Dear Family of Light,
If you receive a message like this please know it is from a SPAMMER who is IMPERSONATING ME!!!
If you receive a message like this please know it is from a SPAMMER who is IMPERSONATING ME!!!
Quantum Disentanglement Transmission: Invoking Gold, Ultraviolet and Ultrared Angelic Light
In quantum physics, there is the concept that when two particles are entangled, they then start to share a new, collective identity. Extending this idea objects and beings can become so inextricably intertwined that it’s no longer possible to think of them existing separately. They assume a new, collective identity that can persist even if they’re separated by vast distances.
In the world of energy and consciousness two or more souls can become entwined and entangled. This can happen within a family unit, it can happen with a lover, it can happen with certain streams of energies coming through the ancestral lines, it can come as a result of other lifetime karmic entanglements.
In quantum physics, there is the concept that when two particles are entangled, they then start to share a new, collective identity. Extending this idea objects and beings can become so inextricably intertwined that it’s no longer possible to think of them existing separately. They assume a new, collective identity that can persist even if they’re separated by vast distances.
In the world of energy and consciousness two or more souls can become entwined and entangled. This can happen within a family unit, it can happen with a lover, it can happen with certain streams of energies coming through the ancestral lines, it can come as a result of other lifetime karmic entanglements.

Dear Starseed,
The physical form is often made a major issue in the 3D World. Race, colour, gender, beauty or lack thereof is all a big issue in the regular world.
The 3D ego has placed the form on a pedestal and forgot about essence.
As the soul begins to awaken in the physical form then there is a greater appreciation for essence, energy and vibration.
Overly focusing on form can lead to a dimming of soul light. Look beyond form. Allow the true beauty of the soul to shine through the form.
Love Steve 🙏🌟🦋⭐️🌸🦋⭐️🌟🦋🌸🦋⭐️🦋🌟🦋⭐️🌸🙏
The physical form is often made a major issue in the 3D World. Race, colour, gender, beauty or lack thereof is all a big issue in the regular world.
The 3D ego has placed the form on a pedestal and forgot about essence.
As the soul begins to awaken in the physical form then there is a greater appreciation for essence, energy and vibration.
Overly focusing on form can lead to a dimming of soul light. Look beyond form. Allow the true beauty of the soul to shine through the form.
Love Steve 🙏🌟🦋⭐️🌸🦋⭐️🌟🦋🌸🦋⭐️🦋🌟🦋⭐️🌸🙏

Dear Starseed,
We live in a magical Universe. When we shift into a 4D awareness then we become conscious of the energy flows around us. We become aware that crystals, plants, trees have their own consciousness which is different to human consciousness.
When we shift into 4D we become aware of the principle that we create our reality, that our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, choices, words and actions are creative.
When we shift into the lower spectrum of 5D we become aware that stars and suns have their own consciousness. That angels work within the sun of our solar system. That there are 5D grids of light shifting the Earth-plane.
When we shift into 5D we become aware that we create and co-create our reality. That we have much assistance from Unseen Friends in Spirit.
When we shift into 5D we become aware of various timelines and the need to align with our highest destiny.
Much love Steve 🙏🌸☀️✨🌟🌼🌷🌟🌼🌟⭐️🌟🌟💜🌟🌷🌼🌟✨🌷🌟🌸☀️🙏
We live in a magical Universe. When we shift into a 4D awareness then we become conscious of the energy flows around us. We become aware that crystals, plants, trees have their own consciousness which is different to human consciousness.
When we shift into 4D we become aware of the principle that we create our reality, that our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, choices, words and actions are creative.
When we shift into the lower spectrum of 5D we become aware that stars and suns have their own consciousness. That angels work within the sun of our solar system. That there are 5D grids of light shifting the Earth-plane.
When we shift into 5D we become aware that we create and co-create our reality. That we have much assistance from Unseen Friends in Spirit.
When we shift into 5D we become aware of various timelines and the need to align with our highest destiny.
Much love Steve 🙏🌸☀️✨🌟🌼🌷🌟🌼🌟⭐️🌟🌟💜🌟🌷🌼🌟✨🌷🌟🌸☀️🙏
The Wild God Transmission: Shaman, Warrior, Lover, Sage
Within Patriarchal culture, both women and men has been conditioned to believe in a transcendent God that rules the earth like some distant landlord. Patriarchal culture including patriarchal religions have created limiting hierarchies, where those at the top dominate those below. At the top of these structures are the Popes, the Kings, the Presidents and Prime Ministers. We could consider the God/Goddess Force to be both transcendent and immanent, meaning within nature, within every being.
In such systems, men are conditioned to disconnect from their bodies and feelings to overcome physical discomfort, pain, and fear. They are taught that boys do not cry, that grown men should be hard and not soft. So men (and some women) grow up focusing more on thinking and less on feeling. The Wild Masculine is untamed and free, dancing beyond the vice grip of patriarchal systems.
In our civilised world we have lost touch with the wildness of the immanent life force, we have lost touch with the Wild Feminine and Masculine. The energy of the Wild Masculine can be found dancing through the mountains, wildflowers, sun and stars.
Within Patriarchal culture, both women and men has been conditioned to believe in a transcendent God that rules the earth like some distant landlord. Patriarchal culture including patriarchal religions have created limiting hierarchies, where those at the top dominate those below. At the top of these structures are the Popes, the Kings, the Presidents and Prime Ministers. We could consider the God/Goddess Force to be both transcendent and immanent, meaning within nature, within every being.
In such systems, men are conditioned to disconnect from their bodies and feelings to overcome physical discomfort, pain, and fear. They are taught that boys do not cry, that grown men should be hard and not soft. So men (and some women) grow up focusing more on thinking and less on feeling. The Wild Masculine is untamed and free, dancing beyond the vice grip of patriarchal systems.
In our civilised world we have lost touch with the wildness of the immanent life force, we have lost touch with the Wild Feminine and Masculine. The energy of the Wild Masculine can be found dancing through the mountains, wildflowers, sun and stars.

