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#quotes #stacyschiff #sovietunion
Perfect purity is possible if you turn your life into a line of poetry written with a splash of blood.

— Yukio Mishima, Runaway Horses 🇯🇵

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#quotes #yukiomishima #japan
🇬🇧 🇩🇪 Hitler to Stalin on the impossibility of an Alliance with the United Kingdom:
I am writing this letter at a time when I have finally concluded that it will be impossible to achieve lasting peace in Europe, either for ourselves or for future generations, WITHOUT THE FINAL DISMEMBERSHIP OF ENGLAND AND HER DESTRUCTION AS A STATE. As you well know, I have long ago made the decision to carry out a series of military measures to achieve this goal.
— Letter from Hitler to Stalin 🔨

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#redrevision #ww2revision #stalin
#hitler #nationalsocialism #nsdap
An unknown plague will arrive that will dominate the world, sweeping away all civilization, trampling morals and destroying people. Your weapon is revolution. During the revolution, creative intelligence, aided by past experience, will be replaced by the young and brutal force of the destroyer. Therefore, vile passions and low instincts will dominate. Man will move away from the divine and spiritual world.

— Baron Ungern von Sternberg
Discipline is only an instrument to lead a community in one direction, not to educate it in a single path.

— Otto Strasser, The Prussian Eagle over Germany (1941) 🦅 🇩🇪

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#ottostrasser #strasserism
#doctrine #nationalsocialism
🇮🇹 🇺🇸 🫵🏿 Africanized America, by Italian Leader, Benito Mussolini:
We are moving towards an Africanized America in which the white race, due to the inexorable law of numbers, will end up being overwhelmed by the fertile nephews of the proverbial Uncle Tom. Will we see blacks in the White House in half a century, or in a century?
— Benito Mussolini, Preface of "Europe without Europeans" 🪓

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#quotes #racialism #mussolini
🇪🇺 🇪🇺 🇺🇲  Atlanticism and his Natural Hatred Against the Third World:
Those on the right who support the United States - white racism against the Third World - who are anti-socialist and pro-liberal, and who are willing to collaborate with the Atlanticists, as well as those on the left who attack Tradition, the organic values of religion, family and homeland, and who promote vile types of social deviations - both are in the enemy's camp.

— Aleksandr Dugin 🌟

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#aleksandrdugin #4pt #antiliberalism
#quotes #antiglobalism #antiatlanticism
One of Ivan the Terrible's mistakes was to overlook the five great feudal families. If he had annihilated those five families, there would definitely have been no Time of Troubles. But Ivan the Terrible would execute someone and then spend a long time repenting and praying. God got in his way in this matter. He ought to have been still more decisive!
— Joseph Stalin Moskovskie novosti, no. 32, 7 August 1988 🇷🇺 🔨

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#quotes #stalin #bolshevism #marxismleninism #sovietunion
🌍🇦🇱Albanian Self-Sufficiency and Socialism with Albanian Characteristics:
The Albanian nation must be strong, united, and vigilant. We must build our socialism on the foundations of our national heritage, ensuring that our socialist transformation does not alienate us from our roots but rather enriches our national identity. The socialist revolution in Albania must be our revolution, tailored to our specific historical and cultural context, not a mere imitation of others.

Our national question is intrinsically linked to the socialist question. We cannot achieve TRUE SOCIALISM without strengthening our national unity and defending our national rights. The Albanian people's struggle for socialism is also a struggle for national liberation from all forms of foreign domination and cultural erasure.

— Enver Hoxha, in his book "The Titoites" (Page 105-107) 🇦🇱 🔨🇦🇱

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#marxismleninism #albania
#antirevisionism #redrevision
#quotes #enverhoxha #stalinism
Proletarian violence, exercised as a pure and simple manifestation of the class struggle, thus appears covered with a beautiful and heroic character. It serves the primary interests of civilization and, even when it does not choose the most appropriate path to achieve immediate material interests, it can save the world from barbarism. (...) it is to violence to which socialism owes the high moral values through which the salvation of the modern world comes.
Let us salute the revolutionaries as the Greeks saluted the Spartan heroes who defended Thermopylae and who contributed to preserving the light of the ancient world.
— Georges Sorel, Réflexions sur la violence
🔨 🌟 Through Duginist Conception: Different Types of Nationalisms
Within the Fourth Political Theory, it is common to differentiate between nationalisms, demonstrating their transcendent value and doctrinal complexity.