Dear Starseed,
I saw this poem by Virginia Woolf and was moved to share.
“Whatever happens, stay alive.
Don't die before you're dead.
Don't lose yourself,
Don't lose hope,
Don't lose direction.
Stay alive, with yourself,
with every cell of your body,
with every fiber of your skin.
Stay alive, learn, study, think,
read, build, invent, create, speak,
dance, write, dream, design.
Stay alive, stay alive inside you,
Stay alive also outside,
Fill yourself with colors of the world,
Fill yourself with peace,
Fill yourself with hope.
Stay alive with joy.
There is only one thing
you should not waste in life,
and that's life itself.”
I saw this poem by Virginia Woolf and was moved to share.
“Whatever happens, stay alive.
Don't die before you're dead.
Don't lose yourself,
Don't lose hope,
Don't lose direction.
Stay alive, with yourself,
with every cell of your body,
with every fiber of your skin.
Stay alive, learn, study, think,
read, build, invent, create, speak,
dance, write, dream, design.
Stay alive, stay alive inside you,
Stay alive also outside,
Fill yourself with colors of the world,
Fill yourself with peace,
Fill yourself with hope.
Stay alive with joy.
There is only one thing
you should not waste in life,
and that's life itself.”
Ultraviolet Angelic Fire and Solar Angelic Fire Transmission: Activating the Bliss Body
This remastered transmission is designed to clear and heal the pain body of this lifetime, any ancestral pain you are carrying along with any trauma bleeding through into your energy fields from any other lifetime.
When the pain bodies are cleared then we invite Solar Angels to open a new energy field, that of your bliss body, that can now be opened at this time of the ascending light of the Age of the Sixth Sun.
This remastered transmission is designed to clear and heal the pain body of this lifetime, any ancestral pain you are carrying along with any trauma bleeding through into your energy fields from any other lifetime.
When the pain bodies are cleared then we invite Solar Angels to open a new energy field, that of your bliss body, that can now be opened at this time of the ascending light of the Age of the Sixth Sun.

I read this story this afternoon and found it very touching and inspiring.
The love story of Bella Rosenfeld and the artist Marc Chagall is nothing short of magical, a deep and emotional connection that began in 1909 in Saint Petersburg. Bella, the 19-year-old daughter of a wealthy Jewish jeweler, met the 26-year-old Chagall, a painter still attending art school. Their love was instant, and both described it as love at first sight. Bella, who would later become a writer, vividly remembered Chagall’s striking blue eyes, describing them as if they “fell straight out of the sky,” and “sailed along by themselves.”
Their love was immortalized in Chagall’s paintings, where they often appear flying together above the world, symbolizing their love as something beyond earthly limits.
The love story of Bella Rosenfeld and the artist Marc Chagall is nothing short of magical, a deep and emotional connection that began in 1909 in Saint Petersburg. Bella, the 19-year-old daughter of a wealthy Jewish jeweler, met the 26-year-old Chagall, a painter still attending art school. Their love was instant, and both described it as love at first sight. Bella, who would later become a writer, vividly remembered Chagall’s striking blue eyes, describing them as if they “fell straight out of the sky,” and “sailed along by themselves.”
Their love was immortalized in Chagall’s paintings, where they often appear flying together above the world, symbolizing their love as something beyond earthly limits.

Dear Starseed,
Do not compromise your light, do not seek to squeeze your light into any 3D box.
Perhaps for a time you have to journey through the 3D world. Perhaps for a time you have to negotiate with 3D beings. This is not your destiny for this entire earth-walk.
Your light and consciousness is multidimensional, there is no 3D system or structure that will appreciate your light and gifts.
You are meant to create new systems and structures, you are here to find your tribe, you are here to shine, not hide under some 3D rock!
Trust yourself, trust your path, trust your guidance.
Love Steve 🙏💕🌼⭐️💕🦋💕🙏💕⭐️⭐️🌼💕💕🌼⭐️🙏🌼💕🙏
Do not compromise your light, do not seek to squeeze your light into any 3D box.
Perhaps for a time you have to journey through the 3D world. Perhaps for a time you have to negotiate with 3D beings. This is not your destiny for this entire earth-walk.
Your light and consciousness is multidimensional, there is no 3D system or structure that will appreciate your light and gifts.
You are meant to create new systems and structures, you are here to find your tribe, you are here to shine, not hide under some 3D rock!
Trust yourself, trust your path, trust your guidance.
Love Steve 🙏💕🌼⭐️💕🦋💕🙏💕⭐️⭐️🌼💕💕🌼⭐️🙏🌼💕🙏

Dear Starseed,
There is an old saying, All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”!
The woman in the image has decided to let her hair down. She has gone to the party to have some fun.
The spiritual path can often seem so serious, calling upon qualities such as self-awareness, courage, discipline and focus.
It is important to balance our work obligations and various projects with the softer qualities of rest, fun and play.
Too much partying and we fall off the path, too much work and we become dull and serious.
Balance and moderation in all things is needed.
My wish for you this day is that you let your hair down just a little. That you have fun doing all the things you have to do today.
Love Steve 🙏🌸☀️🌷✨🌼✨🌷🌸✨🌷🌸🌟✨🌷🌸🌼🌷✨🌷🌸🙏
There is an old saying, All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”!
The woman in the image has decided to let her hair down. She has gone to the party to have some fun.
The spiritual path can often seem so serious, calling upon qualities such as self-awareness, courage, discipline and focus.
It is important to balance our work obligations and various projects with the softer qualities of rest, fun and play.
Too much partying and we fall off the path, too much work and we become dull and serious.
Balance and moderation in all things is needed.
My wish for you this day is that you let your hair down just a little. That you have fun doing all the things you have to do today.
Love Steve 🙏🌸☀️🌷✨🌼✨🌷🌸✨🌷🌸🌟✨🌷🌸🌼🌷✨🌷🌸🙏

Dear Starseed,
Spiritual masters came to this world to remind you of your light. They each came at a point in time and space with a message relevant to that time and space.
Religion is the calcification of these original messages. There are many within religious communities with good intentions.
Though there is much within the teachings of religious paths that is distorted, that limits the soul’s journey within each religious path.
God is not an absentee landlord hurling judgements and thunderbolts at the wicked! God is not exclusively male!
God/Goddess All That is could be called Source Energy.
Source Energy embraces all dimensions of time and space. Source Energy embraces all genders and all modes of sexual expression.
Please remember that sexual energy expressed through the lens of love always uplifts.
Please remember that the Law of Karma is there to maintain balance. Its purpose is not to punish, its purpose is to correct.
You were born in grace, not sin. Your essence is purity, your essence is grace. You were born of the light.
Love Steve 🙏☀️🌼🌸⭐️🌼🌸✨☀️🌸🌼✨☀️🌼🌸⭐️🌸🌼✨☀️🌼🙏
Spiritual masters came to this world to remind you of your light. They each came at a point in time and space with a message relevant to that time and space.
Religion is the calcification of these original messages. There are many within religious communities with good intentions.
Though there is much within the teachings of religious paths that is distorted, that limits the soul’s journey within each religious path.
God is not an absentee landlord hurling judgements and thunderbolts at the wicked! God is not exclusively male!
God/Goddess All That is could be called Source Energy.
Source Energy embraces all dimensions of time and space. Source Energy embraces all genders and all modes of sexual expression.
Please remember that sexual energy expressed through the lens of love always uplifts.
Please remember that the Law of Karma is there to maintain balance. Its purpose is not to punish, its purpose is to correct.
You were born in grace, not sin. Your essence is purity, your essence is grace. You were born of the light.
Love Steve 🙏☀️🌼🌸⭐️🌼🌸✨☀️🌸🌼✨☀️🌼🌸⭐️🌸🌼✨☀️🌼🙏