— Aristocratic Socialism⚒️

🌞 Apollonian Nationalism:
An Apollonian nationalism is one that is always referred and directed directly to the Above, to the transcendent dimension, to the Idea. Its political form is the Empire, which is always universal and could well be called ideocracy. It acts as a force of attraction, agglutination and cohesion, bringing together different ethnic groups, cultures, etc. under itself and for itself. Although generally militarized, it fundamentally seeks to establish a philosophical-spiritual reign, including a pedagogy that seeks to ethicalize the people.

⛓️‍💥 Dionysian Nationalism:
A Dionysian nationalism is one aimed at the middle line, at the realm of phenomena. In general, it takes the form of some type of ethnonationalism, structuring itself as a nation-state that pursues the medium-term interests of a culture and people, sporadically in alliance with other nations for pragmatic interests, but without major commitments. In general, the people are mobilized in a productive and creative way, but without long-term goals or lofty concerns.
💵 Cybelline Nationalism:
A cybelline nationalism is one turned downwards, towards pure immanence. In general, it is a nationalism of dissolved mobs, generally reactive (it is constructed as “anti”). Without universal connection, here are tendencies towards separatism, chauvinism and isolationism. The Homeland is seen merely as where one sets one's feet, in a purely material sense, and culture is reduced to sensory stimuli. The people only exist as a mass to procreate, consume, work and be anesthetized to remain docile.

— Raphael Machado, Article 🇧🇷

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#raphaelmachado #4pt
#nationalism #aleksandrdugin
✝️ 🌟 🌟 We are the Army of Christ:
And that. Crossing NATO's red lines. We have to prepare for a total war with the NATO, which means preparing attacks on Berlin, Paris, London and Washington. Apparently, it is no longer possible to do without nuclear weapons. Easter shows which side we are on. In the US the Gospel was prohibited, in Russia society is increasingly aware of itself as the army of Christ. We reached the last line.
— Aleksandr Dugin 🌟

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#quotes #aleksandrdugin #smo #zov
К о м а р о в о 🇷🇺 🎀 ✴️

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#music #kazakhmarxist
#edit #igorsklyar #sovietunion
China 🇨🇳 doesn’t need to outgun the U.S. empire even if it is at the very least a peer in terms of firepower.

China just needs to sit back, develop itself, and watch as the empire crashes and burns.
The liberalization and westernization of the Reich necessarily imply the renunciation of the East. By integrating into European civilization, the feeling for the East, its value and its values disappear. The force of national affirmation is dangerously paralyzed in the eastern border region.
Since Germany is liberal, bourgeois and Western, it is incapable of maintaining the East. And as long as it remains liberal, bourgeois and Western, it will have to accept one retreat after another in the East, suffering one defeat after another. By aspiring to bourgeois and civilizational values, we deny rural and natural values. Entry into Western civilization necessarily implies abandoning the vocation of colonizing the East. These are inevitable causalities whose consequences are fatal.

— Ernst Niekisch
🇩🇪 ❄️🤝🏻☀️ 🇮🇹 Fascism was born from the Aryan and Mediterranean race according to Italian Leader, Mussolini:
How then was this Fascism born; amidst what tumultuous passions, sympathy, hatred, bitterness, and misunderstanding? It wasn't just born in my mind and heart; it was not just born at that meeting held in March 1919 in the small salon in Milan; was born from the deep and perennial need of our Mediterranean and Aryan race, which felt the essential foundations of its existence threatened by a tragic madness and a mythical tale that is unraveling today, in the very place where it was born.

— Benito Mussolini, speech in Bologna, April 3, 1921 🇮🇹 💀🪓

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#quotes #racialism #mussolini
#italianfascism #nationalsocialism
🔨 🕊️ Freedom In Capitalist Society:
Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in the ancient Greek republics: freedom for the slave-owners.
— Vladimir Lenin, quoted in the book The State and Revolution 🇷🇺

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#quotes #lenin #anticapitalism
#bolshevism #marxismleninism
🌗 Dionysus, The Intermediary:
[...] the figure of Dionysus who is the Sun within the night. So this is the hidden intellect. This is the hidden Logos. Being in Hell but not being Hell, being within the night but not belonging to the night, being within the world of Cybele but not being part of the function of the world of Cybele. I call this, in a completely different philosophical direction, the radical subject. The radical subject is the subject who is in the center of the night, not being the night.
— Aleksandr Dugin, excerpt from the introductory lecture on noomachy 🌟

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#quotes #aleksandrdugin #dionysus
🍃 🌿 🇬🇧 The Art of Life:
There are periods in history when change is necessary
, and other periods when it is better to keep everything for the time as it is. The art of life is to be in the rhythm of your age.
— Sir Oswald Mosley, My Life (1968)

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