Dear Starseed,
In this world you will encounter beings whose reality is made up of lower vibrational emotional and mental energies.
As far as possible do not engage in any form of dance with such beings. If you do then you will begin to resonate at some level with their feelings, thoughts and reality.
Especially avoid beings whose are lost in hate or revenge, for these will feel a heavy dance partner indeed!
There maybe times when you have to process some difficult thoughts and feelings, this is fine.
Remember there is a fine line between processing and getting entangled with another.
Forgiveness is not an abstract nicety when it comes to such potential dance partners.
Forgiveness can only come after a certain amount of personal processing.
Forgiveness is about release, letting go of the energies of another that seeks in any way shape or form to bring you down to their level of the dance.
There are many high vibrational beings in this world. If you seek to dance then attract/seek one or more of these beings out!
Love Steve 🙏🌸☀️🌷🌼✨🌷☀️🌸✨☀️🌼☀️🌷✨🌸🙏
In this world you will encounter beings whose reality is made up of lower vibrational emotional and mental energies.
As far as possible do not engage in any form of dance with such beings. If you do then you will begin to resonate at some level with their feelings, thoughts and reality.
Especially avoid beings whose are lost in hate or revenge, for these will feel a heavy dance partner indeed!
There maybe times when you have to process some difficult thoughts and feelings, this is fine.
Remember there is a fine line between processing and getting entangled with another.
Forgiveness is not an abstract nicety when it comes to such potential dance partners.
Forgiveness can only come after a certain amount of personal processing.
Forgiveness is about release, letting go of the energies of another that seeks in any way shape or form to bring you down to their level of the dance.
There are many high vibrational beings in this world. If you seek to dance then attract/seek one or more of these beings out!
Love Steve 🙏🌸☀️🌷🌼✨🌷☀️🌸✨☀️🌼☀️🌷✨🌸🙏

Dear Starseed,
It is important to live in the present and have an awareness of the past. When you connect with your Higher Self much that seemed confusing about your past becomes clearer. 🌷
Your Higher Self can reveal to your mind the reasons for some of the experiences and challenges of your past. 🌷
In my own life much was eventually revealed concerning the circumstances of my birth and why I chose such a 3D challenging and disconnected family! 🌷
Many of the challenges of my past have become very helpful points of reference in my current line of work giving me insights into the various challenges that many face. 🌷
For instance, I picked up so much scarcity programming and fear around lack from my family. It took years to work through. 🌷
Now, from a vantage point of having moved through so many layers of fear and scarcity programming I am in a better position to inspire others to an abundant life. 🌷
Wherever you feel you are within the various labyrinths of disconnection from Source within this world know this. You are not alone. You are here for an important reason. You are here to witness this planet slowly but surely shift into light. 🌷
Above the clouds of 3D programming the true nature of the Universe is abundance. Your true nature is abundance.☀️
Whatever you choose to be or do today, I wish you a joyful and abundant day. ☀️
Love Steve 🙏🌷☀️🌷☀️🌷🌷☀️🌷☀️🌷🙏
It is important to live in the present and have an awareness of the past. When you connect with your Higher Self much that seemed confusing about your past becomes clearer. 🌷
Your Higher Self can reveal to your mind the reasons for some of the experiences and challenges of your past. 🌷
In my own life much was eventually revealed concerning the circumstances of my birth and why I chose such a 3D challenging and disconnected family! 🌷
Many of the challenges of my past have become very helpful points of reference in my current line of work giving me insights into the various challenges that many face. 🌷
For instance, I picked up so much scarcity programming and fear around lack from my family. It took years to work through. 🌷
Now, from a vantage point of having moved through so many layers of fear and scarcity programming I am in a better position to inspire others to an abundant life. 🌷
Wherever you feel you are within the various labyrinths of disconnection from Source within this world know this. You are not alone. You are here for an important reason. You are here to witness this planet slowly but surely shift into light. 🌷
Above the clouds of 3D programming the true nature of the Universe is abundance. Your true nature is abundance.☀️
Whatever you choose to be or do today, I wish you a joyful and abundant day. ☀️
Love Steve 🙏🌷☀️🌷☀️🌷🌷☀️🌷☀️🌷🙏

Dear Starseed,
It is possible in the 3D World to live a rather uneventful life. This is not possible for a soul that has chosen to shift into 5D.
When you prepare to enter the spiritual path life may become more dramatic.
There will be challenges and tests along the path of your life. There will also be unexpected rainbows and miracles.
The bigger the mission, the more expansive the light, this will allow, attract and create both challenges and rainbows.
Allow the challenges to lead you to the unexpected rainbows.
Often a major challenge precedes a great shift in your journey.
Stay true to your heart. Stay true to the course your Higher Self has planned for you.
Love Steve 🙏☀️🌹🌷🌹☀️🙏🌹☀️✨🌹☀️🌹🌷🌹🙏
It is possible in the 3D World to live a rather uneventful life. This is not possible for a soul that has chosen to shift into 5D.
When you prepare to enter the spiritual path life may become more dramatic.
There will be challenges and tests along the path of your life. There will also be unexpected rainbows and miracles.
The bigger the mission, the more expansive the light, this will allow, attract and create both challenges and rainbows.
Allow the challenges to lead you to the unexpected rainbows.
Often a major challenge precedes a great shift in your journey.
Stay true to your heart. Stay true to the course your Higher Self has planned for you.
Love Steve 🙏☀️🌹🌷🌹☀️🙏🌹☀️✨🌹☀️🌹🌷🌹🙏

Dear Starseed,
A few days ago I did a post about a dragon ad since that time the dragon in question has t released my consciousness.
I felt the connection t be powerful, peaceful, loving and also magical.
This morning I recorded a Snow Dragon Transmission and this will probably be released to the 5D Ascension School next week and then to the general YouTube channel and my website sometime later.
Love Steve 🙏🌼🌸⭐️✨⭐️🌼🌸🌼🙏
A few days ago I did a post about a dragon ad since that time the dragon in question has t released my consciousness.
I felt the connection t be powerful, peaceful, loving and also magical.
This morning I recorded a Snow Dragon Transmission and this will probably be released to the 5D Ascension School next week and then to the general YouTube channel and my website sometime later.
Love Steve 🙏🌼🌸⭐️✨⭐️🌼🌸🌼🙏

We are passing through turbulent times where we often feel the need for protection, healing and energetic support. The crystal kingdom is offering humanity a great service at this time. Crystals such as amethyst, rose quartz, clear quartz, jade and many more all have the ability to communicate with the energy flow of the human body and enhance our natural healing energies, whether at a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level. The good news is you do not actually need to own crystals to benefit from their protective, healing and vibration support. There are crystals we can call upon in meditation to assist us at this time.
This Live will contain an Attunement, exercises to connect with the crystal kingdom for protection, healing and grace.
This "Live" is available to all members who are on the "5D Ascension Explorer" level of membership on my YouTube Channel. (Please note that it is not available on the "5D Ascension Supporter" level of membership).
7PM UK TIME (this will be GMT time zone as the clock have changed in the UK for winter)
The recording will remain on YouTube for those who cannot make the exact live time (members who have the "5D Ascension Explorer" level of membership).
HOW TO JOIN: Click on the join link below or head over to my YouTube Channel (SteveNobel) and click the join button. You will then be offered two different levels to choose from, so do make sure you select the "5D Ascension Explorer" level to be able to access this "Live".
MEMBERSHIP JOIN LINK: https://thesoulmatrix.com/5d-ascension-school/
LIVE LINK if you are already an Explorer-Member (after clicking this link, click on "Notify me"):
Image created by Liz Findlay Healing
#crystals #ascension #youtubemembership #5dascensionschool #starseeds #lightworkers #stevenobel
This Live will contain an Attunement, exercises to connect with the crystal kingdom for protection, healing and grace.
This "Live" is available to all members who are on the "5D Ascension Explorer" level of membership on my YouTube Channel. (Please note that it is not available on the "5D Ascension Supporter" level of membership).
7PM UK TIME (this will be GMT time zone as the clock have changed in the UK for winter)
The recording will remain on YouTube for those who cannot make the exact live time (members who have the "5D Ascension Explorer" level of membership).
HOW TO JOIN: Click on the join link below or head over to my YouTube Channel (SteveNobel) and click the join button. You will then be offered two different levels to choose from, so do make sure you select the "5D Ascension Explorer" level to be able to access this "Live".
MEMBERSHIP JOIN LINK: https://thesoulmatrix.com/5d-ascension-school/
LIVE LINK if you are already an Explorer-Member (after clicking this link, click on "Notify me"):
Image created by Liz Findlay Healing
#crystals #ascension #youtubemembership #5dascensionschool #starseeds #lightworkers #stevenobel

Dear Starseed,
Family duties/connections and friendship has called me away these past couple of days.
My message to you this day is that the light is always with you.
There will be times you feel you are walking alone. There maybe times when you feel you are walking through dark inner landscapes.
Even in these times the light never truly goes away. Perhaps lower astral clouds have obscured the sunshine yet the sun continues to shine down on you.
Perhaps the various duties and pressures of this world have grabbed your energy, obscured the sunlight, yet the sun always shines down on you.
Call for Angelic support to blow away all lower astral energies so that you connection to the light is clear and strong.
Remember you are a child of the Universe and the Earth is but a temporary home.
Much love
Steve 🙏💜🌼💜🌷💜✨💜🌷💜🌼💜🌷☀️💜✨☀️💜☀️🌷💜🌷💜✨☀️💜🌷✨☀️💜✨💜☀️🌷🙏
Family duties/connections and friendship has called me away these past couple of days.
My message to you this day is that the light is always with you.
There will be times you feel you are walking alone. There maybe times when you feel you are walking through dark inner landscapes.
Even in these times the light never truly goes away. Perhaps lower astral clouds have obscured the sunshine yet the sun continues to shine down on you.
Perhaps the various duties and pressures of this world have grabbed your energy, obscured the sunlight, yet the sun always shines down on you.
Call for Angelic support to blow away all lower astral energies so that you connection to the light is clear and strong.
Remember you are a child of the Universe and the Earth is but a temporary home.
Much love
Steve 🙏💜🌼💜🌷💜✨💜🌷💜🌼💜🌷☀️💜✨☀️💜☀️🌷💜🌷💜✨☀️💜🌷✨☀️💜✨💜☀️🌷🙏
Goddess Isis, and the Light of Sirius Transmission: Illuminating and Clearing Your Path
There are times when the spiritual path seems hazy, the way ahead uncertain. There may be times when you doubt the path or feel confused or have a certain level of interference about your journey.
At such times call upon the Goddess Isis and the light of Sirius to guide you. In this transmission we call on your Higher Self to create a landscape that reflects your current energy. In this landscape a path or timeline that reflects your journey so far and also the potential and possibilities of the way ahead.
We call on Goddess Isis and all beings working with Isis, we call on the light of the star Sirius, archangels working with that light. We also call on Archangels Raphael and Uriel to clear your mind and the path ahead.
There are times when the spiritual path seems hazy, the way ahead uncertain. There may be times when you doubt the path or feel confused or have a certain level of interference about your journey.
At such times call upon the Goddess Isis and the light of Sirius to guide you. In this transmission we call on your Higher Self to create a landscape that reflects your current energy. In this landscape a path or timeline that reflects your journey so far and also the potential and possibilities of the way ahead.
We call on Goddess Isis and all beings working with Isis, we call on the light of the star Sirius, archangels working with that light. We also call on Archangels Raphael and Uriel to clear your mind and the path ahead.

Dear Starseed,
As our planet was preparing for the transition into light this triggered a number of events. Firstly, more cosmic light began to impact the planet. This process has been accelerating in the past decade and a bit.
Starseeds began to incarnate in increasing numbers praising the number of Starseeds on the planet to some millions. Starseeds are still in the minority though this will change over the coming decades.
There is a time of awakening that is slightly different for each Starseed as the light begins to trigger certain encoded ‘keys’ within the DNA.
This begins a shift in vibration that begins to affect the etheric body (chakras and meridians) and the physical body. There maybe some discomfort during this process
The etheric body is slowly upgraded and this allows certain systems within the physical body to upgrade to accommodate more light.
New frequencies then become available as the etheric and physical body can accept and assimilate the new levels of incoming light.
All of this opens us to connection to many unseen friends in the inner worlds including beings of light from many star systems as well as from other dimensions.
So buckle up Dorothy, ‘cause Kansas is going bye bye.
Love Steve ⭐️🌷⭐️🌸⭐️🌟🌸⭐️🌟🌸⭐️🌷🌟🌟🌷🌟🌟🌷
As our planet was preparing for the transition into light this triggered a number of events. Firstly, more cosmic light began to impact the planet. This process has been accelerating in the past decade and a bit.
Starseeds began to incarnate in increasing numbers praising the number of Starseeds on the planet to some millions. Starseeds are still in the minority though this will change over the coming decades.
There is a time of awakening that is slightly different for each Starseed as the light begins to trigger certain encoded ‘keys’ within the DNA.
This begins a shift in vibration that begins to affect the etheric body (chakras and meridians) and the physical body. There maybe some discomfort during this process
The etheric body is slowly upgraded and this allows certain systems within the physical body to upgrade to accommodate more light.
New frequencies then become available as the etheric and physical body can accept and assimilate the new levels of incoming light.
All of this opens us to connection to many unseen friends in the inner worlds including beings of light from many star systems as well as from other dimensions.
So buckle up Dorothy, ‘cause Kansas is going bye bye.
Love Steve ⭐️🌷⭐️🌸⭐️🌟🌸⭐️🌟🌸⭐️🌷🌟🌟🌷🌟🌟🌷

Dear Starseed,
If you were to look into your many lifetimes you will see that you have taken many forms, and not all that you would recognise as human.
Some are part human, like the young woman in this image who is part Fae and part human.
There are souls walking the earth-plane that have a strong connection to the Faerie realms. These are races that exist in a higher dimension of the earth.
Perhaps one day you will meet a Faerie guide or lover in your dreams/meditations. That would be a blessing indeed!
Perhaps one day the human family will be reunited with their Faerie kin. That would be a blessing indeed!
Wishing you a magical day filled with delicious fairy dust.
Love Steve 🙏🌼🌷🌟⭐️☀️🧚♀️🙏✨☀️🌟🌷🌸⭐️🌼🧚
If you were to look into your many lifetimes you will see that you have taken many forms, and not all that you would recognise as human.
Some are part human, like the young woman in this image who is part Fae and part human.
There are souls walking the earth-plane that have a strong connection to the Faerie realms. These are races that exist in a higher dimension of the earth.
Perhaps one day you will meet a Faerie guide or lover in your dreams/meditations. That would be a blessing indeed!
Perhaps one day the human family will be reunited with their Faerie kin. That would be a blessing indeed!
Wishing you a magical day filled with delicious fairy dust.
Love Steve 🙏🌼🌷🌟⭐️☀️🧚♀️🙏✨☀️🌟🌷🌸⭐️🌼🧚

Dear Starseed,
You are not of this world, you are a temporary guest. You are a wanderer, having passed through many dimensions, planetary systems and many forms. Some of these forms will seem, from your current physical form, like bodies of light.
Your true essence is light, your true home is in the stars.
Though you have passed through many dimensions, many planetary systems there are places, dimensions and stellar communities that feel like home.
Within such dimensions and races you have experienced many lifetimes, made many soul connections.
At this time of ascension many soul friends are here. Many connect with you in your meditations and dreams, many also walk with you in the Spirit Worlds.
Though you do not truly feel a deep sense of belonging on the Earth there are places, especially in wild nature, that hold a vibration that feels healing and welcoming.
Remember home is within you wherever you go.
Love Steve 🙏⭐️🌼🦋🪴⭐️🦋⭐️⭐️🦋🪴🌼⭐️🪴🌼🦋⭐️🪴🌼⭐️🙏
You are not of this world, you are a temporary guest. You are a wanderer, having passed through many dimensions, planetary systems and many forms. Some of these forms will seem, from your current physical form, like bodies of light.
Your true essence is light, your true home is in the stars.
Though you have passed through many dimensions, many planetary systems there are places, dimensions and stellar communities that feel like home.
Within such dimensions and races you have experienced many lifetimes, made many soul connections.
At this time of ascension many soul friends are here. Many connect with you in your meditations and dreams, many also walk with you in the Spirit Worlds.
Though you do not truly feel a deep sense of belonging on the Earth there are places, especially in wild nature, that hold a vibration that feels healing and welcoming.
Remember home is within you wherever you go.
Love Steve 🙏⭐️🌼🦋🪴⭐️🦋⭐️⭐️🦋🪴🌼⭐️🪴🌼🦋⭐️🪴🌼⭐️🙏

Dear Starseed,
In your inner worlds there are many wonderful allies. Some of these may come in the form of mythological creatures.
Dragons are one such ally. Though largely demonised in Western myths and legends they can be kind, helpful and powerful friends to meet.
Dragons come in all sizes and in many different colours. In this image a young woman is meeting a snow-pearlescent-white dragon with kind turquoise eyes.
My wish for you this day is that you meet many new unseen friends in the spirit worlds who seek to assist you in your Earth-walk.
Love Steve 🙏⭐️☀️✨🌷🐉🌼🌸☀️⭐️🌷🐉🌷✨🙏
In your inner worlds there are many wonderful allies. Some of these may come in the form of mythological creatures.
Dragons are one such ally. Though largely demonised in Western myths and legends they can be kind, helpful and powerful friends to meet.
Dragons come in all sizes and in many different colours. In this image a young woman is meeting a snow-pearlescent-white dragon with kind turquoise eyes.
My wish for you this day is that you meet many new unseen friends in the spirit worlds who seek to assist you in your Earth-walk.
Love Steve 🙏⭐️☀️✨🌷🐉🌼🌸☀️⭐️🌷🐉🌷✨🙏

This is an extract from a piece of writing by Najwa Zebian (Welcome Home: A Guide to Building a Home for Your Soul).
“The biggest mistake we make is that we build our homes in other people. We build those homes and we decorate them with the love and care and respect that makes us feel safe at the end of the day. We invest in other people, and we evaluate our self-worth based on how much those homes welcome us.
But what many don’t realize is that when you build your home in other people, you give them the power to make you homeless. When those people walk away, those homes walk away with them, and all of a sudden, we feel empty because everything that we had within us, we put into them. We trusted someone else with pieces of us. The emptiness we feel doesn’t mean we have nothing to give, or that we have nothing within us. It’s just that we built our home in the wrong place.”
“The biggest mistake we make is that we build our homes in other people. We build those homes and we decorate them with the love and care and respect that makes us feel safe at the end of the day. We invest in other people, and we evaluate our self-worth based on how much those homes welcome us.
But what many don’t realize is that when you build your home in other people, you give them the power to make you homeless. When those people walk away, those homes walk away with them, and all of a sudden, we feel empty because everything that we had within us, we put into them. We trusted someone else with pieces of us. The emptiness we feel doesn’t mean we have nothing to give, or that we have nothing within us. It’s just that we built our home in the wrong place.”

Dear Starseed,
This morning I saw the sunrise, like a gorgeous orange ball of light appearing on the horizon.
I have not seen it rise so clearly and so beautifully for many years.
In my transmissions I connect Starseeds to the core of the sun and the core of the earth.
There are many angels and archangels that work within the sun and with solar light.
May the angels of the sun clear all darkness and confusion.
May the angels of the sun bless and illuminate your day.
Love Steve 🙏✨🌼🌟☀️✨🌼✨🌼✨☀️✨☀️🌟☀️✨🙏
This morning I saw the sunrise, like a gorgeous orange ball of light appearing on the horizon.
I have not seen it rise so clearly and so beautifully for many years.
In my transmissions I connect Starseeds to the core of the sun and the core of the earth.
There are many angels and archangels that work within the sun and with solar light.
May the angels of the sun clear all darkness and confusion.
May the angels of the sun bless and illuminate your day.
Love Steve 🙏✨🌼🌟☀️✨🌼✨🌼✨☀️✨☀️🌟☀️✨🙏
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